Browse Source


sunChengjie 11 months ago

+ 0 - 313

@@ -1,313 +0,0 @@
-	<div>
-		<p style="text-align: center;font-size: .36rem;margin-top: .2rem;">快递列表</p>
-		<div class="content">
-			<div class="sm">
-				<van-search placeholder="点击搜索" readonly @click="addshow=true"/>
-			</div>
-			<!-- table切换 -->
-			<div class="tab">
-				<div>
-					<p @click="tab(1)" :class="[index==1?'active':'']">寄件</p>
-					<p @click="tab(2)" :class="[index==2?'active':'']">收件</p>
-				</div>		
-			</div>
-			<!-- 快件查询列表 -->
-			<div class="jjlist">
-				<div class="listinfo">
-					<div class="list_top">
-						<div class="list_top_left">
-							<img src="../assets/images/ad_icon1.png" alt="">
-							<div>
-								<p>内单 432432432123</p>
-								<p><span>收</span>王伟</p>
-								<p>5幢-6层  销售部</p>
-							</div>
-						</div>
-						<p class="staus1" @click="slide">{{options}}</p>
-					</div>
-				</div>
-			</div>
-			<div class="jjlist">
-				<div class="listinfo">
-					<div class="list_top">
-						<div class="list_top_left">
-							<img src="../assets/images/ad_icon1.png" alt="">
-							<div>
-								<p>内单 432432432</p>
-								<p><span>收</span>王伟</p>
-								<p>5幢-6层  销售部</p>
-							</div>
-						</div>
-						<p class="staus2">待派件</p>
-					</div>
-				</div>
-			</div>
-		</div>
-		<!-- 选择下拉 -->
-		<van-popup v-model="showPicker" position="bottom">
-		  <van-picker title="" show-toolbar :columns="columns" @confirm="onConfirm" @cancel="showPicker=false" />
-		</van-popup>
-		<!-- 筛选 -->
-		<van-popup round v-model="addshow" class="whrite_add" closeable>
-			<div>
-				<p style="font-size: 16px;text-align: center;margin-bottom: 16px;">筛选</p>
-				<van-form @submit="search">
-				  <van-field v-model="box" name="寄包柜" label="寄包柜" placeholder="请选择" readonly/>
-				  <van-field v-model="name" name="收件人" label="收件人" placeholder="请输入收件人"/>
-				  <van-field v-model="starttime" name="开始时间" label="开始时间" placeholder="请选择" readonly @click="time(1)"/>
-				  <van-field v-model="endtime" name="结束时间" label="结束时间" placeholder="请选择" readonly @click="time(2)"/>
-				  <van-field v-model="staus" name="状态" label="状态" placeholder="请选择" readonly @click="ztshow=true"/>
-				  <div style="margin-top: 16px;">
-				    <van-button color="#00c4b8" block type="info" native-type="submit">确定</van-button>
-				  </div>
-				</van-form>
-			</div>		  
-		</van-popup>
-		<!-- 时间 -->
-		<van-popup v-model="timeshow" position="bottom">
-			<van-datetime-picker
-			  v-model="currentDate"
-			  type="datetime"
-			  title="选择时间"
-			  :min-date="minDate"
-			  @confirm="timedate"
-			  @cancel="timeshow=false"
-			/>
-		</van-popup>
-		<!-- 状态 -->
-		<van-popup v-model="ztshow" position="bottom">
-			<van-picker title="标状态" show-toolbar :columns="ztlist" @confirm="zt" @cancel="ztshow=false"/>
-		</van-popup>
-	</div>
-	export default{
-		data(){
-			return{
-				titlename:"寄包柜子",
-				showPicker:false,
-				columns:["未派件","待派件"],
-				options:"待揽件",
-				index:1,
-				addshow:false,
-				name:"",
-				timeshow:false,
-				box:"",
-				starttime:"",
-				endtime:"",
-				staus:"",
-				currentDate:"",
-				minDate:new Date(),
-				timetype:"",//时间类别1开始、2结束
-				ztshow:false,
-				ztlist:["状态一","状态二"],
-			}
-		},
-		created:function(){
-		},
-		methods:{
-			// tab切换
-			tab(obj){
-				this.index=obj
-			},
-			// 下拉选择属性
-			slide(){
-				this.showPicker=true
-			},
-			// 下拉选择赋值
-			onConfirm(e){
-				this.options=e
-				this.showPicker=false
-			},
-			search(){},
-			timedate(e){
-				var date=new Date(e)
-				var year=date.getFullYear()
-				var month=date.getMonth()+1
-				month=month>9?month:'0'+month
-				var day=date.getDate()
-				day=day>9?day:'0'+day
-				var hour=date.getHours()
-				hour=hour>9?hour:'0'+hour
-				var minute=date.getMinutes()
-				minute=minute>9?minute:'0'+minute
-				console.log(month)
-				if(this.timetype==1){
-					this.starttime=year+'-'+month+'-'+day+' '+hour+':'+minute
-				}
-				if(this.timetype==2){
-					this.endtime=year+'-'+month+'-'+day+' '+hour+':'+minute
-				}
-				this.timeshow=false
-			},
-			time(obj){
-				this.timeshow=true
-				this.timetype=obj
-			},
-			// 状态显示
-			zt(e){
-				this.staus=e
-				this.ztshow=false
-			}
-		},
-		mounted:function(){
-		}
-	}
-<style scoped lang="less">
-	.content{
-		padding: 0.25rem .37rem;
-		.tab{
-			font-size: .36rem;
-			color: #00c4b8;	
-					background: white;
-			div{
-				display: flex;
-				text-align: center;			
-				border-radius: .05rem;
-				p{
-					flex: 1;
-					padding: .2rem 0rem;
-					color: #333;				
-				}
-					border-bottom:.01rem solid #00c4b8;
-					color: #00c4b8;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		.sm{
-			margin-bottom: .2rem;
-			/deep/.van-search{
-				width: 100%;
-				height: .76rem;
-				border-radius: 25px;
-				overflow: hidden;
-				padding: 0rem;
-				background-color: white;
-				.van-search__content{
-					background-color: white;
-				}
-				input{
-					background-color: white;
-				}
-			}
-			img{
-				width:.4rem;
-				height: .4rem;
-				position: relative;
-				top: .18rem;
-			}
-		}
-		.jjlist {
-			font-size: .3rem;
-			color: #999999;
-			.listinfo {
-				background: white;
-				padding: .33rem .33rem .2rem;
-				border-radius: .05rem;
-				margin-bottom: .2rem;
-				position: relative;
-				.list_top {
-					display: flex;
-					justify-content: space-between;
-					.list_top_left {
-						img {
-							display: inline-block;
-							width: .9rem;
-							height: .9rem;
-							position: relative;
-							top: -.1rem;
-						}
-						div {
-							width: 3.8rem;
-							margin-left: .2rem;
-							display: inline-block;	
-							position: relative;
-							p:nth-of-type(1) {
-								font-size: .28rem;
-								color: #333;
-								font-weight: bold;
-							}
-							p:nth-of-type(2) {
-								font-size: .22rem;
-								margin: .1rem 0rem;
-								display: flex;
-								align-items: center;
-								span{
-									background: #fa9c22;
-									color: white;
-									border-radius:50% ;
-									display: inline-block;
-									width: .4rem;
-									height: .4rem;
-									text-align: center;
-									line-height: .4rem;
-									margin-right: .1rem;
-								}
-							}		
-							p:nth-of-type(3) {
-								font-size: .22rem;
-							}
-						}
-					}		
-					>p {
-						font-size: .24rem;
-						font-weight: bold;
-						display: flex;
-						align-items: center;
-					}
-					>p:after{
-						content: "";
-						width: .1rem;
-						height: .1rem;
-						display: inline-block;
-						border-right: .01rem solid #7a7a7a;
-						border-bottom: .01rem solid #7a7a7a;
-						transform: rotate(45deg);
-						position: relative;
-						margin-left: .05rem;
-						top: -.02rem;
-					}
-					.staus1{
-						color: #f5693d;
-					}
-					.staus2{
-						color: #3d82f5;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	.whrite_add{
-		width: 6.6rem;
-		padding: .4rem .2rem;
-		/deep/.van-field__value{
-			input{
-				text-align: right;
-			}
-		}
-		/deep/.van-popup__close-icon--top-right{
-			top: 5px;
-			right: 10px;
-		}
-	}

+ 34 - 55

@@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
 	<div class="content">
 		<div class="sm">
-			<!-- <van-search v-model="value" @search="onSearch" placeholder="点击搜索单号" /> -->
-			<van-search v-model="value" placeholder="点击搜索单号" />
+			<van-search v-model="searchValue" @search="onSearch" placeholder="点击搜索单号" />
 			<img @click="wxScanCode()" src="@/assets/user/u4.png" alt="">
 		<!-- 显示 -->
@@ -14,33 +13,33 @@
 		<div class="icon">
 			<div class="icon-box">
 				<router-link to="storage">
-					<div style="">
+					<span class="span">
 						<img src="@/assets/user/u32.png" alt="">
-					</div>
+					</span>
 			<div class="icon-box">
 				<router-link to="Removal">
-					<div style="">
+					<span class="span">
 						<img src="@/assets/user/u35.png" alt="">
-					</div>
+					</span>
 			<div class="icon-box">
 				<router-link to="DeliveryInquiry">
-					<div style="">
+					<span class="span">
 						<img src="@/assets/user/u38.png" alt="">
-					</div>
+					</span>
 			<div class="icon-box">
 				<router-link to="SignA">
-					<div style="">
+					<span class="span">
 						<img src="@/assets/user/u41.png" alt="">
-					</div>
+					</span>
@@ -59,30 +58,13 @@ import wx from "weixin-jsapi";
 export default {
 	data() {
 		return {
-			active: 0,
 			deliveryList: [],//派件
 			collectList: [],//揽收
-			value: "",
-			index: 1,
-			total: 0,
+			searchValue: "", //搜索单号的值
 			expressMap: {}, //收件
 			mailMap: {}, //寄件
-			data: [{
-				value: '',
-				name: '签收成功'
-			},
-			{
-				value: '',
-				name: '派送中'
-			},
-			{
-				value: '',
-				name: '派送失败'
-			},]
-	created: function () {
-	},
 	async mounted() {
 		// 数据图表
 		const resValue = await appStatistics({ deliveryPeopleId: localStorage.getItem('courierId') })
@@ -98,7 +80,6 @@ export default {
 			} else if (expressStatus == "4") {
 				deliveryFailure = number
 		let waiteCollecte = 0 //待揽收
 		let noCollecte = 0 //未揽收
@@ -112,8 +93,6 @@ export default {
-		console.log(resValue, 'resValue')
 		// 页面加载完成唤醒微信扫一扫
 		//本地 注释  服务器 放开
 		setTimeout(() => {
@@ -255,14 +234,9 @@ export default {
 		}, 500)
-	methods: {//encodeURI(window.location.href.split('#')[0])
+	methods: {
+		// 点击搜索icon
 		wxScanCode() {
-			// let purl = /(Android)/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ? window.location.href.split('#')[0] : encodeURI(window.location.href.split('#')[0]);
-			// let dataForm = {
-			// 	'url': purl
-			// }
-			//alert(url)
 				needResult: 1, // 默认为0,扫描结果由微信处理,1则直接返回扫描结果,
 				scanType: ["qrCode", "barCode"], // 可以指定扫二维码还是一维码,默认二者都有
@@ -285,6 +259,7 @@ export default {
+		// 点击搜索icon
 		async wxScanCodeA(result) {
 			const res = await appFindYourShipment({ expressNo: result }, { emulateJSON: true })
 			if (res.msg == 'success' && {
@@ -293,24 +268,18 @@ export default {
 			} else {
-		}
-	},
+		},
-	//单号搜索
-	onSearch(val) {
-		this.$router.push({
-			path: '/Sysearch',
-			query: {
-				expressNo: val,
-				searchType: "1" //1.搜索全部 2.搜索快件 3.搜索寄件
+		// 搜索
+		async onSearch() {
+			const res = await appFindYourShipment({ expressNo: this.searchValue }, { emulateJSON: true })
+			if (res.msg == 'success' && {
+				this.$store.state.shipment = res
+				this.$router.push('ScannerResult')
+			} else {
+				Toast('找不到此单号')
-		})
-	},
-	echart1(obj) {
-		console.log("图表数据:" + JSON.stringify(obj))
+		}
@@ -320,6 +289,16 @@ export default {
 	// 	console.log(this.$store.state.user, 'this.$state.state.user')
 	// }
+	//单号搜索
+	// onSearch(val) {
+	// 	this.$router.push({
+	// 		path: '/Sysearch',
+	// 		query: {
+	// 			expressNo: val,
+	// 			searchType: "1" //1.搜索全部 2.搜索快件 3.搜索寄件
+	// 		}
+	// 	})
+	// },
@@ -404,7 +383,7 @@ export default {
 					color: #000;
-				div {
+				.span {
 					background-color: #00c4b8;
 					width: 1.8rem;
 					height: 1.8rem;

+ 3 - 3

@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@
                             <div class="batch-middel-text">
                                 <div class="batch-middel-text-style"
                                     style="text-align: left; width: 100%; margin-left: -6px;">【{{
-                unfold.expressCompany }}】运单号:{{
-                unfold.expressNo }}</div>
+                                        unfold.expressCompany }}】运单号:{{
+                                    unfold.expressNo }}</div>
                                 <div style="display: flex; justify-content:  space-between; flex-wrap: wrap;">
-                                    <div class="batch-middel-text-style">收件人:{{ unfold.recipient }}xxx</div>
+                                    <div class="batch-middel-text-style">收件人:{{ unfold.recipient }}</div>
                                     <div class="batch-middel-text-style">部门:{{ unfold.departmentId }}</div>
                                     <div class="batch-middel-text-style">楼层:{{ unfold.floor }}</div>
                                     <div class="batch-middel-text-style">座位号:{{ unfold.sendSeat }}</div>

+ 0 - 526

@@ -1,526 +0,0 @@
-	<div>
-		<div class="content">
-			<div class="dh">
-				<div>
-					<img src="../assets/images/ad_icon1.png" alt="快递公司图标">
-					<span>单号:{{expressInfo.expressNo}}</span>
-				</div>
-				<!-- <div>
-					<img src="../assets/images/ad_icon1.png" alt="快递公司图标">
-					<span>转单号:112323</span>
-				</div> -->
-			</div>
-			<!-- 寄件地址 -->
-			<div class="jjinfo">
-				<div>
-					<div class="jj">
-						<div class="jjaddress">
-							<p>寄</p>
-							<div>
-								<p>{{expressInfo.sender}} {{expressInfo.senderPhone}}</p>
-								<p>{{expressInfo.sendAddr}}{{expressInfo.sendAddress}}</p>
-							</div>
-						</div>
-					</div>
-					<div class="jj" style="border-top:.01rem solid #ededed">
-						<div class="jjaddress">
-							<p style="background: #fa9c22;">收</p>
-							<div>
-								<p>{{expressInfo.receiver}} {{expressInfo.receiverPhone}}</p>
-								<p>{{expressInfo.receiveAddr}}{{expressInfo.receiveAddress}}</p>
-							</div>
-						</div>
-					</div>
-				</div>
-			</div>
-			<!-- 快递公司 -->
-			<div class="kdshow">
-				<van-field readonly clickable name="picker" :value="expressComp" label="快递公司" />
-			</div>
-			<!-- 快递属性 -->
-			<div class="ktsx">
-				<p>物品类型:{{expressInfo.itemType}}</p>
-				<p v-if="expressInfo.itemType == '文件'">件数:{{expressInfo.itemNum}}</p>
-				<p v-if="expressInfo.itemType == '物品'">重量(kg):{{expressInfo.weight}}</p>
-				<p>包装类型:{{expressInfo.packingType}}</p>
-				<p>物品性质:{{expressInfo.goodNature}}</p>
-				<p style="width: 100%;">付款方式:{{expressInfo.payWay}}</p>
-				<p style="width: 100%;">体积(cm³):{{expressInfo.volume}}</p>
-				<p style="width: 100%;">备注:{{expressInfo.itemRemark}}</p>
-				<div>
-					<button @click="show=true">修改</button>
-				</div>
-			</div>
-			<div class="group_btn">
-				<button :disabled="buttonDis" @click="sign()">揽件</button>
-				<button @click="print()">打印面单</button>
-			</div>
-		</div>
-		<!-- 修改弹窗 -->
-		<van-popup round v-model="show" class="whrite_add" closeable closed="close">
-			<div>
-				<p style="font-size: 16px;text-align: center;margin-bottom: 16px;">修改信息</p>
-				<van-form @submit="onSubmit">
-					<van-field v-model="expressComp" name="快递公司" disabled label="快递公司" placeholder="请选择"
-						@click="showPicker1 = true" />
-					<van-field v-model="expressInfo.expressPhone" readonly name="联系方式" type="number" label="联系方式" placeholder="请输入快递公司联系方式" />
-					<van-field v-model="expressInfo.itemType" name="物品类型" disabled label="物品类型" placeholder="请选择"
-						@click="showPicker2 = true" />
-					<van-field v-if="expressInfo.itemType == '物品'" v-model="expressInfo.weight" name="重量" type="number" label="重量(kg)"
-						placeholder="请输入" />
-					<van-field v-if="expressInfo.itemType == '文件'" v-model="expressInfo.itemNum" name="数量" type="number" label="数量" placeholder="请输入" />
-					<van-field v-model="expressInfo.packingType" name="包装类型" disabled label="包装类型" placeholder="请选择"
-						@click="showPicker3 = true" />
-					<van-field v-model="expressInfo.goodNature" name="物品性质" disabled label="物品性质" placeholder="请选择"
-						@click="showPicker4 = true" />
-					<van-field v-model="expressInfo.payWay" name="支付方式" disabled label="支付方式" placeholder="请选择"
-						@click="showPicker5 = true" />
-					<van-field v-model="expressInfo.volume" name="体积" type="number" label="体积(cm³)" placeholder="请输入" />
-					<van-field v-model="expressInfo.predictPrice" readonly name="预估价格" type="number" label="预估价格(元)" placeholder="请输入" />
-					<van-field v-model="expressInfo.itemRemark" name="备注" type="text" label="备注" placeholder="请输入" />
-					<div style="margin-top: 16px;">
-						<van-button color="#00c4b8" block type="info" native-type="submit">确定</van-button>
-					</div>
-				</van-form>
-			</div>
-		</van-popup>
-		<van-popup v-model="showPicker1" position="bottom">
-			<van-picker show-toolbar :columns="columns" @confirm="onConfirm1" @cancel="showPicker = false" />
-		</van-popup>
-		<van-popup v-model="showPicker2" position="bottom">
-			<van-picker show-toolbar :columns="columns2" @confirm="onConfirm2" @cancel="showPicker = false" />
-		</van-popup>
-		<van-popup v-model="showPicker3" position="bottom">
-			<van-picker show-toolbar :columns="columns3" @confirm="onConfirm3" @cancel="showPicker = false" />
-		</van-popup>
-		<van-popup v-model="showPicker4" position="bottom">
-			<van-picker show-toolbar :columns="columns4" @confirm="onConfirm4" @cancel="showPicker = false" />
-		</van-popup>
-		<van-popup v-model="showPicker5" position="bottom">
-			<van-picker show-toolbar :columns="columns5" @confirm="onConfirm5" @cancel="showPicker = false" />
-		</van-popup>
-		<!-- 修改弹窗 -->
-	</div>
-	import {
-		Toast,
-		Dialog
-	} from 'vant'
-	export default {
-		data() {
-			return {
-				titlename: "邮件收发室",
-				showPicker: false, //快递
-				expressNo: "", //单号
-				type: '', //寄件/收件
-				expressInfo: {},
-				buttonDis: false,
-				show: false,
-				name: "",
-				showPicker1: false,
-				columns: [],
-				kdphone: "",
-				wptype: "",
-				showPicker2: false,
-				columns2: ["物品", "文件"],
-				bztype: "",
-				showPicker3: false,
-				columns3: ["有", "无"],
-				weight: "",
-				num: "",
-				typeshow: 0,
-				wpxz: "",
-				showPicker4: false,
-				columns4: ["普通", "特殊"],
-				pricetype: "",
-				showPicker5: false,
-				columns5: ["自费", "月结"],
-				tj: "",
-				price: "",
-				bz: "",
-				expressCompId:'',//快递公司Id
-				expressComp:'',//快递公司名
-			}
-		},
-		created: function() {
-			this.expressNo = this.$route.query.expressNo;
-			this.type = this.$route.query.type;
-			if(this.type == undefined || this.type == ''){
-				this.type = 2;
-			}
-			this.getData();
-			this.getLogisticsList();
-		},
-		methods: {
-			//揽件
-			sign() {
-				this.buttonDis = true
-				this.$$ + "/solic/mailReceive", {
-						expressNo: this.expressNo,
-						sendSt: 2, //已揽件
-					}, {
-						emulateJSON: true
-					})
-					.then(res => {
-						//发送成功
-						if (res.body.msg == 'success') {
-							//揽件成功
-							Toast.success('揽件成功')
-							setTimeout(() => {
-								this.getData() //刷新数据
-								//this.buttonDis = false
-							}, 2000)
-						} else {
-							this.buttonDis = false
-						}
-					}, res => {
-						//发送失败
-						Toast("网络错误!")
-						this.buttonDis = false
-					})
-			},
-			//后端获取数据
-			getData() {
-				Toast.loading({
-					message: '加载中...',
-					forbidClick: true,
-					duration: 0
-				});
-				this.$$ + "/solic/getExpressDetail", {expressNo: this.expressNo,type: this.type}, {emulateJSON: true})
-					.then(res => {
-						//发送成功
-						if (res.body.msg == 'success') {
-							this.expressInfo = res.body.expressInfo
-							this.expressCompId = res.body.expressInfo.expressInfo;
-							switch (res.body.expressInfo.expressInfo){
-								case "1":
-								this.expressComp = '顺丰快递';
-								break;
-								case "2":
-								this.expressComp = '中通快递';
-								break;
-								case "6":
-								this.expressComp = '京东快递';
-								break;
-								case "5":
-								this.expressComp = '同城急送';
-								break;
-								case "4":
-								this.expressComp = '邮政EMS';
-								break;
-								case "3":
-								this.expressComp = 'DHL';
-								break;
-								default:
-								this.expressComp = -1;
-								break;
-							}
-						}
-					}, res => {
-						//发送失败
-						Toast("网络错误!")
-					})
-				Toast.clear()
-			},
-			onConfirm1(options) {
-				this.expressComp = options.text;
-				this.expressInfo.expressPhone =;
-				this.expressCompId =;
-				this.showPicker1 = false;
-			},
-			onConfirm2(options) {
-				this.expressInfo.itemType = options
-				this.showPicker2 = false
-			},
-			onConfirm3(options) {
-				this.expressInfo.packingType = options
-				this.showPicker3 = false
-			},
-			onConfirm4(options) {
-				this.expressInfo.goodNature = options
-				this.showPicker4 = false
-			},
-			onConfirm5(options) {
-				this.expressInfo.payWay = options
-				this.showPicker5 = false
-			},
-			//修改
-			onSubmit() {
-				this.buttonDis = true
-				this.$$ + "/solic/updateMailInfo", {
-						expressNo: this.expressNo,
-						expressInfo: this.expressCompId, //快递公司[传回快递公司id]
-						expressPhone: this.expressInfo.expressPhone, //快递公司联系方式
-						itemType: this.expressInfo.itemType, //物品类型:物品、文件
-						weight: this.expressInfo.weight, //重量
-						itemNum: this.expressInfo.itemNum, //物品数量
-						packingType: this.expressInfo.packingType, //包装类型:有、无
-						goodNature: this.expressInfo.goodNature, //物品性质:普通、特殊
-						payWay: this.expressInfo.payWay, //支付方式:自费、月结
-						volume: this.expressInfo.volume, //体积
-						predictPrice: this.expressInfo.predictPrice, //预估价格
-						itemRemark: this.expressInfo.itemRemark, //物品备注
-					}, {
-						emulateJSON: true
-					})
-					.then(res => {
-						//发送成功
-						if (res.body.msg == 'success') {
-							//签收成功
-							Toast.success('修改成功')
- = false
-							setTimeout(() => {
-								this.getData() //刷新数据
-								this.buttonDis = false
-							}, 2000)
-						} else {
-							this.buttonDis = false
-						}
-					}, res => {
-						//发送失败
-						Toast("网络错误!")
-						this.buttonDis = false
-					})
-				// = false
-			},
-			//打印面单
-			print(){
-				Toast('该功能正在开发中,敬请期待!')
-			}
-		},
-		mounted: function() {
-		}
-	}
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+ 0 - 281

@@ -1,281 +0,0 @@
-	<div class="content">
-		<backindex :title="titlename"></backindex>
-		<div class="verify-code-div" @click="codeInputFun">
-			<ul class="verify-code-num-list">
-				<li>
-					<span>{{codeArr[0]}}</span>
-					<span v-if="isFocus && !codeArr[0]" class="caret"></span>
-				</li>
-				<li>
-					<span>{{codeArr[1]}}</span>
-					<span v-if="isFocus && !codeArr[1] && codeArr[0]" class="caret"></span>
-				</li>
-				<li>
-					<span>{{codeArr[2]}}</span>
-					<span v-if="isFocus && !codeArr[2] && codeArr[0] && codeArr[1]" class="caret"></span>
-				</li>
-				<li>
-					<span>{{codeArr[3]}}</span>
-					<span v-if="isFocus && !codeArr[3] && codeArr[0] && codeArr[1] && codeArr[2]" class="caret"></span>
-				</li>
-				<li>
-					<span>{{codeArr[4]}}</span>
-					<span v-if="isFocus && !codeArr[4] && codeArr[0] && codeArr[1] && codeArr[2]&& codeArr[3]"
-						class="caret"></span>
-				</li>
-				<li>
-					<span>{{codeArr[5]}}</span>
-					<span
-						v-if="isFocus && !codeArr[5] && codeArr[0] && codeArr[1] && codeArr[2]&& codeArr[3] && codeArr[4]"
-						class="caret"></span>
-				</li>
-			</ul>
-			<input @focus="focus" @blur="blur" ref="codeInput" type="text" class="verify-code-input" unselectable="on"
-				maxlength="6" v-model="code">
-			<div style="color: #F6F6F6;text-align: center;font-size: .28rem;line-height: 200%;">
-				<p>输入六位密钥,完成揽件</p>
-				<p style="color:aqua">密钥揽件</p>
-        <img src="../assets/user/sm.png" alt="" @click="wxScanCode()" style="height: 100px;">
-			</div>
-		</div>
-	</div>
-	import {
-		Toast,
-		Dialog
-	} from 'vant'
-	export default {
-		name: 'verificatonCode',
-		data() {
-			return {
-				titlename:'密钥',
-				code: '',
-				codeArr: [],
-				isFocus: false
-			}
-		},
-		watch: {
-			code(newVal) {
-        console.log("newVal" + newVal)
-				this.codeArr = String(newVal).split("")
-				//输入完秘钥判断
-				if (newVal.length == 6) {
-					this.$$ + "/solic/getExpressDetail", {
-							collectKey: newVal,
-							type: 3
-						}, {
-							emulateJSON: true
-						})
-						.then(res => {
-							//发送成功
-							if (res.body.msg == 'success') {
-                console.log(res.body.expressInfo);
-								if (res.body.expressInfo != undefined || res.body.expressInfo != null) {
-									this.$router.push({path:'/Jjsearch',query:{expressNo:res.body.expressInfo.expressNo}})
-								} else {
-									Toast("查无此单!");
-								}
-							}
-						}, res => {
-							//发送失败
-							Toast("网络错误!")
-						})
-				}
-			}
-		},
-		methods: {
-			focus() {
-				this.isFocus = true
-			},
-			blur() {
-				this.isFocus = false
-			},
-			codeInputFun() {
-				this.$refs.codeInput.focus()
-			},
-      //微信扫码
-      wxScanCode() {
-      	let purl = /(Android)/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ? window.location.href.split('#')[0] : encodeURI(window.location.href.split('#')[0]);
-      	let dataForm = {
-      	    'url': purl
-          }
-      	//alert(url)
-      	this.$$ + "/weixin/getWxConfig", {
-      			url:window.location.href.split('#')[0]
-      		}, {
-      			emulateJSON: true
-      		})
-      		.then(res => {
-      			//发送成功
-      			var timestamp = res.body.wxConfig.timestamp;
-      			var noncestr = res.body.wxConfig.nonceStr;
-      			var signature = res.body.wxConfig.signature;
-      			var appId = res.body.wxConfig.appId;
-      			wx.config({
-      				debug: false, // 开启调试模式,调用的所有api的返回值会在客户端alert出来,若要查看传入的参数,可以在pc端打开,参数信息会通过log打出,仅在pc端时才会打印。
-      				//debug : true, // 开启调试模式,调用的所有api的返回值会在客户端alert出来,若要查看传入的参数,可以在pc端打开,参数信息会通过log打出,仅在pc端时才会打印。
-      				appId: appId, // 必填,公众号的唯一标识
-      				timestamp: timestamp, // 必填,生成签名的时间戳
-      				nonceStr: noncestr, // 必填,生成签名的随机串
-      				signature: signature, // 必填,签名,见附录1
-      				jsApiList: [
-      					"scanQRCode",
-      				] // 必填,需要使用的JS接口列表,所有JS接口列表见附录2
-      			});
-      			wx.ready(()=> {
-      				wx.scanQRCode({
-      					needResult: 1, // 默认为0,扫描结果由微信处理,1则直接返回扫描结果,
-      					scanType: ["qrCode", "barCode"], // 可以指定扫二维码还是一维码,默认二者都有
-      					success:(res)=> {
-      						//alert(res)
-      						var result = res.resultStr; // 当needResult 为 1 时,扫码返回的结果
-                  // alert(JSON.stringify(result));
-      						if(result.indexOf(",") != -1){
-      							let result1 = res.resultStr.split(",");
-      							result = result1[result1.length-1];
-      						}
-                  // alert(result);result=单号
-                  //2023/03/22
-                  // if (result != undefined || result != null) {
-                  // 	this.$router.push({path:'/Jjsearch',query:{expressNo:result}})
-                  // } else {
-                  // 	Toast("查无此单!");
-                  // }
-                  //扫完码判断
-                  if (result != undefined || result != null) {
-                  	this.$$ + "/solic/getExpressInfo", {
-                  			expressNo: result
-                  		}, {
-                  			emulateJSON: true
-                  		})
-                  		.then(res => {
-                  			//发送成功
-                  			if (res.body.msg == 'success') {
-                          console.log(res.body.expressInfo);
-                  				if (res.body.expressInfo != undefined || res.body.expressInfo != null) {
-                  					this.$router.push({path:'/Jjsearch',query:{expressNo:result}})
-                  				} else {
-                  					Toast("查无此单!");
-                  				}
-                  			}
-                  		}, res => {
-                  			//发送失败
-                  			Toast("网络错误!")
-                  		})
-                  }
-      					},
-      					error: function(res) {
-      						console.log(res);
-      					}
-      				});
-      			});
-      		}, res => {
-      			//发送失败
-      			Toast("网络错误!")
-      		})
-      },
-		}
-	}
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-		top: 45%;
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-			border: none;
-			outline: none;
-			color: transparent;
-			caret-color: transparent;
-			background: none;
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-		.verify-code-num-list {
-			width: 100%;
-			height: 1rem;
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-			top: 0;
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-				content: "";
-				display: block;
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-				background: #fff;
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-				height: 1rem;
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-				line-height: 1rem;
-				display: inline-block;
-				//background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .05);
-				border-radius: 10px;
-				margin-right: .1rem;
-				font-size: 20px;
-				overflow: hidden;
-				.caret {
-					margin-top: .2rem;
-					display: inline-block;
-					min-width: 2px;
-					max-width: 2px;
-					width: 2px;
-					height: .6rem;
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-					animation: shan 0.8s infinite;
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-				&:last-child {
-					margin-right: 0px;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}

+ 0 - 444

@@ -1,444 +0,0 @@
-	<div>
-		<div class="content">
-			<div class="sm">
-				<van-search v-model="value" @search="onSearch" placeholder="点击搜索单号" />
-				<img src="../assets/user/sm.png" alt="" @click="wxScanCode()" >
-			</div>
-			<!-- 快件查询列表 -->
-      <van-checkbox-group v-model="result">
-      <van-cell-group>
-			<div class="jjlist" v-for="item in resultList">
-				<div class="listinfo">
-					<!-- <div class="list_top" @click="goInfo(item.expressNo)"> -->
-          <div class="list_top">
-            <div class="checked">
-            	<van-checkbox :disabled="item.signinStatus == 0" checked-color="#00c4b8" :name="item.expressNo" ref="checkboxes" />
-            </div>
-						<div class="list_top_left" @click="goInfo(item.expressNo)">
-							<!-- <img src="../assets/images/ad_icon1.png" alt=""> -->
-							<div>
-								<p>{{item.expressNo}}</p>
-								<p>{{item.mailRoom}} {{item.recipient}} {{}} {{item.sendSeat}} {{item.floor}}</p>
-							</div>
-              <span style="margin-top: 30%;">{{item.recordDate2}}</span>
-						</div>
-            <div class="closed">
-              <van-icon name="cross" @click="deleteInfo(item)"/>
-            </div>
-					</div>
-				</div>
-			</div>
-      </van-cell-group>
-      </van-checkbox-group>
-      <div style="margin-top: 16px;">
-				<van-field readonly clickable name="picker" :value="phone" label="收件人手机" placeholder="输入手机号后四位查询" @click="addshow1=true"/>
-				<van-field readonly type="text" v-model="recipient" label="收件人" />
-				<van-button style="margin-top: 16px;" color="#00c4b8" block type="info" @click="signSave">合并签收</van-button>
-			</div>
-      <!-- 填写手机号码 -->
-      <van-popup round v-model="addshow1" class="whrite_add2" closeable @closed="close" :close-on-click-overlay="false">
-      	<div>
-      		<p style="font-size: 16px;text-align: center;margin-bottom: 16px;">填写号码</p>
-      		<van-form @submit="onSubmit">
-      		  <van-field v-model="phone" name="收件人手机" label="收件人手机" type="number" maxlength="20" placeholder="输入手机号后四位" @change="searchList()"/>
-      		  <ul>
-      			  <li v-for="(item,i) in employeeList" @click="choose(i,item)">
-      				<p>{{}}</p>
-      				<p>{{item.department}}</p>
-      				<van-icon v-if="index == i" name="passed" />
-      			  </li>
-      		  </ul>
-      		  <div style="margin-top: 16px;">
-      		    <van-button color="#00c4b8" block type="info" native-type="submit">确定</van-button>
-      		  </div>
-      		</van-form>
-      	</div>
-      </van-popup>
-		</div>
-	</div>
-  import {Toast,Dialog,Checkbox,CheckboxGroup} from 'vant'
-  import Swiper from 'swiper'
-	export default{
-    inject: ['reload'],
-		data(){
-			return{
-        result:[],
-				titlename:"快件查询",
-				value:"",
-				expressNo:"",//快递单号
-				resultList:[],
-        addshow1:false,
-        name:"",
-        box:"",
-        phone:'',//手机号
-        recipient:'',//收件人
-        employeeList:[],//收件人列表
-        index:'-1',
-        searchType:"2"//1.搜索全部 2.搜索快件 3.搜索寄件
-			}
-		},
-		created:function(){
-			//
-		},
-		methods:{
-			//微信扫码
-			wxScanCode() {
-				this.$$ + "/weixin/getWxConfig", {
-						url: window.location.href.split("#")[0]
-					}, {
-						emulateJSON: true
-					})
-					.then(res => {
-						//发送成功
-						var timestamp = res.body.wxConfig.timestamp;
-						var noncestr = res.body.wxConfig.nonceStr;
-						var signature = res.body.wxConfig.signature;
-						var appId = res.body.wxConfig.appId;
-						wx.config({
-							debug: false, // 开启调试模式,调用的所有api的返回值会在客户端alert出来,若要查看传入的参数,可以在pc端打开,参数信息会通过log打出,仅在pc端时才会打印。
-							//                                debug : true, // 开启调试模式,调用的所有api的返回值会在客户端alert出来,若要查看传入的参数,可以在pc端打开,参数信息会通过log打出,仅在pc端时才会打印。
-							appId: appId, // 必填,公众号的唯一标识
-							timestamp: timestamp, // 必填,生成签名的时间戳
-							nonceStr: noncestr, // 必填,生成签名的随机串
-							signature: signature, // 必填,签名,见附录1
-							jsApiList: [
-								"scanQRCode",
-							] // 必填,需要使用的JS接口列表,所有JS接口列表见附录2
-						});
-						wx.ready(()=> {
-							wx.scanQRCode({
-								needResult: 1, // 默认为0,扫描结果由微信处理,1则直接返回扫描结果,
-								scanType: ["qrCode", "barCode"], // 可以指定扫二维码还是一维码,默认二者都有
-								success:(res)=> {
-									var result = res.resultStr; // 当needResult 为 1 时,扫码返回的结果
-									if(result.indexOf(",") != -1){
-										let result1 = res.resultStr.split(",");
-										this.value = result1[result1.length-1];
-									}
-									this.onSearch(this.value)
-									// this.getData()
-								},
-								error: function(res) {
-									console.log(res);
-								}
-							});
-						});
-					}, res => {
-						//发送失败
-						Toast("网络错误!")
-					})
-			},
-      //选择员工
-			choose(val,item){
-				this.index = val
-				this.recipient =
- =
-			},
-			//手机号后四位搜索
-			searchList(){
-				this.$$"/solic/getEmployeeInfoByPhone",{
-          },{
-            emulateJSON:true,
-            })
-					.then(res=>{
-						//发送成功
-						if(res.body.msg=='success'){
-							this.employeeList = res.body.employeeList
-						}
-				},res=>{
-						//发送失败
-					Toast("网络错误!")
-				})
-			},
-			//跳转详情
-			goInfo(expressNo){
-        //收件查询
-					this.$router.push({path:'/Kjsearchinfo',query:{expressNo:expressNo,type:1}})
-			},
-      deleteInfo(e){
-        console.log("E:" + JSON.stringify(e))
-          this.resultList.splice(this.resultList.indexOf(e), 1) // ['b']
-      },
-			//搜索
-			onSearch(val){
-				this.expressNo = val
-				this.getData()
-			},
-      toggle(index) {
-          this.$refs.checkboxes[index].toggle();
-      },
-      onSubmit(){
-      	if(this.recipient == ''){
-      		Toast('请选择收件人')
-      		return
-      	}
-      	this.addshow1=false
-      	//this.tjshow=true
-      },
-      close(){
-      	// = ''
-      	// = ''
-      	//this.department = ''
-      	this.index = ''
-      },
-			//后端获取数据
-			getData(){
-        localStorage.getItem("userId")
-				Toast.loading({
-				    message: '加载中...',
-				    forbidClick: true,
-				    duration:0
-				});
-        console.log("后端获取数据:expressNo = " + this.expressNo);
-				this.$$"/solic/getExpressListByNo",{
-          expressNo:this.expressNo,
-          searchType:"2",
-          mailRoomId:localStorage.getItem('roomId'),
-          userId:localStorage.getItem('userId'),
-          },{emulateJSON:true})
-					.then(res=>{
-            if(res.body.msg == "success"){
-              var list = res.body.resultList;
-              var oldlist = this.resultList;
-            	//发送成功
-              if(oldlist == ''){
-                for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
-                 this.resultList.push(list[i])
-                }
-              }else{
-                for (var i1 = 0; i1 < list.length; i1++) {
-                  if(JSON.stringify(oldlist).indexOf(JSON.stringify(list[i1])) == -1){
-                    this.resultList.push(list[i1])
-                  }else{
-                    console.log('存在重复快递单号!')
-                    Toast("存在重复快递单号!")
-              }
-              }
-            }
-            }else if(res.body.msg == "查无此单号"){
-              Toast("查无此快递单号!")
-            }
-				},res=>{
-						//发送失败
-					Toast("网络错误!")
-				})
-				Toast.clear()
-			},
-      //合并签收
-      			signSave(){
-      				if(this.result.length == 0){
-      					Toast('请选择需要合并的快递!');
-      					return;
-      				}
-      				if(this.recipient == ''){
-      					Toast('请选择收件人!');
-      					return;
-      				}
-      				this.$$"/solic/marginSignExpress",
-      				{expressNoList:this.result.join(','),
-      				collectAgent:this.recipient},{emulateJSON:true})
-      					.then(res=>{
-      						//发送成功
-      						if(res.body.msg=='success'){
-      							Toast("合并签收成功!");
-      							// setTimeout(()=>{
-             //            this.reload();
-      							// },1200)
-                    setTimeout(() => {
-                    	this.$router.push({path:'/Sign2',query:{expressNoList:this.result.join(',')}});
-                    	this.buttonDis = false
-                    }, 2000)
-      						}else{
-      							Toast("合并签收失败!");
-      						}
-      				},res=>{
-      						//发送失败
-      					Toast("网络错误!")
-      				})
-      			},
-      			//选择员工
-      			choose(val,item){
-      				this.index = val
-      				this.recipient =
- =
-      			},
-      			//手机号后四位搜索
-      			searchList(){
-      				this.$$"/solic/getEmployeeInfoByPhone",{
-   ,
-             },{
-               emulateJSON:true,
-               })
-      					.then(res=>{
-      						//发送成功
-      						if(res.body.msg=='success'){
-      							this.employeeList = res.body.employeeList
-      						}
-      				},res=>{
-      						//发送失败
-      					Toast("网络错误!")
-      				})
-      			},
-		},
-		mounted:function(){
-		}
-	}
-<style scoped lang="less">
-	.content{
-		padding: 0.25rem .37rem;
-		.sm{
-			display: flex;
-			margin-bottom: .2rem;
-			justify-content: space-between;
-			/deep/.van-search{
-				width: 6.2rem;
-				height: .76rem;
-				border-radius: 25px;
-				overflow: hidden;
-				padding: 0rem;
-				background-color: white;
-				.van-search__content{
-					background-color: white;
-				}
-				input{
-					background-color: white;
-				}
-			}
-			img{
-				width:.4rem;
-				height: .4rem;
-				position: relative;
-				top: .18rem;
-			}
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-    .whrite_add2{
-    	width: 6.6rem;
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-    	/deep/.van-field__value{
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-    			text-align: right;
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-    	}
-    	/deep/.van-popup__close-icon--top-right{
-    		top: 5px;
-    		right: 10px;
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-    	ul{
-    		li{
-    			padding: 10px 36px 10px 16px;
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-    				background: #00c4b8;
-    				color: white;
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-    		}
-    	}
-    }
-    .van-checkbox-group{
-      .van-cell-group{
-        background-color: unset;
-      }
-    }
-		.jjlist {
-			font-size: .3rem;
-			color: #999999;
-			.listinfo {
-				background: white;
-				padding: .3rem .3rem .3rem;
-				border-radius: .05rem;
-				margin-bottom: .2rem;
-				position: relative;
-				.list_top {
-					display: flex;
-					justify-content: space-between;
-          align-items: center;
-          position: relative;
-          .closed{
-            position: absolute;
-            right: -0.4rem;
-            top: -0.4rem;
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-            i{
-              background: #ed1919;
-              border-radius: 50%;
-              color: white;
-              padding: 0.03rem;
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-					.list_top_left {
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-							display: inline-block;
-							width: .87rem;
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-						div {
-							width: 4rem;
-							margin-left: .2rem;
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-							top: -.1rem;
-							p:nth-of-type(1) {
-								font-size: .28rem;
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-							p:nth-of-type(2) {
-								font-size: .22rem;
-							}
-						}
-					}
-					>p {
-						font-size: .23rem;
-						font-weight: bold;
-						display: flex;
-						align-items: center;
-					}
-					.staus1{
-						color: #f5693d;
-					}
-					.staus2{
-						color: #3d82f5;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}

+ 0 - 335

@@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
-	<div>
-		<div class="content">
-			<!-- 快件查询列表 -->
-			<div class="jjlist">
-				<div class="listinfo">
-					<div class="list_top">
-						<div class="list_top_left">
-							<img src="../assets/images/ad_icon1.png" alt="">
-							<div>
-								<p>{{expressInfo.expressCompany}} {{expressInfo.expressNo}}</p>
-								<p>2021-09-12 10:31</p>
-							</div>
-						</div>
-						<p class="staus1">
-              <template v-if="expressInfo.signinStatus == 0">待签收</template>
-              <template v-if="expressInfo.signinStatus == 1">已签收</template>
-              <template v-if="expressInfo.signinStatus == 2">已代收</template>
-              <template v-if="expressInfo.signinStatus == 3">拒收</template>
-              <template v-if="expressInfo.signinStatus == 4">滞留件</template>
-              <template v-if="expressInfo.signinStatus == 5">问题件</template>
-              <!-- <template v-if="expressInfo.signinStatus == 7">转寄</template>
-              <template v-if="expressInfo.signinStatus == 8">重新分拣</template>
-              <template v-if="expressInfo.signinStatus == 9">已转寄</template> -->
-            </p>
-					</div>
-				</div>
-			</div>
-			<div class="info">
-				<p>收件人:{{expressInfo.recipient}}</p>
-				<p>公司:{{}}</p>
-				<p>座位:{{expressInfo.sendSeat}}</p>
-				<p>手机:{{}}</p>
-        <template v-show="expressInfo.phoneOne != '' || expressInfo.phoneOne != NULL">
-          <p>备用手机1:{{expressInfo.phoneOne}}</p>
-        </template>
-        <template v-show="expressInfo.phoneTwo != '' || expressInfo.phoneTwo != NULL">
-          <p>备用手机2:{{expressInfo.phoneTwo}}</p>
-        </template>
-        <template v-show="expressInfo.phoneThree != '' || expressInfo.phoneThree != NULL">
-          <p>备用手机3:{{expressInfo.phoneThree}}</p>
-        </template>
-				<p>智能柜:{{expressInfo.cabinet}}</p>
-				<p>快件类型:{{expressInfo.expressType}}</p>
-				<p>是否公司件:{{expressInfo.isCompany}}</p>
-				<p>是否问题件:{{expressInfo.isProblem}}</p>
-				<p>派件状态:
-				<template v-if="expressInfo.expressStatus == 1">待派送</template>
-				<template v-if="expressInfo.expressStatus == 2">已派送</template>
-				</p>
-				<p>备注:{{expressInfo.remark}}</p>
-				<!-- <div class="pjinfo">
-					<p>3-27 17:27  派件中,收派员【杨柳青】</p>
-				</div> -->
-			</div>
-      <template v-if="expressInfo.signinStatus == 0">
-      <!--签收-->
-			<button :disabled="buttonDis" @click="showYesPopup()" style="width: 45%;background: rgb(0, 196, 184);font-size: 0.3rem;border: none;padding: 0.2rem 0rem;margin-top: 0.5rem;color: white;">签收</button>
-      <van-popup v-model="showYes" position="bottom">
-        <van-picker title="签收原因" show-toolbar :columns="yeslist" @confirm="onConfirmYes" @cancel="showYes=false"/>
-      </van-popup>
-      <!--拒收-->
-      <button :disabled="buttonDis" @click="showNoPopup()" style="width: 45%;background: rgb(255, 0, 0);font-size: 0.3rem;border: none;padding: 0.2rem 0rem;margin-top: 0.5rem;color: white;margin-left: 29px;">拒签</button>
-      <van-popup v-model="showNo" position="bottom">
-        <van-picker title="拒收原因" show-toolbar :columns="nolist" @confirm="onConfirmNo" @cancel="showNo=false"/>
-      </van-popup>
-      <!--底部备注弹窗-->
-      <van-popup round v-model="remarkShow" position="bottom" closeable>
-        <div class="tcshow">
-         <p>备注</p >
-         <textarea name="" v-model="sendRemark" id="sendRemark" placeholder="请输入原因"></textarea>
-         <van-button type="primary" size="large" @click="save()">确定</van-button>
-        </div>
-      </van-popup>
-      </template>
-    </div>
-	</div>
-	import {Toast,Dialog} from 'vant'
-	export default{
-		data(){
-			return{
-				titlename:"收件查询",
-				expressNo:'',//快递单号
-        signinStatus:'',//签收状态:0-待签收 1-已签收、2-已代收、3-拒收、4-延迟
-				type:'',//寄件/收件
-				expressInfo:{},
-				buttonDis: false,
-        yeslist:["本人签收","他人代收"],
-        showYes: false,
-        nolist:["拒收","滞留件","问题件"],
-        showNo: false,
-        remarkShow: false,
-        sendRemark:"",
-        why:"",//拒收原因
-        //noPeoplelist:["号码错误","位置更换"],
-        // showNoPeople: false,
-        //noPlacelist:["转寄","重新分拣"],
-        // showNoPlace: false
-			}
-		},
-		created:function(){
-			this.expressNo = this.$route.query.expressNo
-			this.type = this.$route.query.type
-			this.getData()
-		},
-		methods:{
-      save(){
-        console.log(this.why);
-       if(this.why == "拒收"){
-         this.sign(3)
-       }else if(this.why == "滞留件"){
-         this.sign(4)
-       }else if(this.why == "问题件"){
-         this.sign(5)
-       }
-      },
-      //拒收原因
-      onConfirmNo(e){
-      	if(e == "拒收"){
-          this.remarkShow = true;
-          this.why = e;
-        }else if(e == "滞留件"){
-          this.remarkShow = true;
-          this.why = e;
-        }else if(e == "问题件"){
-          this.remarkShow = true;
-          this.why = e;
-        }
-      	this.showNo = false;
-      },
-      //签收人员
-      onConfirmYes(e){
-      	if(e == "本人签收"){
-          this.sign(1)
-        }else{
-          this.sign(2)
-        }
-      	this.showYes = false;
-      },
-      // //无人签收
-      // onConfirmNoPeople(e){
-      // 	if(e == "号码错误"){
-      //     this.sign(5)
-      //   }else{
-      //     this.sign(6)
-      //   }
-      // 	this.showNoPeople = false;
-      // },
-      // //分拣错误转寄
-      // onConfirmNoPlace(e){
-      // 	if(e == "转寄"){
-      //     this.sign(7)
-      //   }else{
-      //     this.sign(8)
-      //   }
-      // 	this.showNoPlace = false;
-      // },
-      //显示拒收弹窗
-      showNoPopup(){
-        this.showNo = true;
-      },
-      //显示签收弹窗
-      showYesPopup(){
-        this.showYes = true;
-      },
-      //显示无人签收弹窗
-      showNoPeoplePopup(){
-        this.showNoPeople = true;
-      },
-      //显示分拣错误转寄弹窗
-      showNoPlacePopup(){
-        this.showNoPlace = true;
-      },
-			//签收
-			sign(e){
-				this.buttonDis = true
-				this.$$"/solic/signForExpress",{expressNo:this.expressNo,signinStatus:e,sendRemark:this.sendRemark},{emulateJSON:true})
-					.then(res=>{
-						//发送成功
-						if(res.body.msg=='success'){
-							//签收成功
-							Toast.success('操作成功')
-							setTimeout(() => {
-								this.$router.push({path:'/Sign',query:{expressNo:this.expressNo}});
-								this.buttonDis = false
-							}, 2000)
-						}else{
-							this.buttonDis = false
-						}
-				},res=>{
-						//发送失败
-					Toast("网络错误!")
-					this.buttonDis = false
-				})
-			},
-			//后端获取数据
-			getData(){
-				Toast.loading({
-				    message: '加载中...',
-				    forbidClick: true,
-				    duration:0
-				});
-				this.$$"/solic/getExpressDetail",{expressNo:this.expressNo,type:this.type},{emulateJSON:true})
-					.then(res=>{
-						//发送成功
-            console.log(res.body.msg);
-            console.log(res.body.expressInfo);
-						if(res.body.msg=='success'){
-							this.expressInfo = res.body.expressInfo
-						}
-				},res=>{
-						//发送失败
-					Toast("网络错误!")
-				})
-				Toast.clear()
-			},
-		},
-		mounted:function(){
-		}
-	}
-<style scoped lang="less">
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-    padding: .3rem;
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-     margin: .3rem 0rem;
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-     border: none;
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-					>p {
-						font-size: .24rem;
-						font-weight: bold;
-						display: flex;
-						align-items: center;
-					}
-					.staus1{
-						color: #f5693d;
-					}
-					.staus2{
-						color: #3d82f5;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		.info {
-			padding: .4rem;
-			background: white;
-			line-height: 200%;
-			color: #666666;
-			.pjinfo {
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-				border-top: .01rem solid #f0efef;
-				padding-top: .1rem;
-			}
-		}
-	}

+ 0 - 605

@@ -1,605 +0,0 @@
-	<div>
-		<backindex :title="titlename"></backindex>
-		<p style="text-align: center;font-size: .36rem;margin-top: .2rem;">派件批次 {{dispatchBatchNo}}</p>
-		<div class="content">
-			<!-- table切换 -->
-			<div class="number">
-				<div class="swiper-container">
-				    <div class="swiper-wrapper">
-				        <!-- Slides -->
-				        <div v-for="item in resultList" class="swiper-slide">
-							<div>
-								<p>{{}}/座</p>
-								<p>待派送 {{item.waitNum}}  已派送 {{item.alreadyNum}}</p>
-							</div>
-						</div>
-				    </div>
-				    <!-- 如果需要翻页按钮 -->
-				    <div class="swiper-button-prev">
-              <!-- <van-icon name="arrow-left" /> -->
-            </div>
-				    <div class="swiper-button-next">
-              <!-- <van-icon name="arrow" /> -->
-            </div>
-				</div>
-				<div id="mychart"></div>
-			</div>
-			<!-- 快件查询列表 -->
-			<van-checkbox-group v-model="result">
-				<van-cell-group>
-				<div class="jjlist" v-for="(item,index) in expressList">
-					<div class="listinfo">
-						<div class="list_top" @click="goInfo(item.expressNo)">
-							<div class="list_top_left">
-								<img src="../assets/images/ad_icon1.png" alt="">
-								<div>
-									<p>{{item.expressNo}}</p>
-									<p><span>收</span>{{item.recipient}}</p>
-									<p>{{}} {{item.sendSeat}} {{item.floor}} {{item.mailRoom}}</p>
-								</div>
-							</div>
-							<!-- <p class="staus1" @click="slide">{{options}}</p> 0-待签收 1-已签收、2-代收、3-拒收、4-延迟',-->
-							<p class="staus1" v-if="item.signinStatus == 0">待签收</p>
-							<p class="staus1" v-if="item.signinStatus == 1">本人签收</p>
-							<p class="staus2" v-if="item.signinStatus == 2">他人代收</p>
-							<p class="staus2" v-if="item.signinStatus == 3">拒收</p>
-							<p class="staus2" v-if="item.signinStatus == 4">滞留件</p>
-              <p class="staus2" v-if="item.signinStatus == 5">问题件</p>
-						</div>
-					</div>
-					<!-- <div>
-						<van-checkbox :disabled="item.signinStatus != 0" checked-color="#00c4b8" :name="item.expressNo" ref="checkboxes" />
-					</div> -->
-				</div>
-				</van-cell-group>
-			</van-checkbox-group>
-			<!-- <div style="margin-top: 16px;">
-				<van-field readonly clickable name="picker" :value="phone" label="收件人手机" placeholder="输入手机号后四位查询" @click="addshow1=true"/>
-				<van-field readonly type="text" v-model="recipient" label="收件人" />
-				<van-button color="#00c4b8" block type="info" @click="signSave">合并签收</van-button>
-			</div> -->
-			<!-- 填写手机号码 -->
-			<!-- <van-popup round v-model="addshow1" class="whrite_add2" closeable @closed="close" :close-on-click-overlay="false">
-				<div>
-					<p style="font-size: 16px;text-align: center;margin-bottom: 16px;">填写号码</p>
-					<van-form @submit="onSubmit">
-					  <van-field v-model="phone" name="收件人手机" label="收件人手机" type="number" maxlength="20" placeholder="输入手机号后四位" @change="searchList()"/>
-					  <ul>
-						  <li v-for="(item,i) in employeeList" @click="choose(i,item)">
-							<p>{{}}</p>
-							<p>{{item.department}}</p>
-							<van-icon v-if="index == i" name="passed" />
-						  </li>
-					  </ul>
-					  <div style="margin-top: 16px;">
-					    <van-button color="#00c4b8" block type="info" native-type="submit">确定</van-button>
-					  </div>
-					</van-form>
-				</div>
-			</van-popup> -->
-		</div>
-		<!-- 选择下拉 -->
-		<!-- <van-popup v-model="showPicker" position="bottom">
-		  <van-picker title="" show-toolbar :columns="columns" @confirm="onConfirm" @cancel="showPicker=false" />
-		</van-popup> -->
-		<!-- 筛选 -->
-		<!-- <van-popup round v-model="addshow" class="whrite_add" closeable>
-			<div>
-				<p style="font-size: 16px;text-align: center;margin-bottom: 16px;">筛选</p>
-				<van-form @submit="search">
-				  <van-field v-model="box" name="寄包柜" label="寄包柜" placeholder="请选择" readonly/>
-				  <van-field v-model="name" name="收件人" label="收件人" placeholder="请输入收件人"/>
-				  <van-field v-model="starttime" name="开始时间" label="开始时间" placeholder="请选择" readonly @click="time(1)"/>
-				  <van-field v-model="endtime" name="结束时间" label="结束时间" placeholder="请选择" readonly @click="time(2)"/>
-				  <van-field v-model="staus" name="状态" label="状态" placeholder="请选择" readonly @click="ztshow=true"/>
-				  <div style="margin-top: 16px;">
-				    <van-button color="#00c4b8" block type="info" native-type="submit">确定</van-button>
-				  </div>
-				</van-form>
-			</div>
-		</van-popup> -->
-		<!-- 时间 -->
-		<!-- <van-popup v-model="timeshow" position="bottom">
-			<van-datetime-picker
-			  v-model="currentDate"
-			  type="datetime"
-			  title="选择时间"
-			  :min-date="minDate"
-			  @confirm="timedate"
-			  @cancel="timeshow=false"
-			/>
-		</van-popup> -->
-		<!-- 状态 -->
-		<!-- <van-popup v-model="ztshow" position="bottom">
-			<van-picker title="标状态" show-toolbar :columns="ztlist" @confirm="zt" @cancel="ztshow=false"/>
-		</van-popup> -->
-	</div>
-	import {Toast,Dialog,Checkbox,CheckboxGroup} from 'vant'
-	import Swiper from 'swiper'
-	export default{
-		data(){
-			return{
-				result:[],
-				titlename:"派件批次",
-				showPicker:false,
-				columns:["未派件","待派件"],
-				options:"待揽件",
-				addshow:false,
-				addshow1:false,
-				name:"",
-				timeshow:false,
-				box:"",
-				starttime:"",
-				endtime:"",
-				staus:"",
-				currentDate:"",
-				minDate:new Date(),
-				timetype:"",//时间类别1开始、2结束
-				ztshow:false,
-				ztlist:["状态一","状态二"],
-				total:"",
-				resultList:[],//楼道统计列表
-				expressList:[],//快件列表
-				dispatchBatchNo:'',//批次号
-				employeeList:[],//收件人列表
-				phone:'',//手机号
-				recipient:'',//收件人
-				index:'-1',
-				yiPaiSong:'',
-			}
-		},
-		updated:function(){
-		},
-		created:function(){
-		},
-		methods:{
-			// //合并签收
-			// signSave(){
-			// 	if(this.result.length == 0){
-			// 		Toast('请选择需要合并的快递!');
-			// 		return;
-			// 	}
-			// 	if(this.recipient == ''){
-			// 		Toast('请选择收件人!');
-			// 		return;
-			// 	}
-			// 	this.$$"/solic/marginSignExpress",
-			// 	{expressNoList:this.result.join(','),
-			// 	collectAgent:this.recipient},{emulateJSON:true})
-			// 		.then(res=>{
-			// 			//发送成功
-			// 			if(res.body.msg=='success'){
-			// 				Toast("合并签收成功!");
-			// 				setTimeout(()=>{
-			// 				    this.getData();
-			// 				    this.result = [];
-			// 				    this.recipient = '';
-			// = '';
-			// 				},1200)
-			// 			}else{
-			// 				Toast("合并签收失败!");
-			// 			}
-			// 	},res=>{
-			// 			//发送失败
-			// 		Toast("网络错误!")
-			// 	})
-			// },
-			// //选择员工
-			// choose(val,item){
-			// 	this.index = val
-			// 	this.recipient =
-			// =
-			// },
-			// //手机号后四位搜索
-			// searchList(){
-			// 	this.$$"/solic/getEmployeeInfoByPhone",{
-   //,
-   //        },{
-   //          emulateJSON:true,
-   //          })
-			// 		.then(res=>{
-			// 			//发送成功
-			// 			if(res.body.msg=='success'){
-			// 				this.employeeList = res.body.employeeList
-			// 			}
-			// 	},res=>{
-			// 			//发送失败
-			// 		Toast("网络错误!")
-			// 	})
-			// },
-      //跳转详情
-      goInfo(expressNo){
-        //收件查询
-      	this.$router.push({path:'/Kjsearchinfo',query:{expressNo:expressNo,type:1}})
-      },
-			// onSubmit(){
-			// 	if(this.recipient == ''){
-			// 		Toast('请选择收件人')
-			// 		return
-			// 	}
-			// 	this.addshow1=false
-			// 	//this.tjshow=true
-			// },
-			close(){
-				// = ''
-				// = ''
-				//this.department = ''
-				this.index = ''
-			},
-			toggle(index) {
-			    this.$refs.checkboxes[index].toggle();
-			},
-			//获取数据
-			getData(){
-				Toast.loading({
-				    message: '加载中...',
-				    forbidClick: true,
-				    duration:0
-				});
-				this.$$"/solic/getExpressListByBatchNo",{mailRoomId: localStorage.getItem('roomId')},{emulateJSON:true})
-					.then(res=>{
-						//发送成功
-						if(res.body.msg=='success'){
-							this.resultList = res.body.resultList;
-							this.expressList = res.body.expressList;
-							this.dispatchBatchNo = res.body.dispatchBatchNo;
-							this.yiPaiSong = res.body.yiPaiSong;
- =;
-							this.echart();
-						}else if(res.body.msg=='未获取到批次'){
-              Toast(res.body.msg)
-            }
-				},res=>{
-						//发送失败
-					Toast("网络错误!")
-				})
-				Toast.clear()
-			},
-			// // 下拉选择属性
-			// slide(){
-			// 	this.showPicker=true
-			// },
-			// // 下拉选择赋值
-			// onConfirm(e){
-			// 	this.options=e
-			// 	this.showPicker=false
-			// },
-			search(){},
-			timedate(e){
-				var date=new Date(e)
-				var year=date.getFullYear()
-				var month=date.getMonth()+1
-				month=month>9?month:'0'+month
-				var day=date.getDate()
-				day=day>9?day:'0'+day
-				var hour=date.getHours()
-				hour=hour>9?hour:'0'+hour
-				var minute=date.getMinutes()
-				minute=minute>9?minute:'0'+minute
-				console.log(month)
-				if(this.timetype==1){
-					this.starttime=year+'-'+month+'-'+day+' '+hour+':'+minute
-				}
-				if(this.timetype==2){
-					this.endtime=year+'-'+month+'-'+day+' '+hour+':'+minute
-				}
-				this.timeshow=false
-			},
-			time(obj){
-				this.timeshow=true
-				this.timetype=obj
-			},
-			// 状态显示
-			zt(e){
-				this.staus=e
-				this.ztshow=false
-			},
-			echart(){
-				let myChart = this.$echarts.init(document.getElementById('mychart'))
-				var option = {
-				    tooltip: {
-				        trigger: 'item',
-						//show: false,
-				    },
-				    legend: {
-						show:false,
-				        top: '30%',
-				        right: '5%',
-						orient: 'vertical',
-						icon: 'circle',
-				    },
-				    series: [
-				        {
-				            name: '派送数据',
-				            type: 'pie',
-							center:["55%","50%"],
-				            radius: ['80%', '90%'],
-				            avoidLabelOverlap: false,
-				            label: {
-				               normal: {
-				                    show: true,
-				                    position: 'center',
-				                    color:'#4c4a4a',
-				                    formatter: '{active|派送率}'+'\n\r' + '{total|' + Number(this.yiPaiSong/*100).toFixed(2) +'%}',
-				                    rich: {
-				                        total:{
-			                            fontSize: 18,
-										fontWeight:'bold',
-			                            color:'#00c4b8'
-			                        },
-			                        active: {
-			                            fontSize: 12,
-			                            color:'#6c7a89',
-			                            lineHeight:30,
-			                        },
-				                    }
-				                },
-				                emphasis: {//中间文字显示
-				                    show: true,
-				                }
-				            },
-							color:['#00c4b8','#e1fcfa'],
-				            // emphasis: {
-				            //     label: {
-				            //         show: false,
-				            //         fontSize: '40',
-				            //         fontWeight: 'bold'
-				            //     }
-				            // },
-				            labelLine: {
-				                show: false
-				            },
-				            data: [
-								{value: this.yiPaiSong, name: '签收成功'},
-								{value:, name: '待派送'},
-							]
-				        }
-				    ]
-				}
-				myChart.setOption(option)
-				window.addEventListener("resize", () => {myChart.resize();})
-			},
-			swiper(){
-				var mySwiper = new Swiper(".swiper-container", {
-				  direction: 'vertical',//垂直滚动
-				  //speed: 400,//过渡时间
-				  loop: false,//循环
-				  //observer:true,
-				  autoplay:false,
-				  // autoplay: {
-				  //   delay: 5000,//自动滚动|时间
-				  // },
-				  nextButton: '.swiper-button-next',
-				  prevButton: '.swiper-button-prev',
-				});
-			}
-		},
-		mounted:function(){
-			this.getData();
-			this.swiper()
-			/* setTimeout(()=>{
-			    this.echart()
-			},1000) */
-		}
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+ 0 - 405

@@ -1,405 +0,0 @@
-	<!-- 手写签名组件 -->
-	<div class="page sign-page">
-		<div class="content">
-			<!-- <p class="title">签收</p> -->
-      <div class="sm">
-        <p class="title" style="text-align: center;">签收</p>
-        <!-- <img src="../assets/images/phone.jpg" alt="" @click="chooseImage()"/> -->
-        <van-uploader  :after-read="afterRead">
-          <img src="../assets/images/phone.jpg"/>
-        </van-uploader>
-      </div>
-			<div class="whrite-content">
-				<p>快递单号:{{expressNo}}</p>
-				<div class="sign-wrap" id="signWrap" v-if="isOrNo == 0">
-					<canvas id="myCanvas" width="400px" height="100%"></canvas>
-				</div>
-        <div class="sign-wrap"  style="display: flex; align-items: center;" v-else>
-        	<img style="width: 100%;" :src="phoneImage"/>
-        </div>
-        <van-field type="text" v-model="remark" label="快递备注" placeholder="输入快递备注" />
-				<div class="con-btn">
-					<span class="staging-btn size14" @click="clearArea()">清除</span>
-					<span class="submit-btn size14" @click="saveSign()">确认</span>
-				</div>
-			</div>
-		</div>
-	</div>
-	import {
-		Toast,
-		Dialog
-	} from 'vant'
-  import wx from "weixin-jsapi"
-	export default {
-		name: "signature",
-		data() {
-			return {
-				image: "",
-        phoneImage:"",
-				mousePressed: false,
-				c: "",
-				ctx: "",
-				lastX: 0,
-				lastY: 0,
-        isOrNo: 0,
-				expressNo: '',
-        remark: '', //快递备注
-        File:'',
-			};
-		},
-		created() {
-			this.expressNo = this.$route.query.expressNo
-		},
-		mounted() {
-			this.image = "";
-			this.mousePressed = false;
-			var lastX, lastY;
-			this.ctx = document.getElementById("myCanvas").getContext("2d");
-			this.c = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
-			var signWrap = document.getElementById("signWrap");
-			this.c.width = signWrap.clientWidth; // 设置宽度
-			this.c.height = signWrap.clientHeight; // 设置高度
-			// 监听touchstart事件,touchmove事件,touchend事件等事件
-			this.InitThis();
-		},
-		methods: {
-      //限制
-      onOversize(file){
-      	Toast('文件大小不能超过 50M');
-      },
-      //图片上传
-      afterRead(file){
-        this.isOrNo = 1
-        this.phoneImage = file.content
-        this.File = file.file
-      },
-			InitThis() {
-				// 触摸屏
-				var that = this;
-				this.c.addEventListener(
-					"touchstart",
-					function(event) {
-						if (event.targetTouches.length == 1) {
-							event.preventDefault(); // 阻止浏览器默认事件,重要
-							var touch = event.targetTouches[0];
-							this.mousePressed = true;
-							that.Draw(
-								touch.pageX - this.offsetLeft,
-								touch.pageY - this.offsetTop,
-								false
-							);
-						}
-					},
-					false
-				);
-				this.c.addEventListener(
-					"touchmove",
-					function(event) {
-						if (event.targetTouches.length == 1) {
-							event.preventDefault(); // 阻止浏览器默认事件,重要
-							var touch = event.targetTouches[0];
-							if (this.mousePressed) {
-								that.Draw(
-									touch.pageX - this.offsetLeft,
-									touch.pageY - this.offsetTop,
-									true
-								);
-							}
-						}
-					},
-					false
-				);
-				this.c.addEventListener(
-					"touchend",
-					function(event) {
-						if (event.targetTouches.length == 1) {
-							event.preventDefault(); // 阻止浏览器默认事件,防止手写的时候拖动屏幕,重要
-							this.mousePressed = false;
-						}
-					},
-					false
-				);
-				// 鼠标
-				this.c.onmousedown = function(event) {
-					this.mousePressed = true;
-					that.Draw(
-						event.pageX - this.offsetLeft,
-						event.pageY - this.offsetTop,
-						false
-					);
-				};
-				this.c.onmousemove = function(event) {
-					if (this.mousePressed) {
-						that.Draw(
-							event.pageX - this.offsetLeft,
-							event.pageY - this.offsetTop,
-							true
-						);
-					}
-				};
-				this.c.onmouseup = function(event) {
-					this.mousePressed = false;
-				};
-			},
-			Draw(x, y, isDown) {
-				if (isDown) {
-					this.ctx.beginPath();
-					this.ctx.strokeStyle = "#000"; // 颜色
-					this.ctx.lineWidth = 3; // 线宽
-					this.ctx.lineJoin = "round";
-					this.ctx.lineMax = 10; // 设置画笔最大线宽
-					this.ctx.lineMin = 3; // 设置画笔最小线宽
-					this.ctx.linePressure = 1.2; // 设置画笔笔触压力
-					this.ctx.smoothness = 30; // 设置画笔笔触大小变化的平滑度
-					this.ctx.moveTo(this.lastX, this.lastY);
-					this.ctx.lineTo(x, y);
-					this.ctx.closePath();
-					this.ctx.stroke();
-				}
-				this.lastX = x;
-				this.lastY = y;
-			},
-			// 清空画板
-			clearArea() {
-        if(this.isOrNo == 0){//画板
-          this.ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
-          this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.ctx.canvas.width, this.ctx.canvas.height);
-        }else{
-          this.phoneImage = ''
-          this.isOrNo = 0;
-          setTimeout(() => {
-          	this.image = "";
-          	this.mousePressed = false;
-          	var lastX, lastY;
-          	this.ctx = document.getElementById("myCanvas").getContext("2d");
-          	this.c = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
-          	var signWrap = document.getElementById("signWrap");
-          	this.c.width = signWrap.clientWidth; // 设置宽度
-          	this.c.height = signWrap.clientHeight; // 设置高度
-          	// 监听touchstart事件,touchmove事件,touchend事件等事件
-          	this.InitThis();
-          }, 300)
-        }
-			},
-			// 提交签名
-			saveSign() {
-        if(this.isOrNo == 0){
-          this.checkEmpty(); // 调用 表单非空验证
-        }else{
-          console.log("拍照上传文件:" + this.File)
-          Toast.loading({duration: 0,forbidClick: true, message: "上传中..." });
-               	let fd=new FormData()
-               	let signType = '2';
-               	fd.append("file",this.File)
-               	fd.append("expressNo", this.expressNo);
-               	fd.append("signType", signType);
-               	fd.append("remark",this.remark);
-               	this.$$ + "/solic/uploadpict", fd,{ emulateJSON: true })
-               	.then(res => {
-               	   //发送成功
-               	   if (res.body.msg == 'success') {
-               	   	//签收成功
-               	   	Toast.success('签收成功')
-                    setTimeout(() => {
-                    	this.$router.push({
-                    		path: '/',
-                    		query: {}
-                    	});
-                    }, 2000)
-               	   } else {
-          '签收失败')
-               	   }
-               	},res=>{
-               	});
-        }
-			},
-			checkEmpty() {
-				var c = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); // 获取html的canvas对象,我这个id="myCanvas"
-				if (this.isCanvasBlank(c)) {
-					Toast("请在签名区域签名后再次确认");
-					return;
-				} else {
-					var image = this.c.toDataURL("image/png"); // 得到生成后的签名base64位  url 地址
-					// 调用
-					/* let blob = this.dataURLtoBlob(image);
-					let file = this.blobToFile(blob, this.expressNo + ".jpg");
-					console.log(file) */
-					let signType = '2';
-					var file = this.dataURLtoFile(image, this.expressNo + signType +".jpg");
-					let fd = new FormData();
-					fd.append("files", file);
-          console.log("签字上传文件:" + file)
-					fd.append("expressNo", this.expressNo);
-					fd.append("signType", signType);
-          fd.append("remark",this.remark);
-					this.$$ + "/solic/", fd)
-						.then(res => {
-							//发送成功
-							if (res.body.msg == 'success') {
-								//签收成功
-								Toast.success('签字成功')
-								setTimeout(() => {
-									this.$router.push({
-										path: '/',
-										query: {}
-									});
-								}, 2000)
-							} else {
-							}
-						}, res => {
-							//发送失败
-							Toast("网络错误!")
-						})
-				}
-			},
-			// 验证canvas画布是否为空函数
-			isCanvasBlank(canvas) {
-				var blank = document.createElement("canvas"); // 系统获取一个空canvas对象
-				blank.width = canvas.width;
-				blank.height = canvas.height;
-				return canvas.toDataURL() == blank.toDataURL(); // 比较值相等则为空
-			},
-			// 将base64转换为blob
-			dataURLtoBlob(dataurl) {
-				let arr = dataurl.split(","),
-					mime = arr[0].match(/:(.*?);/)[1],
-					bstr = atob(arr[1]),
-					n = bstr.length,
-					u8arr = new Uint8Array(n);
-				while (n--) {
-					u8arr[n] = bstr.charCodeAt(n);
-				}
-				return new Blob([u8arr], {
-					type: mime
-				});
-			},
-			// 将blob转换为file
-			blobToFile(theBlob, fileName) {
-				theBlob.lastModifiedDate = new Date();
- = fileName;
-				return theBlob;
-			},
-			//将base64转换为文件
-			dataURLtoFile(dataurl, filename) {
-				var arr = dataurl.split(','),
-					mime = arr[0].match(/:(.*?);/)[1],
-					bstr = atob(arr[1]),
-					n = bstr.length,
-					u8arr = new Uint8Array(n);
-				while (n--) {
-					u8arr[n] = bstr.charCodeAt(n);
-				}
-				return new File([u8arr], filename, {
-					type: mime
-				});
-			},
-      //=======================结束======================
-		},
-	};
-<style lang="less" scoped>
-	.page {
-		// width: 400px;
-		padding-bottom: .3rem;
-		.content {
-			text-align: center;
-			padding: 0rem .37rem;
-      .sm {
-        display: flex;
-        margin-bottom: .2rem;
-        justify-content: space-between;
-        align-items: center;
-        img {
-          width: .4rem;
-          height: .4rem;
-        }
-      }
-			.title {
-				font-size: .36rem;
-				padding: .3rem 0rem;
-			}
-			.whrite-content {
-				background: white;
-				width: 100%;
-				margin: 0 auto;
-				padding: .3rem 0rem;
-				border-radius: .05rem;
-				>p {
-					font-size: .3rem;
-					text-align: left;
-					width: 85%;
-					display: block;
-					margin: 0 auto;
-					padding-bottom: .3rem;
-				}
-			}
-			background-size: 100% 100%;
-			background-position: center center;
-			.sign-wrap {
-				box-shadow: 0px 0px .1rem #e3e3e3;
-				width: 85%;
-				margin: 0 auto;
-				height: 400px;
-			}
-		}
-		.con-btn {
-			width: 85%;
-			margin: .5rem auto 0px;
-			display: flex;
-			align-content: center;
-			justify-content: space-between;
-			opacity: 0.75;
-			span {
-				font-size: 0.14rem;
-				width: 45%;
-				height: 0.48rem;
-				display: flex;
-				align-items: center;
-				justify-content: center;
-				padding: .2rem 0rem;
-				border-radius: .05rem;
-			}
-			.staging-btn {
-				color: #02bfb3;
-				background: #fff;
-				border: .01rem solid #02bfb3
-			}
-			.submit-btn {
-				color: #fff;
-				background: #02bfb3;
-			}
-		}
-	}

+ 0 - 399

@@ -1,399 +0,0 @@
-	<!-- 手写签名组件 -->
-	<div class="page sign-page">
-		<div class="content">
-			<div class="sm">
-			  <p class="title" style="text-align: center;">签收</p>
-			  <!-- <img src="../assets/images/phone.jpg" alt="" @click="chooseImage()"/> -->
-			  <van-uploader  :after-read="afterRead">
-			    <img src="../assets/images/phone.jpg"/>
-			  </van-uploader>
-			</div>
-			<div class="whrite-content">
-				<p>快递单号:{{expressNoList}}</p>
-				<div class="sign-wrap" id="signWrap" v-if="isOrNo == 0">
-					<canvas id="myCanvas" width="400px" height="100%"></canvas>
-				</div>
-        <div class="sign-wrap"  style="display: flex; align-items: center;" v-else>
-        	<img style="width: 100%;" :src="phoneImage"/>
-        </div>
-        <van-field type="text" v-model="remark" label="快递备注" placeholder="输入快递备注" />
-				<div class="con-btn">
-					<span class="staging-btn size14" @click="clearArea()">清除签名</span>
-					<span class="submit-btn size14" @click="saveSign()">确认签名</span>
-				</div>
-			</div>
-		</div>
-	</div>
-	import {
-		Toast,
-		Dialog
-	} from 'vant'
-	export default {
-		name: "signature",
-		data() {
-			return {
-				image: "",
-				mousePressed: false,
-				c: "",
-				ctx: "",
-				lastX: 0,
-				lastY: 0,
-				expressNoList: '',
-        phoneImage:"",
-        isOrNo: 0,
-        File:'',
-        remark: '', //快递备注
-			};
-		},
-		created() {
-			this.expressNoList = this.$route.query.expressNoList
-		},
-		mounted() {
-			this.image = "";
-			this.mousePressed = false;
-			var lastX, lastY;
-			this.ctx = document.getElementById("myCanvas").getContext("2d");
-			this.c = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
-			var signWrap = document.getElementById("signWrap");
-			this.c.width = signWrap.clientWidth; // 设置宽度
-			this.c.height = signWrap.clientHeight; // 设置高度
-			// 监听touchstart事件,touchmove事件,touchend事件等事件
-			this.InitThis();
-		},
-		methods: {
-      //限制
-      onOversize(file){
-      	Toast('文件大小不能超过 50M');
-      },
-      //图片上传
-      afterRead(file){
-        this.isOrNo = 1
-        this.phoneImage = file.content
-        this.File = file.file
-      },
-			InitThis() {
-				// 触摸屏
-				var that = this;
-				this.c.addEventListener(
-					"touchstart",
-					function(event) {
-						if (event.targetTouches.length == 1) {
-							event.preventDefault(); // 阻止浏览器默认事件,重要
-							var touch = event.targetTouches[0];
-							this.mousePressed = true;
-							that.Draw(
-								touch.pageX - this.offsetLeft,
-								touch.pageY - this.offsetTop,
-								false
-							);
-						}
-					},
-					false
-				);
-				this.c.addEventListener(
-					"touchmove",
-					function(event) {
-						if (event.targetTouches.length == 1) {
-							event.preventDefault(); // 阻止浏览器默认事件,重要
-							var touch = event.targetTouches[0];
-							if (this.mousePressed) {
-								that.Draw(
-									touch.pageX - this.offsetLeft,
-									touch.pageY - this.offsetTop,
-									true
-								);
-							}
-						}
-					},
-					false
-				);
-				this.c.addEventListener(
-					"touchend",
-					function(event) {
-						if (event.targetTouches.length == 1) {
-							event.preventDefault(); // 阻止浏览器默认事件,防止手写的时候拖动屏幕,重要
-							this.mousePressed = false;
-						}
-					},
-					false
-				);
-				// 鼠标
-				this.c.onmousedown = function(event) {
-					this.mousePressed = true;
-					that.Draw(
-						event.pageX - this.offsetLeft,
-						event.pageY - this.offsetTop,
-						false
-					);
-				};
-				this.c.onmousemove = function(event) {
-					if (this.mousePressed) {
-						that.Draw(
-							event.pageX - this.offsetLeft,
-							event.pageY - this.offsetTop,
-							true
-						);
-					}
-				};
-				this.c.onmouseup = function(event) {
-					this.mousePressed = false;
-				};
-			},
-			Draw(x, y, isDown) {
-				if (isDown) {
-					this.ctx.beginPath();
-					this.ctx.strokeStyle = "#000"; // 颜色
-					this.ctx.lineWidth = 3; // 线宽
-					this.ctx.lineJoin = "round";
-					this.ctx.lineMax = 10; // 设置画笔最大线宽
-					this.ctx.lineMin = 3; // 设置画笔最小线宽
-					this.ctx.linePressure = 1.2; // 设置画笔笔触压力
-					this.ctx.smoothness = 30; // 设置画笔笔触大小变化的平滑度
-					this.ctx.moveTo(this.lastX, this.lastY);
-					this.ctx.lineTo(x, y);
-					this.ctx.closePath();
-					this.ctx.stroke();
-				}
-				this.lastX = x;
-				this.lastY = y;
-			},
-			// 清空画板
-			clearArea() {
-				if(this.isOrNo == 0){//画板
-				  this.ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
-				  this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.ctx.canvas.width, this.ctx.canvas.height);
-				}else{
-				  this.phoneImage = ''
-				  this.isOrNo = 0;
-				  setTimeout(() => {
-				  	this.image = "";
-				  	this.mousePressed = false;
-				  	var lastX, lastY;
-				  	this.ctx = document.getElementById("myCanvas").getContext("2d");
-				  	this.c = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
-				  	var signWrap = document.getElementById("signWrap");
-				  	this.c.width = signWrap.clientWidth; // 设置宽度
-				  	this.c.height = signWrap.clientHeight; // 设置高度
-				  	// 监听touchstart事件,touchmove事件,touchend事件等事件
-				  	this.InitThis();
-				  }, 300)
-				}
-			},
-			// 提交签名
-			saveSign() {
-				if(this.isOrNo == 0){
-				  this.checkEmpty(); // 调用 表单非空验证
-				}else{
-				  console.log("拍照上传文件:" + this.File)
-				  Toast.loading({duration: 0,forbidClick: true, message: "上传中..." });
-				       	let fd=new FormData()
-				       	let signType = '2';
-				       	fd.append("file",this.File)
-				       	fd.append("expressNoList", this.expressNoList);
-				       	fd.append("signType", signType);
-				       	fd.append("remark",this.remark);
-				       	this.$$ + "/solic/uploadpict2", fd,{ emulateJSON: true })
-				       	.then(res => {
-				       	   //发送成功
-				       	   if (res.body.msg == 'success') {
-				       	   	//签收成功
-				       	   	Toast.success('签收成功')
-				            setTimeout(() => {
-				            	this.$router.push({
-				            		path: '/',
-				            		query: {}
-				            	});
-				            }, 2000)
-				       	   } else {
-				  '签收失败')
-				       	   }
-				       	},res=>{
-				       	});
-				}
-			},
-			checkEmpty() {
-				var c = document.getElementById("myCanvas"); // 获取html的canvas对象,我这个id="myCanvas"
-				if (this.isCanvasBlank(c)) {
-					Toast("请在签名区域签名后再次确认");
-					return;
-				} else {
-					var image = this.c.toDataURL("image/png"); // 得到生成后的签名base64位  url 地址
-					// 调用
-					/* let blob = this.dataURLtoBlob(image);
-					let file = this.blobToFile(blob, this.expressNo + ".jpg");
-					console.log(file) */
-					let signType = '2';
-					var file = this.dataURLtoFile(image, this.expressNo + signType +".jpg");
-					let fd = new FormData();
-					fd.append("files", file);
-					fd.append("expressNoList", this.expressNoList);
-					fd.append("signType", signType);
-          fd.append("remark",this.remark);
-					this.$$ + "/solic/", fd)
-						.then(res => {
-							//发送成功
-							if (res.body.msg == 'success') {
-								//签收成功
-								Toast.success('签字成功')
-								setTimeout(() => {
-									this.$router.push({
-										path: '/',
-										query: {}
-									});
-								}, 2000)
-							} else {
-							}
-						}, res => {
-							//发送失败
-							Toast("网络错误!")
-						})
-				}
-			},
-			// 验证canvas画布是否为空函数
-			isCanvasBlank(canvas) {
-				var blank = document.createElement("canvas"); // 系统获取一个空canvas对象
-				blank.width = canvas.width;
-				blank.height = canvas.height;
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-			dataURLtoBlob(dataurl) {
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-					type: mime
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-			blobToFile(theBlob, fileName) {
-				theBlob.lastModifiedDate = new Date();
- = fileName;
-				return theBlob;
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-			//将base64转换为文件
-			dataURLtoFile(dataurl, filename) {
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-					bstr = atob(arr[1]),
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-					u8arr = new Uint8Array(n);
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-					u8arr[n] = bstr.charCodeAt(n);
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-					type: mime
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+ 0 - 666

@@ -1,666 +0,0 @@
-  <div>
-    <backindex :title="titlename"></backindex>
-    <div class="content">
-      <div class="sm">
-        <van-search v-model="value" @search="onSearch" placeholder="点击搜索单号" />
-        <img src="../assets/user/sm.png" alt="" @click="wxScanCode()">
-      </div>
-      <!-- 收件登记 -->
-      <div class="kdtype">
-        <ul>
-          <li :class="sdata == 0?'active':''">
-            <img src="../assets/user/kd1.png" alt="" @click="setExpressCompanyName('顺丰快递')">
-            <p>顺丰</p>
-          </li>
-          <li :class="sdata == 1?'active':''">
-            <img src="../assets/user/kd2.png" alt="" @click="setExpressCompanyName('中通快递')">
-            <p>中通</p>
-          </li>
-          <li :class="sdata == 2?'active':''">
-            <img style="width: 1rem;height: auto;padding-top: .22rem;" src="../assets/user/kd3.png" alt=""
-              @click="setExpressCompanyName('京东快递')">
-            <p>京东</p>
-          </li>
-          <li :class="sdata == 3?'active':''">
-            <img src="../assets/user/kd4.png" alt="" @click="setExpressCompanyName('闪送快递')">
-            <p>闪送</p>
-          </li>
-          <li :class="sdata == 4?'active':''">
-            <img style="width: 1.24rem;height: auto;padding: .3rem 0rem .1rem;" src="../assets/user/kd5.png" alt=""
-              @click="setExpressCompanyName('EMS')">
-            <p>EMS</p>
-          </li>
-          <li :class="sdata == 5?'active':''">
-            <img style="width: 1.1rem;height: auto;padding-top: .15rem;" src="../assets/user/kd6.png" alt=""
-              @click="setExpressCompanyName('DHL')">
-            <p>DHL</p>
-          </li>
-        </ul>
-        <van-field type="text" v-model="expressNo" label="快递单号" placeholder="填写快递单号" />
-        <van-field type="text" v-model="expressCompanyName" label="快递公司" placeholder="填写快递公司" />
-      </div>
-      <!-- 快递属性 -->
-      <div class="ktsx">
-        <van-field readonly clickable name="picker" :value="phone" label="收件人手机" placeholder="输入手机号后四位查询"
-          @click="addshow=true" />
-        <van-field readonly type="text" v-model="recipient" label="收件人" />
-        <van-field readonly type="text" v-model="company" label="公司" />
-        <van-field readonly type="text" v-model="department" label="部门" />
-        <van-field readonly type="text" v-model="costCenterName" label="成本中心" />
-        <van-field readonly type="text" v-model="sendSeat" label="派件座位" />
-        <van-field readonly clickable :value="expressType" label="快件类型" placeholder="选择快件类型" @click="wpshow=true" />
-        <van-popup v-model="wpshow" position="bottom">
-          <van-picker title="快件类型" show-toolbar :columns="wplist" @confirm="onConfirm1" @cancel="wpshow=false" />
-        </van-popup>
-        <van-field readonly clickable :value="isPayOnDelivery" label="是否到付件" placeholder="选择是否到付件"
-          @click="payshow=true" />
-        <van-popup v-model="payshow" position="bottom">
-          <van-picker title="是否到付件" show-toolbar :columns="paylist" @confirm="onConfirm2" @cancel="payshow=false" />
-        </van-popup>
-        <van-field v-if="payMoneyShow" type="number" v-model="payMoney" label="到付件金额" placeholder="输入到付件金额" />
-        <van-field readonly clickable :value="isIncludeChldren" label="是否包含子件" placeholder="选择是否包含子件"
-          @click="chldrenshow=true" />
-        <van-popup v-model="chldrenshow" position="bottom">
-          <van-picker title="是否包含子件" show-toolbar :columns="paylist" @confirm="onConfirm3"
-            @cancel="chldrenshow=false" />
-        </van-popup>
-        <van-field type="text" v-model="shelfAndFloorNum" label="货架号" placeholder="如1-2(1号柜2层)" />
-        <van-field type="text" v-model="remark" label="快递备注" placeholder="输入快递备注" />
-        <div>
-          <button @click="clear()">清空</button>
-          <button @click="addPer()">新增临时收件人</button>
-        </div>
-      </div>
-      <div style="text-align:center;margin-top: .3rem;">
-        <button
-          style="color: #fff;background: #02bfb3;border:.01rem solid #02bfb3;width: 50%;height: 40px;border-radius: 0.1rem;"
-          @click="saveDj()">保存</button>
-      </div>
-      <!-- 填写手机号码 -->
-      <van-popup round v-model="addshow" class="whrite_add" closeable @closed="close" :close-on-click-overlay="false">
-        <div>
-          <p style="font-size: 16px;text-align: center;margin-bottom: 16px;">填写号码</p>
-          <van-form @submit="onSubmit">
-            <van-field v-model="phone" name="收件人手机" label="收件人手机" type="number" maxlength="20" placeholder="输入手机号后四位"
-              @change="searchList()" />
-            <ul>
-              <li v-for="(item,i) in employeeList" @click="choose(i,item)">
-                <p>{{}}</p>
-                <p>{{item.department}}</p>
-                <van-icon v-if="index == i" name="passed" />
-              </li>
-            </ul>
-            <div style="margin-top: 16px;">
-              <van-button color="#00c4b8" block type="info" native-type="submit">确定</van-button>
-            </div>
-          </van-form>
-        </div>
-      </van-popup>
-      <van-popup round v-model="tjshow" class="whrite_add" closeabl="false" :close-on-click-overlay="false"
-        closed="close">
-        <div>
-          <p style="font-size: 16px;text-align: center;margin-bottom: 16px;">登记成功</p>
-          <img src="../assets/user/success.png" alt="" style="display: block;margin: 0 auto;width: 1.76rem;">
-          <p style="text-align: center;">登记成功,是否继续登记下一单?</p>
-          <div style="margin-top: 16px;">
-            <van-button color="#00c4b8" block type="info" native-type="submit" @click="clear()">确定</van-button>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </van-popup>
-    </div>
-  </div>
-  import {
-    Toast,
-    Dialog
-  } from 'vant'
-  export default {
-    inject: ['reload'],
-    data() {
-      return {
-        chldrenshow: false,
-        payMoneyShow: false,
-        payshow: false,
-        paylist: ["是", "否"],
-        wpshow: false,
-        wplist: ["物品", "文件"],
-        titlename: "收件登记",
-        addshow: false,
-        tjshow: false,
-        value: '',
-        sdata: '-1',
-        employeeList: [], //员工列表
-        index: '-1',
-        recipient: '', //人名
-        department: '', //部门
-        costCenterName: '',
-        mailRoomId: '',
-        expressCompanyName: '', //快递公司名字
-        expressCompany: '',//快递公司
-        expressNo: '',
-        recipient: '',
-        phone: '',
-        company: '',
-        sendSeat: '', //派件座位
-        isPayOnDelivery: '', //是否到付件
-        payMoney: '', //到付件金额
-        isIncludeChldren: '', //是否包含子件
-        expressType: '', //快件类型
-        shelfAndFloorNum: '1-1', //货架号
-        remark: '', //快递备注
-        expressNo: '', //快递号
-        sendexpressCompany: '', //快递公司发送数据
-        user_id: '', //收件人id
-      }
-    },
-    created: function() {
-      this.isPayOnDelivery= '否'; //是否到付件
-      this.isIncludeChldren='否'; //是否包含子件
-      this.expressType='文件'; //快件类型
-    },
-    methods: {
-      //点击图片填入快递公司
-      setExpressCompanyName(e) {
-        this.expressCompanyName = e;
-        console.log("e:" + e);
-      },
-      //快件类型
-      onConfirm1(e) {
-        this.expressType = e;
-        this.wpshow = false;
-      },
-      //是否到付件
-      onConfirm2(e) {
-        this.isPayOnDelivery = e;
-        if (this.isPayOnDelivery == '是') {
-          this.payMoneyShow = true;
-        } else {
-          this.payMoneyShow = false;
-        }
-        this.payshow = false;
-      },
-      //是否包含子件
-      onConfirm3(e) {
-        this.isIncludeChldren = e;
-        this.chldrenshow = false;
-      },
-      //微信扫码
-      wxScanCode() {
-        this.$$ + "/weixin/getWxConfig", {
-            url: window.location.href.split("#")[0]
-          }, {
-            emulateJSON: true
-          })
-          .then(res => {
-            //发送成功
-            var timestamp = res.body.wxConfig.timestamp;
-            var noncestr = res.body.wxConfig.nonceStr;
-            var signature = res.body.wxConfig.signature;
-            var appId = res.body.wxConfig.appId;
-            wx.config({
-              debug: false, // 开启调试模式,调用的所有api的返回值会在客户端alert出来,若要查看传入的参数,可以在pc端打开,参数信息会通过log打出,仅在pc端时才会打印。
-              //debug : true, // 开启调试模式,调用的所有api的返回值会在客户端alert出来,若要查看传入的参数,可以在pc端打开,参数信息会通过log打出,仅在pc端时才会打印。
-              appId: appId, // 必填,公众号的唯一标识
-              timestamp: timestamp, // 必填,生成签名的时间戳
-              nonceStr: noncestr, // 必填,生成签名的随机串
-              signature: signature, // 必填,签名,见附录1
-              jsApiList: [
-                "scanQRCode",
-              ] // 必填,需要使用的JS接口列表,所有JS接口列表见附录2
-            });
-            wx.ready(() => {
-              wx.scanQRCode({
-                needResult: 1, // 默认为0,扫描结果由微信处理,1则直接返回扫描结果,
-                scanType: ["qrCode", "barCode"], // 可以指定扫二维码还是一维码,默认二者都有
-                success: (res) => {
-                  var result = res.resultStr; // 当needResult 为 1 时,扫码返回的结果
-                  if (result.indexOf(",") != -1) {
-                    let result1 = res.resultStr.split(",");
-                    result = result1[result1.length - 1];
-                  }
-                  // location.href=res.resultStr;//扫描结果传递到的处理页面,跳转到这个页面
-                  // alert(result);
-                  // location.href=res.resultStr;//扫描结果传递到的处理页面,跳转到这个页面
-                  // sessionStorage.setItem('saomiao_result',result);
-                  //其它网页调用二维码扫描结果:
-                  // var result = sessionStorage.getItem("saomiao_result");
-                  this.onSearch(result)
-                },
-                error: function(res) {
-                  console.log(res);
-                }
-              });
-            });
-          }, res => {
-            //发送失败
-            Toast("加载中!")
-          })
-      },
-      //选择员工
-      choose(val, item) {
-        this.index = val
-        this.recipient =
-        this.department = item.department
- =
- =
-        this.costCenterName = item.costCenterName
-        this.user_id = item.user_id
-        this.sendSeat =
-      },
-      //手机号后四位搜索
-      searchList() {
-        this.$$ + "/solic/getEmployeeInfoByPhone", {
-            phone:
-          }, {
-            emulateJSON: true
-          })
-          .then(res => {
-            //发送成功
-            if (res.body.msg == 'success') {
-              this.employeeList = res.body.employeeList
-              console.log("员工:" + this.employeeList.length);
-            }
-          }, res => {
-            //发送失败
-            Toast("网络错误!")
-          })
-      },
-      //搜索
-      onSearch(val) {
-        this.expressNo = val;
-        this.$$ + "/solic/getExpressDetail", {
-            expressNo: val,
-            type: 2
-          }, {
-            emulateJSON: true
-          })
-          .then(res => {
-            //发送成功
-            if (res.body.msg == 'success') {
-              if (res.body.expressInfo != undefined && res.body.expressInfo != null) {
-                switch (res.body.expressInfo.expressInfo) {
-                  case "1":
-                    this.sdata = 0;
-                    this.expressCompanyName = '顺丰快递';
-                    break;
-                  case "2":
-                    this.sdata = 1;
-                    this.expressCompanyName = '中通快递';
-                    break;
-                  case "6":
-                    this.sdata = 2;
-                    this.expressCompanyName = '京东快递';
-                    break;
-                  case "5":
-                    this.sdata = 3;
-                    this.expressCompanyName = '闪送快递';
-                    break;
-                  case "4":
-                    this.sdata = 4;
-                    this.expressCompanyName = 'EMS';
-                    break;
-                  case "3":
-                    this.sdata = 5;
-                    this.expressCompanyName = 'DHL';
-                    break;
-                  default:
-                    this.sdata = -1;
-                    break;
-                }
-       =;
-                this.department = res.body.expressInfo.department;
-                this.recipient = res.body.expressInfo.receiver;
-                this.user_id = res.body.expressInfo.user_id;
-       = res.body.expressInfo.expressPhone;
-                this.expressType = res.body.expressInfo.itemType;
-                this.isPayOnDelivery = res.body.expressInfo.isPayOnDelivery;
-                this.costCenterName = res.body.expressInfo.costCenterName;
-                this.sendSeat =;
-                this.isIncludeChldren = res.body.expressInfo.isIncludeChldren;
-                this.isPayOnDelivery = res.body.expressInfo.isPayOnDelivery;
-                if (this.isPayOnDelivery == '是') {
-                  this.payMoneyShow = true;
-                }
-                this.payMoney = res.body.expressInfo.payMoney;
-              } else {
-                Toast("查无此单!");
-              }
-            } else {
-              Toast(res.body.msg);
-            }
-          }, res => {
-            //发送失败
-            Toast("加载中!")
-          })
-      },
-      //新增临时收件人
-      addPer(val) {
-        this.$router.push({
-          path: '/Addper'
-        })
-      },
-      //选择快递
-      active(val) {
-        this.sdata = val
-      },
-      onSubmit() {
-        if (this.recipient == '') {
-          Toast('请选择收件人')
-          return
-        }
-        this.addshow = false
-        //this.tjshow=true
-      },
-      close() {
-        // = ''
-        // = ''
-        //this.department = ''
-        this.index = ''
-      },
-      //清空
-      clear() {
-        this.reload();
-      },
-      //保存
-      saveDj() {
-        if (localStorage.getItem('roomId') == '' || localStorage.getItem('roomId') == undefined) {
-          Toast('请重新登录!');
-          return;
-        }
-        if (this.expressNo == '' || this.expressNo == undefined) {
-          Toast('请填写快递单号!');
-          return;
-        }
-        if (this.expressCompanyName == '' || this.expressCompanyName == undefined) {
-          Toast('请填写快递公司!');
-          return;
-        }else{
-          switch (this.expressCompanyName) {
-            case "顺丰快递":
-              this.expressCompany = '1';
-              break;
-            case "中通快递":
-              this.expressCompany = '2';
-              break;
-            case "京东快递":
-              this.expressCompany = '6';
-              break;
-            case "闪送":
-              this.expressCompany = '0';//数据库里面快递公司没有闪送
-              break;
-            case "EMS":
-              this.expressCompany = '0';//数据库里面快递公司没有EMS
-              break;
-            case "DHL":
-              this.expressCompany = '3';
-              break;
-            default:
-              this.expressCompany = '0';
-              break;
-          }
-        }
-        if (this.sdata != '' && this.sdata != -1) {
-          this.sendexpressCompany = this.sdata;
-        } else {
-          this.sendexpressCompany = this.expressCompany
-        }
-        if (this.recipient == '' || this.recipient == undefined) {
-          Toast('请选择收件人!');
-          return;
-        }
-        if (this.shelfAndFloorNum == '' || this.shelfAndFloorNum == undefined) {
-          Toast('请填写货架号!');
-          return;
-        } else {
-          if (!this.shelfAndFloorNum.match("-") || this.shelfAndFloorNum.split("-")[1] == '') {
-            Toast('货架号-层号输入格式有误!');
-            return;
-          }
-        }
-        this.$$ + "/solic/saveExpressRecord", {
-            mailRoomId: localStorage.getItem('roomId'),
-            expressCompany: this.sendexpressCompany,
-            expressCompanyName: this.expressCompanyName,
-            user_id: this.user_id,
-            expressNo: this.expressNo,
-            recipient: this.recipient,
-            phone:,
-            company:,
-            sendSeat: this.sendSeat,
-            isPayOnDelivery: this.isPayOnDelivery,
-            payMoney: this.payMoney,
-            isIncludeChldren: this.isIncludeChldren,
-            expressType: this.expressType,
-            shelfAndFloorNum: this.shelfAndFloorNum,
-            remark: this.remark,
-          }, {
-            emulateJSON: true
-          })
-          .then(res => {
-            //发送成功
-            if (res.body.msg == 'success') {
-              this.tjshow = true;
-            } else {
-              Toast("登记失败!")
-            }
-          }, res => {
-            //发送失败
-            Toast("网络错误!")
-          })
-        //this.tjshow=true;
-      }
-    },
-    mounted: function() {
-    }
-  }
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-        padding: 0rem;
-        background-color: white;
-        .van-search__content {
-          background-color: white;
-        }
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-          background-color: white;
-        }
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-        li {
-          width: 1.5rem;
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-          img {
-            height: .7rem;
-            margin-bottom: .25rem;
-          }
-          p {
-            font-size: .26rem;
-            color: #666666;
-          }
-        }
-        .active {
-          border: .01rem solid #74bdfc;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    .ktsx {
-      padding: .2rem .3rem;
-      background: white;
-      display: flex;
-      flex-wrap: wrap;
-      justify-content: space-between;
-      font-size: .28rem;
-      line-height: 200%;
-      border-radius: .05rem;
-      margin-top: .2rem;
-      /deep/.van-cell {
-        .van-field__label {
-          span {
-            font-size: .28rem;
-            color: #333;
-          }
-        }
-        padding: 0px 0rem;
-        overflow: unset;
-        border-top: unset;
-        border-bottom: .01rem solid #F6F6F6;
-        padding-bottom: .1rem;
-        input {
-          text-align: right;
-          height: .5rem;
-          padding-right: .25rem;
-          font-size: .28rem;
-        }
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-      /deep/.van-cell::after {
-        content: "";
-        display: none;
-        border-right: .01rem solid #b0b0b0;
-        border-bottom: .01rem solid #b0b0b0;
-        transform: rotate(-45deg);
-        left: unset;
-        position: absolute;
-        right: 0rem;
-        bottom: .25rem;
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-      p {
-        width: 100%;
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-      div {
-        width: 100%;
-        border-top: .01rem solid #F6F6F6;
-        text-align: right;
-        padding-top: .2rem;
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-        button {
-          font-size: .28rem;
-          border: .01rem solid #00c4b8;
-          color: #00c4b8;
-          background: white;
-          padding: 0rem .3rem;
-          border-radius: .05rem;
-        }
-        button:nth-of-type(2) {
-          font-size: .28rem;
-          border: .01rem solid #0086c4;
-          color: #0086c4;
-          background: white;
-          padding: 0rem .3rem;
-          border-radius: .05rem;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    .whrite_add {
-      width: 6.6rem;
-      padding: .4rem .2rem;
-      /deep/.van-field__value {
-        input {
-          text-align: right;
-        }
-      }
-      /deep/.van-popup__close-icon--top-right {
-        top: 5px;
-        right: 10px;
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-      ul {
-        li {
-          padding: 10px 36px 10px 16px;
-          display: flex;
-          justify-content: space-between;
-          position: relative;
-          i {
-            position: absolute;
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-          i:before {
-            background: #00c4b8;
-            color: white;
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-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }

+ 0 - 258

@@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
-	<div>
-		<div class="content">
-			<div class="sm">
-				<van-search v-model="value" @search="onSearch" placeholder="点击搜索单号" />
-				<img src="../assets/user/sm.png" alt="" @click="wxScanCode()">
-			</div>
-			<!-- 快件查询列表 -->
-			<div class="jjlist" v-for="item in resultList">
-				<div class="listinfo">
-					<div class="list_top" @click="goInfo(item.expressNo,item.type)">
-						<div class="list_top_left">
-							<img src="../assets/images/ad_icon1.png" alt="">
-							<div>
-								<p>{{item.expressCompany}} {{item.expressNo}}</p>
-								<p>{{item.recordDate}}</p>
-							</div>
-						</div>
-						<!-- 收件 -->
-            <template v-if="item.type == 1">
-							<p v-if="item.status == 0" class="staus1">待签收</p>
-							<p v-if="item.status == 1" class="staus1">已签收</p>
-							<p v-if="item.status == 2" class="staus1">已代收</p>
-							<p v-if="item.status == 3" class="staus1">拒收</p>
-							<p v-if="item.status == 4" class="staus1">延迟派送</p>
-              <p v-if="item.status == 5" class="staus1">无人收件</p>
-              <p v-if="item.status == 6" class="staus1">重新分拣</p>
-            </template>
-						<!-- 寄件 -->
-						<template v-if="item.type == 2">
-							<p v-if="item.status == 0" class="staus2">待审核</p>
-							<p v-if="item.status == 1" class="staus2">待揽件</p>
-							<p v-if="item.status == 2" class="staus2">已揽件</p>
-							<p v-if="item.status == 3" class="staus2">待寄出</p>
-							<p v-if="item.status == 4" class="staus2">已寄出</p>
-							<p v-if="item.status == 5" class="staus2">待取件</p>
-							<p v-if="item.status == 6" class="staus2">已取件</p>
-							<p v-if="item.status == 7" class="staus2">审核拒绝</p>
-						</template>
-					</div>
-				</div>
-			</div>
-		</div>
-	</div>
-	import {Toast,Dialog} from 'vant'
-	export default{
-		data(){
-			return{
-				titlename:"首页查询",
-				value:"",
-				expressNo:"",//快递单号
-				resultList:[],
-        searchType:""//1.搜索全部 2.搜索快件 3.搜索寄件
-			}
-		},
-		created:function(){
-			this.expressNo = this.$route.query.expressNo
-      this.searchType = this.$route.query.searchType
-			this.value = this.expressNo
-		},
-		methods:{
-			//微信扫码
-			wxScanCode() {
-				this.$$ + "/weixin/getWxConfig", {
-						url: window.location.href.split("#")[0]
-					}, {
-						emulateJSON: true
-					})
-					.then(res => {
-						//发送成功
-						var timestamp = res.body.wxConfig.timestamp;
-						var noncestr = res.body.wxConfig.nonceStr;
-						var signature = res.body.wxConfig.signature;
-						var appId = res.body.wxConfig.appId;
-						wx.config({
-							debug: false, // 开启调试模式,调用的所有api的返回值会在客户端alert出来,若要查看传入的参数,可以在pc端打开,参数信息会通过log打出,仅在pc端时才会打印。
-							//                                debug : true, // 开启调试模式,调用的所有api的返回值会在客户端alert出来,若要查看传入的参数,可以在pc端打开,参数信息会通过log打出,仅在pc端时才会打印。
-							appId: appId, // 必填,公众号的唯一标识
-							timestamp: timestamp, // 必填,生成签名的时间戳
-							nonceStr: noncestr, // 必填,生成签名的随机串
-							signature: signature, // 必填,签名,见附录1
-							jsApiList: [
-								"scanQRCode",
-							] // 必填,需要使用的JS接口列表,所有JS接口列表见附录2
-						});
-						wx.ready(()=> {
-							wx.scanQRCode({
-								needResult: 1, // 默认为0,扫描结果由微信处理,1则直接返回扫描结果,
-								scanType: ["qrCode", "barCode"], // 可以指定扫二维码还是一维码,默认二者都有
-								success:(res)=> {
-									var result = res.resultStr; // 当needResult 为 1 时,扫码返回的结果
-									// location.href=res.resultStr;//扫描结果传递到的处理页面,跳转到这个页面
-									// alert(result);
-									// location.href=res.resultStr;//扫描结果传递到的处理页面,跳转到这个页面
-									// sessionStorage.setItem('saomiao_result',result);
-									//其它网页调用二维码扫描结果:
-									// var result = sessionStorage.getItem("saomiao_result");
-									//result=this.expressNo
-									if(result.indexOf(",") != -1){
-										let result1 = res.resultStr.split(",");
-										this.value = result1[result1.length-1];
-									}
-									this.onSearch(this.value)
-									// this.getData()
-								},
-								error: function(res) {
-									console.log(res);
-								}
-							});
-						});
-					}, res => {
-						//发送失败
-						Toast("网络错误!")
-					})
-			},
-			//跳转详情
-			goInfo(expressNo,type){
-        //收件查询
-				if(type == 1){
-					this.$router.push({path:'/Kjsearchinfo',query:{expressNo:expressNo,type:type}})
-				}
-				//寄件查询
-				if(type == 2){
-					this.$router.push({path:'/Jjsearch',query:{expressNo:expressNo,type:type}})
-				}
-			},
-			//搜索
-			onSearch(val){
-				this.expressNo = val
-				this.getData()
-			},
-			//后端获取数据
-			getData(){
-        localStorage.getItem("userId")
-				Toast.loading({
-				    message: '加载中...',
-				    forbidClick: true,
-				    duration:0
-				});
-        console.log("后端获取数据:expressNo = " + this.expressNo);
-				this.$$"/solic/getExpressListByNo",{
-          expressNo:this.expressNo,
-          searchType:this.searchType,
-          mailRoomId:localStorage.getItem('roomId'),
-          userId:localStorage.getItem('userId'),
-          },{emulateJSON:true})
-					.then(res=>{
-            if(res.body.msg == "success"){
-            	//发送成功
-            	this.resultList = res.body.resultList
-            }else if(res.body.msg == "查无此单号"){
-              Toast("查无此快递单号!")
-            }
-				},res=>{
-						//发送失败
-					Toast("网络错误!")
-				})
-				Toast.clear()
-			},
-		},
-		mounted:function(){
-		}
-	}
-<style scoped lang="less">
-	.content{
-		padding: 0.25rem .37rem;
-		.sm{
-			display: flex;
-			margin-bottom: .2rem;
-			justify-content: space-between;
-			/deep/.van-search{
-				width: 6.2rem;
-				height: .76rem;
-				border-radius: 25px;
-				overflow: hidden;
-				padding: 0rem;
-				background-color: white;
-				.van-search__content{
-					background-color: white;
-				}
-				input{
-					background-color: white;
-				}
-			}
-			img{
-				width:.4rem;
-				height: .4rem;
-				position: relative;
-				top: .18rem;
-			}
-		}
-		.jjlist {
-			font-size: .3rem;
-			color: #999999;
-			.listinfo {
-				background: white;
-				padding: .33rem .33rem .2rem;
-				border-radius: .05rem;
-				margin-bottom: .2rem;
-				position: relative;
-				.list_top {
-					display: flex;
-					justify-content: space-between;
-					.list_top_left {
-						img {
-							display: inline-block;
-							width: .87rem;
-							height: .87rem;
-							position: relative;
-						}
-						div {
-							width: 4rem;
-							margin-left: .2rem;
-							display: inline-block;
-							line-height: 150%;
-							position: relative;
-							top: -.1rem;
-							p:nth-of-type(1) {
-								font-size: .28rem;
-								color: #333;
-								font-weight: bold;
-							}
-							p:nth-of-type(2) {
-								font-size: .22rem;
-							}
-						}
-					}
-					>p {
-						font-size: .23rem;
-						font-weight: bold;
-						display: flex;
-						align-items: center;
-					}
-					.staus1{
-						color: #f5693d;
-					}
-					.staus2{
-						color: #3d82f5;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}

+ 1 - 92

@@ -1,10 +1,5 @@
 import Vue from 'vue'
 import Router from 'vue-router'
-import Kjsearch from '@/pages/kjsearch'
-import Sysearch from '@/pages/sysearch'
-import Kjsearchinfo from '@/pages/kjsearchinfo'
-import Jjsearch from '@/pages/jjsearch'
-import Sjdj from '@/pages/sjdj'
 import Storage from '@/pages/new/storage'
 import Removal from '@/pages/new/removal'
 import DeliveryInquiry from '@/pages/new/deliveryInquiry'
@@ -13,12 +8,7 @@ import Combine from '@/pages/new/combine'
 import SureCombine from '@/pages/new/sureCombine'
 import Batched from '@/pages/new/batched'
 import ScannerResult from '@/pages/new/scannerResult'
-import Box from '@/pages/box'
-import Pjpc from '@/pages/pjpc'
-import Sign from '@/pages/sign'
-import Sign2 from '@/pages/sign2'
 import Login from '@/pages/login'
-import Key from '@/pages/key'
 import My from '@/pages/my'
 import Personinfomation from '@/pages/personinfomation'
 import Forgetpassword from '@/pages/forgetpassword'
@@ -36,30 +26,6 @@ export default new Router({
 		name: 'Login',
 		component: Login
-	{ //密钥
-		path: '/Key',
-		name: 'Key',
-		component: Key,
-		meta: {
-			needLogin: true //需要加校检判断的路由
-		}
-	},
-	{ //邮件收发室
-		path: '/Sign',
-		name: 'Sign',
-		component: Sign,
-		meta: {
-			needLogin: true //需要加校检判断的路由
-		}
-	},
-	{ //邮件收发室
-		path: '/Sign2',
-		name: 'Sign2',
-		component: Sign2,
-		meta: {
-			needLogin: true //需要加校检判断的路由
-		}
-	},
 	{ //我的
 		path: '/My',
 		name: 'My',
@@ -92,46 +58,6 @@ export default new Router({
 			needLogin: true //需要加校检判断的路由
-	{ //快件查询
-		path: '/Kjsearch',
-		name: 'Kjsearch',
-		component: Kjsearch,
-		meta: {
-			needLogin: true //需要加校检判断的路由
-		}
-	},
-	{ //首页查询
-		path: '/Sysearch',
-		name: 'Sysearch',
-		component: Sysearch,
-		meta: {
-			needLogin: true //需要加校检判断的路由
-		}
-	},
-	{ //快件查询详情
-		path: '/Kjsearchinfo',
-		name: 'Kjsearchinfo',
-		component: Kjsearchinfo,
-		meta: {
-			needLogin: true //需要加校检判断的路由
-		}
-	},
-	{ //寄件查询
-		path: '/Jjsearch',
-		name: 'Jjsearch',
-		component: Jjsearch,
-		meta: {
-			needLogin: true //需要加校检判断的路由
-		}
-	},
-	{ //收件登记
-		path: '/Sjdj',
-		name: 'Sjdj',
-		component: Sjdj,
-		meta: {
-			needLogin: true //需要加校检判断的路由
-		}
-	},
 	{ //快件入库
 		path: '/Storage',
 		name: 'Storage',
@@ -195,22 +121,5 @@ export default new Router({
 		meta: {
 			needLogin: true //需要加校检判断的路由
-	},
-	{ //柜子
-		path: '/Box',
-		name: 'Box',
-		component: Box,
-		meta: {
-			needLogin: true //需要加校检判断的路由
-		}
-	},
-	{ //派件批次
-		path: '/Pjpc',
-		name: 'Pjpc',
-		component: Pjpc,
-		meta: {
-			needLogin: true //需要加校检判断的路由
-		}
-	},
-	]
+	},]