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wangyong 5 yıl önce

+ 430 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+// customized/pages/made/combination/combination.js
+import * as util from '../../../../utils/util.js'
+let app = getApp();
+let host = app.globalData.servsers; // 请求的url
+  /**
+   * 页面的初始数据
+   */
+  data: {
+    dataPositionObj1: {},
+    dataPositionObj2: {},
+    imgTouch: {
+      isActive: "1",
+      src: "https://dlz.info666.com//temp/d945bfb0-5cc6-406d-a814-cf63b099041f.jpg",
+      x: -82,
+      y: 17,
+      clientX: 195,
+      clientY: 121,
+      width: 517,
+      height: 208.17866666666666,
+      scale: 2.4834437086092715,
+      angle: 27
+    },
+    fontTouch: {
+      isActive: "1",
+      fontContent: "Gg",
+      isColor: "#ffffff",
+      x: 10,
+      y: 10,
+      angle: 0,
+      fontSize: 100,
+      clientX: 0,
+      clientY: 0,
+      width: 138.34375,
+      height: 132
+    },
+    rpx: 1,
+    obverseImgObject: {},
+    imgSrcArray: [],
+    buildSrcArrayText: {
+      '1': '正面',
+      '2': '背面',
+    },
+    buildSrcArray: [],
+    dataId:[],
+    customGoodsImg: "",
+  },
+  /**
+   * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载
+   */
+  onLoad: function (options) {
+    if ('dataId' in options) {
+      this.setData({
+        obverseImgObject: util.changeImg,//素材
+        dataPositionObj1: util.changeCup(options.dataId.split(',')[0].toString()).dataPositionObj,
+        dataPositionObj2: util.changeCup(options.dataId.split(',')[1].toString()).dataPositionObj,
+        dataId: options.dataId.split(',')
+      })
+    }
+  },
+  /**
+   * 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成
+   */
+  onReady: function () {
+    wx.showLoading({
+      title: '图片合成中...'
+    })
+    let that = this,
+      result = true,
+      dataId = that.data.dataId;
+    if (wx.getStorageSync('madeCupImgData' + dataId[0]) || wx.getStorageSync('madeCupFontData' + dataId[0])) {
+      that.getCombImg(that, dataId[0],1);
+      result = false
+    } else if (wx.getStorageSync('madeCupImgData' + dataId[1]) || wx.getStorageSync('madeCupFontData' + dataId[1])) {
+      that.getCombImg(that, dataId[1],2);
+      result = false
+    }
+    if (result) {
+      wx.hideLoading();
+    }
+  },
+  /**
+   * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示
+   */
+  onShow: function () {
+  },
+  /**
+   * 生命周期函数--监听页面隐藏
+   */
+  onHide: function () {
+  },
+  /**
+   * 生命周期函数--监听页面卸载
+   */
+  onUnload: function () {
+  },
+  /**
+   * 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作
+   */
+  onPullDownRefresh: function () {
+  },
+  /**
+   * 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数
+   */
+  onReachBottom: function () {
+  },
+  /**
+   * 用户点击右上角分享
+   */
+  onShareAppMessage: function () {
+  },
+  getCombImg(that, i,id) {
+    let imgTouch = null,
+      dataPositionObj = null;
+    that.setData({ // imgSrcArray 初始化
+      imgSrcArray: [],
+    })
+    console.log(wx.getStorageSync('madeCupImgData' + i), "wx.getStorageSync('madeCupImgData' + i)")
+    if (wx.getStorageSync('madeCupImgData' + i)) {
+      imgTouch = wx.getStorageSync('madeCupImgData' + i);
+      dataPositionObj = util.changeCup(i.toString()).dataPositionObj;
+      console.log(dataPositionObj, imgTouch,"dataPositionObj")
+      wx.getSystemInfo({
+        success: function (res) {
+          let rpx = res.windowWidth / 750;
+          that.setData({
+            rpx: rpx
+          });
+          wx.downloadFile({
+            url: imgTouch.src, // 仅为示例,并非真实的资源
+            success(res) {
+              // 只要服务器有响应数据,就会把响应内容写入文件并进入 success 回调,业务需要自行判断是否下载到了想要的内容
+              console.log(res)
+              if (res.statusCode === 200) {
+                // canvas截图区域与图片的宽度比例
+                let dWidth = dataPositionObj.width / imgTouch.width;
+                // canvas截图区域与图片的高度比例
+                let dHeight = dataPositionObj.height / imgTouch.height;
+                const ctx = wx.createCanvasContext('comb-img' + id);
+                //画布中点坐标转移到图片中心
+                let movex = imgTouch.x + imgTouch.width * rpx / 2;
+                let movey = imgTouch.y + imgTouch.height * rpx / 2;
+                ctx.translate(movex, movey);
+                ctx.rotate(imgTouch.angle * Math.PI / 180);
+                ctx.drawImage(res.tempFilePath, -imgTouch.width * rpx / 2, -imgTouch.height * rpx / 2, imgTouch.width * rpx, imgTouch.height * rpx)
+                ctx.draw(false, function () {
+                  wx.canvasToTempFilePath({
+                    canvasId: 'comb-img' + id,
+                    success: function (res) {
+                      console.log(res)
+                      let imgArray = that.data.imgSrcArray;
+                      imgArray.push(res.tempFilePath)
+                      that.setData({
+                        imgSrcArray: imgArray
+                      })
+                      that.getCombFont(that, i, true,id);
+                    }
+                  }, that)
+                })
+              }
+            },
+            error(err){
+              console.log('err下载失败',err)
+            }
+          })
+        },
+      })
+    } else {
+      that.getCombFont(that, i, false,id);
+      console.log("没有图片往下执行")
+    }
+  },
+  getCombFont(that, i, _static,id) {
+    let fontTouch = null,
+      dataPositionObj = null,
+      simulationFont = null;
+    if (wx.getStorageSync('madeCupFontData' + i)) {
+      fontTouch = wx.getStorageSync('madeCupFontData' + i);
+      simulationFont = wx.getStorageSync('simulationFont' + i);
+      dataPositionObj = util.changeCup(i.toString()).dataPositionObj;
+      const ctx = wx.createCanvasContext('comb-font' + id);
+      console.log(id, ctx,"console.log(id,)")
+      // ctx.textBaseline = 'top';
+      ctx.setFontSize(fontTouch.fontSize);
+      ctx.setFillStyle(fontTouch.isColor);
+      if (fontTouch.bold) {
+        ctx.fillText(fontTouch.fontContent, -1, simulationFont.height / 5 * 4)
+        ctx.fillText(fontTouch.fontContent, 0, simulationFont.height / 5 * 4 - 1)
+      }
+      ctx.fillText(fontTouch.fontContent, 0, simulationFont.height / 5 * 4)
+      if (fontTouch.bold) {
+        ctx.fillText(fontTouch.fontContent, 1, simulationFont.height / 5 * 4)
+        ctx.fillText(fontTouch.fontContent, 0, simulationFont.height / 5 * 4 + 1)
+      }
+      ctx.restore()
+      ctx.draw(false, function () {
+        wx.canvasToTempFilePath({
+          canvasId: 'comb-font' + id,
+          success: function (res) {
+            console.log(res)
+            that.getCombFontImg(that, res.tempFilePath, fontTouch, i,id)
+          }
+        }, that)
+      })
+    } else {
+      that.getComb(that, that.data.imgSrcArray, i, _static,id)
+    }
+  },
+  getCombFontImg(that, img, fontTouch, i,id) { // 生产字体图片后在进行处理一次
+    let dataPositionObj = util.changeCup(i.toString()).dataPositionObj;
+    wx.getSystemInfo({
+      success: function (res) {
+        let rpx = res.windowWidth / 750;
+        that.setData({
+          rpx: rpx
+        });
+        // 只要服务器有响应数据,就会把响应内容写入文件并进入 success 回调,业务需要自行判断是否下载到了想要的内容
+        console.log(res)
+        // canvas截图区域与图片的宽度比例
+        const ctx = wx.createCanvasContext('comb-font' + id + '-2');
+        //画布中点坐标转移到图片中心
+        let movex = fontTouch.x + dataPositionObj.width * rpx / 2;
+        let movey = fontTouch.y + dataPositionObj.height * rpx / 2;
+        ctx.translate(movex, movey);
+        ctx.rotate(fontTouch.angle * Math.PI / 180);
+        ctx.drawImage(img, -dataPositionObj.width * rpx / 2, -dataPositionObj.height * rpx / 2, dataPositionObj.width * rpx, dataPositionObj.height * rpx)
+        ctx.draw(false, function () {
+          wx.canvasToTempFilePath({
+            canvasId: 'comb-font' + id + '-2',
+            success: function (res) {
+              console.log(res)
+              let imgArray = that.data.imgSrcArray;
+              imgArray.push(res.tempFilePath)
+              that.setData({
+                imgSrcArray: imgArray
+              })
+              that.getComb(that, that.data.imgSrcArray, i, true,id)
+            }
+          }, that)
+        })
+      },
+    })
+  },
+  getComb(that, imgSrcArray, i, _static,id) {
+    console.log(imgSrcArray, "imgSrcArray")
+    if (_static) {
+      let imgTouch = wx.getStorageSync('madeCupImgData' + i);
+      let dataPositionObj = util.changeCup(i.toString()).dataPositionObj;
+      wx.downloadFile({
+        url: that.data.obverseImgObject[i],
+        success(res){
+          if (res.statusCode === 200) {
+            let canvasBg = res.tempFilePath;
+            wx.getSystemInfo({
+              success: function (res) {
+                let rpx = res.windowWidth / 750;
+                that.setData({
+                  rpx: rpx
+                });
+                const ctx = wx.createCanvasContext('comb-canvas' + id);
+                ctx.drawImage(canvasBg, 0, 0, 750 * rpx, 800 * rpx);
+                // 设置背景
+                ctx.draw(true)
+                imgSrcArray.forEach((res) => {
+                  ctx.drawImage(res, dataPositionObj.left * rpx, dataPositionObj.top * rpx, dataPositionObj.width * rpx, dataPositionObj.height * rpx);
+                })
+                wx.downloadFile({
+                  url: that.data.obverseImgObject[i+'_2'],
+                  success(file){
+                    if (file.statusCode === 200) {
+                      ctx.drawImage(file.tempFilePath, 0, 0, 750 * rpx, 800 * rpx);
+                      ctx.draw(true, function () {
+                        wx.canvasToTempFilePath({
+                          canvasId: 'comb-canvas' + id,
+                          success: function (res) {
+                            that.uploadFile(res.tempFilePath, that, function (data) {
+                              console.log(res, "合成成功");
+                              let buildSrcArray = that.data.buildSrcArray;
+                              buildSrcArray.push({
+                                src: res.tempFilePath,
+                                isActive: i,
+                              });
+                              console.log(buildSrcArray, "buildSrcArray")
+                              that.setData({
+                                buildSrcArray: buildSrcArray,
+                              })
+                              console.log('第一张图片合成结束,i='+i)
+                              if (i < that.data.dataId[1]) {
+                                i = i*1 + 1
+                                that.getCombImg(that, i,2);
+                              } else {
+                                wx.hideLoading()
+                              }
+                            })
+                          },
+                          fail: function (err) {
+                            console.log(err, "合成失败")
+                            wx.hideLoading();
+                          }
+                        }, that)
+                      })
+                    } else {
+                      wx.showToast({
+                        title: '合成资源图片不存在,请联系客服',
+                        icon: 'error'
+                      })
+                      wx.hideLoading();
+                    }
+                  }
+                })
+              },
+            })
+          } else {
+            wx.showToast({
+              title: '合成资源图片不存在,请联系客服',
+              icon:'error'
+            })
+            wx.hideLoading();
+          }
+        }
+      })
+    } else {
+      console.log("走了这里哈,i值等于",i)
+      if (i < that.data.dataId[1]) {
+        i = i*1 + 1
+        that.getCombImg(that, i,2);
+      } else {
+        wx.hideLoading()
+      }
+    }
+  },
+  addImgRouter() { // add car
+    let that = this;
+    console.log(that.data.customGoodsImg, "that.data.customGoodsImg")
+    wx.request({
+      url: host + '/addShopCar',
+      method: 'post',
+      header: {
+        'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
+      },
+      data: {
+        customGoodsImg: that.data.customGoodsImg.substring(0, that.data.customGoodsImg.length - 1),
+        customGoodsName: wx.getStorageSync('detail').customgoodsName,
+        customGoodsNum: 1,
+        userId: app.globalData.user_id,
+        customGoodsId:wx.getStorageSync('detail').id,
+      },
+      success: function (res) {
+        console.log(res, "加入购物车")
+        if (res.data === 'success') {
+          wx.showModal({
+            title: '提示',
+            content: '加入购物车成功,是否去购物车结算商品?',
+            success: function (res) {
+              if (res.confirm) {
+                console.log('用户点击确定')
+                wx.redirectTo({
+                  url: '/customized/pages/car/car',
+                })
+              } else if (res.cancel) {
+                console.log('用户点击取消')
+              }
+            }
+          })
+        }
+      }
+    })
+  },
+  uploadFile(path, that, cb) {
+    let customGoodsImg = that.data.customGoodsImg;
+    wx.uploadFile({
+      url: host + 'fileUpload',
+      filePath: path,
+      name: 'file',
+      formData: {
+        file: path,
+        userId: app.globalData.user_id,
+        imgStatus: 1, // 表示合成
+      },
+      success: function (res) {
+        console.log(res, "rrrr");
+        customGoodsImg += res.data + ',';
+        that.setData({
+          customGoodsImg: customGoodsImg
+        })
+        cb(true)
+      },
+      fail: function (res) {
+        cb(false)
+      }
+    })
+  },

+ 3 - 7

@@ -118,15 +118,11 @@ Page({
                   if (link == 'customized'){
-                    if(that.data.url){
-                        url: url,
+                        url: "customized/pages/index/index",
-                    } else {
-                      wx.redirectTo({
-                        url: "/customized/pages/made/made",
-                      })
-                    }
                   }else {
                     if (link != 'awaitState' && link != 'buy' && link != 'mine') {//来自收礼物页面的授权请求  来自产品详情页

+ 1 - 1

@@ -17,4 +17,4 @@
       y = -高度/2
 ### 缺少详情页,字体加粗、字体定制