// pages/find/find.js var app = getApp(); var imgSrcHttp = 'https://www.daliangzao.net/images/'; var tabImgList = [ { imageFooterTitle : '我们的作品', imgList:[ { imageSrc: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/1-benchilaganxiang.jpg', imgLogo: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/logo-benchi.jpg', url:''}, { imageSrc: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/2-duoleshi.jpg', imgLogo: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/logo-duoleshi.jpg', url: ''}, { imageSrc: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/3-hagendasifengyebijiben.jpg', imgLogo: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/logo-hagendasi.jpg', url: ''}, { imageSrc: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/4-hagendasishuijingqiu.jpg', imgLogo: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/logo-hagendasi.jpg', url: ''}, { imageSrc: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/5-hagendasiyaoshikou.jpg', imgLogo: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/logo-hagendasi.jpg', url: ''}, { imageSrc: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/6-hanshulihe.jpg', imgLogo: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/logo-hanshu.jpg', url: ''}, { imageSrc: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/7-huishi.jpg', imgLogo: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/logo-huishi.jpg', url: ''}, { imageSrc: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/8-huishigonghuiruhuilihe.jpg', imgLogo: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/logo-huishi.jpg', url: ''}, { imageSrc: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/9-jiandabinfenle.jpg', imgLogo: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/logo-jianda.jpg', url: ''}, { imageSrc: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/10-kafeibeiyinyuehe.jpg', imgLogo: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/logo-xingbake.jpg', url: ''}, { imageSrc: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/11-kaidilake.jpg', imgLogo: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/logo-kaidilake.jpg', url: ''}, { imageSrc: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/12-kaidilakexiangkuang.jpg', imgLogo: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/logo-kaidilake.jpg', url: ''}, { imageSrc: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/13-miqilinluntai.jpg', imgLogo: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/logo-miqilinluntai.jpg', url: ''}, { imageSrc: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/14-motianlunyinyuehe.jpg', imgLogo: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/logo-xingbake.jpg', url: ''}, { imageSrc: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/15-qingrenjieyaoshikou.jpg', imgLogo: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/logo-xingbake.jpg', url: ''}, { imageSrc: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/16-shengdanyinyuelihe.jpg', imgLogo: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/logo-xingbake.jpg', url: ''}, { imageSrc: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/17-taipingyangkafei.jpg', imgLogo: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/logo-taipingyangkafei.jpg', url: ''}, { imageSrc: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/18-xingbakebijiben.jpg', imgLogo: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/logo-xingbake.jpg', url: ''}, { imageSrc: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/19-xingbakebingxiangtie.jpg', imgLogo: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/logo-xingbake.jpg', url: ''}, { imageSrc: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/20-xingbakechengshixiong.jpg', imgLogo: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/logo-xingbake.jpg', url: ''}, { imageSrc: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/21-xingbakeqioakelilihe.jpg', imgLogo: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/logo-xingbake.jpg', url: ''}, { imageSrc: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/22-xingbakeshoulian.jpg', imgLogo: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/logo-xingbake.jpg', url: ''}, { imageSrc: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/23-xingbakeshuijingbei.jpg', imgLogo: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/logo-xingbake.jpg', url: ''}, { imageSrc: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/24-xingbakeyinghuaxilie.jpg', imgLogo: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/logo-xingbake.jpg', url: ''}, { imageSrc: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/25-xiongbakeyinghuaxilie.jpg', imgLogo: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/logo-xingbake.jpg', url: ''}, { imageSrc: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/26-xingxiangkabingxiangtie.jpg', imgLogo: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/logo-xingbake.jpg', url: ''}, { imageSrc: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/27-xuefulan.jpg', imgLogo: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/logo-xuefulan.jpg', url: '' }, { imageSrc: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/28-yinghuashuqian.jpg', imgLogo: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_1/logo-xingbake.jpg', url: '' } ] }, { imageFooterTitle: '佳节好礼', imgList: [ { imageSrc: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_2/zt_1.jpg', url: '/pages/articleInfor/articleInfor?id=2923' }, { imageSrc: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_2/zt_3.jpg', url: '/pages/articleInfor/articleInfor?id=2926' }, { imageSrc: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_2/zt_4.jpg', url: '/pages/articleInfor/articleInfor?id=2927' }, { imageSrc: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_2/zt_5.png', url: '/pages/articleInfor/articleInfor?id=2928' }, { imageSrc: imgSrcHttp + 'find_tab_2/zt_2.png', url: '/pages/articleInfor/articleInfor?id=2917' }, ] }, { imageFooterTitle: '', imgList: [] } ]; Page({ data: { imgSrcHttp:'https://www.daliangzao.net/images/', navList: [], contentList:[], imgList:[], tabImgList: tabImgList, //经典案例 imgWidth : 0, imgHeight : 0, screenWidth:0, imageWidth: 0, imageHeight: 0, phoneWidth: 0, //屏幕宽 根据屏幕的宽度,三分之一为li的宽度 phoneHeight: 0, //屏幕高 swiperWidth: 0, imgindex: 23,//中间的下标 重点 imgindex2: 4,//中间显示需要改的位置1 middlePhoneWidthMarLeft: 0, //背景的图片的margin-left=-aaa middlePhoneWidth: 0, //背景 swiperUlWidth: 0, //移动的ul的宽度 swiperLiWidth: 0, //移动的li的宽度 swiperLeft: 0, //移动的定位left firstLeft : 0, swiperUlWidth2: 0, //移动的ul的宽度 swiperLiWidth2: 0, //移动的li的宽度 swiperLeft2: 0, //移动的定位left firstLeft2: 0, animationData: {},//运动 animationData2: {},//运动 startClientX: 0,//点击开始 X 轴位置 endClientX: 0,//点击结束 X 轴位置 images: [], //图片的数据 images2 : [], styleArr: [], //所有图片的样式数组 对中间的图片放大的操作组 styleArr2: [], //所有图片的样式数组 对中间的图片放大的操作组 duration: 1000, //动画时间 bigImgWidth : 0,//中间大图的宽度 bigImgHeight : 0, smallImgWidth : 0 , smallImgHeight : 0, bigImgWidth2: 0,//中间大图的宽度 bigImgHeight2: 0, smallImgWidth2: 0, smallImgHeight2: 0, imagesTitle : '', smallTop : 0, //小图距离顶部距离 top : 0, urlTop : 182,//外围view的top值 addTop : 208,//带有logo标的,外围高度增加 tab : 0 , imgLeft : 0, imgRight : 0, prop : 0, //当前屏幕下,rpx与px的比例 prop2 : 0, systemInfor : '', pixelRatio : '', prorpNew :'', tabVal :0 //默认tab选中值 }, onLoad: function () { var that = this; var host = getApp().globalData.servsers; //品牌定制 wx.request({ url: host+"findclassifyapi/findclassifyxcx", data: {}, method: 'GET', header: { 'Accept': 'application/json' }, success: function (res) { var size = res.data.total; that.setData({ navList: res.data.rows }); console.log(res.data.rows); if (res == null || res.data == null) { console.error('网络请求失败'); return; } } }) //品牌定制 wx.request({ url: host + "findapi/findall", data: {}, method: 'GET', header: { 'Accept': 'application/json' }, success: function (res) { var size = res.data.total; that.setData({ contentList: res.data.rows }); if (res == null || res.data == null) { console.error('网络请求失败'); return; } } }) //===取屏幕宽度======= wx.getSystemInfo({ success: function (res) { that.setData({ phoneWidth: res.windowWidth, systemInfor: res.platform, pixelRatio : res.pixelRatio }) console.log("--" + res.pixelRatio); } }); var phoneWidth = that.data.phoneWidth; var bigImgWidth = parseInt(phoneWidth * 0.68); var bigImgHeight = parseInt(1246 * bigImgWidth / 1024); var bigImgWidth2 = parseInt(phoneWidth * 0.68); var bigImgHeight2 = parseInt(800 * bigImgWidth / 526); var smallImgWidth = parseInt(phoneWidth * 0.58); var smallImgHeight = parseInt(1246 * smallImgWidth / 1024); var smallImgWidth2 = parseInt(phoneWidth * 0.58); var smallImgHeight2 = parseInt(800 * smallImgWidth / 526); var imgLeft = parseInt(phoneWidth * 0.08); var imgRight = parseInt(phoneWidth * 0.04); var prop = phoneWidth/750; var prop2 = 750 / phoneWidth; var prorpNew = ''; var systemInfor = that.data.systemInfor; console.log(systemInfor); if (systemInfor == 'ios'){ prorpNew = that.data.pixelRatio * 0.1; console.log(prorpNew); }else{ prorpNew = that.data.pixelRatio / 2; } // var smallTop = parseInt((bigImgHeight - 502)/2); var smallTop = parseInt((bigImgHeight - smallImgHeight)); that.setData({ images: that.data.tabImgList[0].imgList, images2: that.data.tabImgList[1].imgList, imagesTitle: that.data.tabImgList[0].imageFooterTitle, persNub: 27, swiperLeft:0, swiperLeft2 : 0, firstLeft: 0, smallTop: smallTop, imgLeft: imgLeft }) let swiperLiWidth = that.data.swiperLiWidth;//li宽 swiperLiWidth = phoneWidth * 0.66 ; //li的宽度赋值 var arrimages = that.data.images;//获取图片Arr的数组 var arrimages2 = that.data.images2;//获取图片Arr的数组 let swiperUlWidth = that.data.swiperUlWidth; //移动的ul 的宽度 let swiperUlWidth2 = that.data.swiperUlWidth2; //移动的ul 的宽度 swiperUlWidth = swiperLiWidth * arrimages.length + phoneWidth * 0.1; //赋值移动的ul 的宽度 swiperUlWidth2 = swiperLiWidth * arrimages2.length + phoneWidth * 0.1; //赋值移动的ul 的宽度 //初始化所有的图片的宽高 let styleArr = that.data.styleArr; for (let i = 0; i < arrimages.length; i++) { var obj = { imgwidth: smallImgWidth, imgheight: smallImgHeight, top: that.data.smallTop, animationliscal: "" } styleArr.push(obj) } styleArr[22] = { imgwidth: bigImgWidth, imgheight: bigImgHeight, top: 0, animationliscal: "" }; let styleArr2 = that.data.styleArr2; for (let i = 0; i < arrimages2.length; i++) { var obj = { imgwidth: smallImgWidth2, imgheight: smallImgHeight2, top: that.data.smallTop, animationliscal: "" } styleArr2.push(obj) } styleArr2[3] = {//中间显示需要改的位置2 imgwidth: bigImgWidth2, imgheight: bigImgHeight2, top: 0, animationliscal: "" }; that.setData({ styleArr: styleArr, styleArr2: styleArr2, swiperUlWidth: swiperUlWidth, swiperUlWidth2: swiperUlWidth2, swiperLiWidth: swiperLiWidth, bigImgWidth: bigImgWidth, bigImgHeight: bigImgHeight, smallImgWidth: smallImgWidth, smallImgHeight: smallImgHeight, bigImgWidth2: bigImgWidth2, bigImgHeight2: bigImgHeight2, smallImgWidth2: smallImgWidth2, smallImgHeight2: smallImgHeight2, phoneWidth: phoneWidth, prop: prop, prop2: prop2, prorpNew: prorpNew, swiperLeft: - (that.data.phoneWidth * 0.66 - prorpNew) * 22 , swiperLeft2: - (that.data.phoneWidth * 0.66 - prorpNew) * 3 //中间显示需要改的位置3 }) }, startTou: function (e) { let that = this; that.data.startClientX = e.touches[0].clientX; //触摸按下 距离屏幕左边的值 }, scroll: function (e) { let that = this; that.data.endClientX = e.touches[0].clientX; //滑动值 }, endTou: function (e) { let that = this; var animation = wx.createAnimation({ duration: 1000, timingFunction: 'linear', }) //大图宽高 var bigImgWidth = that.data.bigImgWidth; var bigImgHeight = that.data.bigImgHeight; var smallImgWidth = that.data.smallImgWidth; var smallImgHeight = that.data.smallImgHeight; var prop = that.data.prop; var prorpNew = that.data.prorpNew; var prop2 = prorpNew; var swiperLiWidthLeft = that.data.swiperLiWidth; this.animation = animation; let startClientX = that.data.startClientX; let endClientX = that.data.endClientX; let phoneWidth = that.data.phoneWidth; if (endClientX == 0) { //move的值为0 时定为点击 if (startClientX < phoneWidth / 2 - 70) { //点击开始的位置,与图片的一半减70px 为左边点击 this.animation = animation; animation.left(that.data.swiperLeft).step({ duration: 1000 }) //移动动画 let imgindex = that.data.imgindex - 1; //下标值 if (imgindex < 1) { console.log("超出了最小数组长度") return; } that.setData({ swiperLeft: Math.floor(that.data.swiperLeft + phoneWidth * 0.66 - prop2), //ul向右移动值 imgindex: that.data.imgindex - 1, //下标值 animationData: animation.export() }) let styleArr = that.data.styleArr; var arrimages = that.data.images;//获取图片Arr的数组 for (let i = 0; i < arrimages.length; i++) { styleArr[i] = { imgwidth: smallImgWidth, imgheight: smallImgHeight, top: that.data.smallTop, animationliscal: "" } } var imgindex = that.data.imgindex; styleArr[imgindex] = { imgwidth: bigImgWidth, imgheight: bigImgHeight, top : 0 , animationliscal: "" }; that.setData({ styleArr: styleArr }) console.log("左边点击1:" + that.data.imgindex) } else if (startClientX > phoneWidth / 2 + 70) { //点击开始的位置,与图片的一半减70px 为右边点击 let imgindex = that.data.imgindex + 1; if (imgindex > that.data.images.length ) { console.log("超出了数组最大长度") return; } let styleArr = that.data.styleArr; var arrimages = that.data.images;//获取图片Arr的数组 for (let i = 0; i < arrimages.length; i++) { styleArr[i] = { imgwidth: smallImgWidth, imgheight: smallImgHeight, top : that.data.smallTop, animationliscal: "" } } styleArr[imgindex] = { imgwidth: bigImgWidth, imgheight: bigImgHeight, top: 0, animationliscal: "" }; that.setData({ styleArr: styleArr }) console.log("右边点击1:" + that.data.imgindex) animation.left(that.data.swiperLeft).step({ duration: 1000 }) //移动动画 that.setData({ swiperLeft: Math.floor(that.data.swiperLeft - phoneWidth * 0.66 + prop2),//UL向左移动 imgindex: that.data.imgindex + 1, //下标的值 animationData: animation.export() }) } else { //点击中间的大图,带参跳入图片的详情 var tab = that.data.tab; if(tab == 1){ let imgindexclick = that.data.imgindex; let url = that.data.images[imgindexclick].url; url = 2917; wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/articleInfor/articleInfor?id=' + url }) } } } else { //滑动左边 ul向左移动 右边的小图放大 滑动右边ul向右移动 右边的小图放大 if (endClientX - startClientX > 0) { let imgindex = that.data.imgindex - 1; if (imgindex < 1) { console.log("超出了") return; } animation.left(that.data.swiperLeft).step({ duration: 1000 }) //移动动画 that.setData({ swiperLeft: Math.floor(that.data.swiperLeft + phoneWidth * 0.66 - prop2), //右边滑动 ul向右移动 imgindex: that.data.imgindex - 1, animationData: animation.export() }) let styleArr = that.data.styleArr; var arrimages = that.data.images;//获取图片Arr的数组 for (let i = 0; i < arrimages.length; i++) { styleArr[i] = { imgwidth: smallImgWidth, imgheight: smallImgHeight, top: that.data.smallTop, animationliscal: "" } } var imgindex = that.data.imgindex; styleArr[imgindex-1] = { imgwidth:bigImgWidth, imgheight: bigImgHeight, top: 0, animationliscal: "" }; that.setData({ styleArr: styleArr }) console.log("右边滑动2:" + that.data.imgindex) } if (endClientX - startClientX < 0) { let imgindex = that.data.imgindex + 1; if (imgindex > that.data.images.length ) { console.log("超出了") return; } this.animation = animation; animation.left(that.data.swiperLeft).step({ duration: 1000 }) //移动动画 that.setData({ swiperLeft: Math.floor(that.data.swiperLeft - phoneWidth * 0.66 + prop2), //左边滑动 ul向左移动 imgindex: that.data.imgindex + 1, //下标的值 animationData: animation.export() }) let styleArr = that.data.styleArr; var arrimages = that.data.images;//获取图片Arr的数组 for (let i = 0; i < arrimages.length; i++) { styleArr[i] = { imgwidth: smallImgWidth, imgheight: smallImgHeight, top: that.data.smallTop } } var imgindex = that.data.imgindex; styleArr[imgindex-1] = { imgwidth: bigImgWidth, imgheight: bigImgHeight, top: 0 }; that.setData({ styleArr: styleArr }) console.log("左边滑动2:" + that.data.imgindex); } } let NewstyleArr = that.data.styleArr; that.setData({ startClientX: 0, endClientX: 0, styleArr: NewstyleArr }) }, endTou2: function (e) { let that = this; var animation = wx.createAnimation({ duration: 1000, timingFunction: 'linear', }) //大图宽高 var bigImgWidth2 = that.data.bigImgWidth2; var bigImgHeight2 = that.data.bigImgHeight2; var smallImgWidth2 = that.data.smallImgWidth2; var smallImgHeight2 = that.data.smallImgHeight2; var prop = that.data.prop; var prop2 = prop; var swiperLiWidthLeft = that.data.swiperLiWidth; this.animation = animation; let startClientX = that.data.startClientX; let endClientX = that.data.endClientX; let phoneWidth = that.data.phoneWidth; if (endClientX == 0) { //move的值为0 时定为点击 if (startClientX < phoneWidth / 2 - 70) { //点击开始的位置,与图片的一半减70px 为左边点击 this.animation = animation; animation.left(that.data.swiperLeft2).step({ duration: 1000 }) //移动动画 let imgindex = that.data.imgindex2 - 1; //下标值 if (imgindex < 1) { console.log("超出了最小数组长度") return; } that.setData({ swiperLeft2: Math.floor(that.data.swiperLeft2 + phoneWidth * 0.66  - prop2), //ul向右移动值 imgindex2: that.data.imgindex2 - 1, //下标值 animationData2: animation.export() }) let styleArr2 = that.data.styleArr2; var arrimages2 = that.data.images2;//获取图片Arr的数组 for (let i = 0; i < arrimages2.length; i++) { styleArr2[i] = { imgwidth: smallImgWidth2, imgheight: smallImgHeight2, top: that.data.smallTop, animationliscal: "" } } var imgindex = that.data.imgindex2; styleArr2[imgindex] = { imgwidth: bigImgWidth2, imgheight: bigImgHeight2, top: 0, animationliscal: "" }; that.setData({ styleArr2: styleArr2 }) console.log("左边点击1:" + that.data.imgindex2) } else if (startClientX > phoneWidth / 2 + 70) { //点击开始的位置,与图片的一半减70px 为右边点击 let imgindex = that.data.imgindex2 + 1; if (imgindex > that.data.images.length) { console.log("超出了数组最大长度") return; } let styleArr2 = that.data.styleArr2; var arrimages2 = that.data.images2;//获取图片Arr的数组 for (let i = 0; i < arrimages2.length; i++) { styleArr2[i] = { imgwidth: smallImgWidth2, imgheight: smallImgHeight2, top: that.data.smallTop, animationliscal: "" } } styleArr2[imgindex] = { imgwidth: bigImgWidth2, imgheight: bigImgHeight2, top: 0, animationliscal: "" }; that.setData({ styleArr2: styleArr2 }) console.log("右边点击1:" + that.data.imgindex2) animation.left(that.data.swiperLeft).step({ duration: 1000 }) //移动动画 that.setData({ swiperLeft2: Math.floor(that.data.swiperLeft2 - phoneWidth * 0.66 + prop2),//UL向左移动 imgindex2: that.data.imgindex2 + 1, //下标的值 animationData2: animation.export() }) } else { //点击中间的大图,带参跳入图片的详情 var tab = that.data.tab; if (tab == 1) { // let imgindexclick = that.data.imgindex2; // console.log(that.data.images2); // let url = that.data.images2[imgindexclick].url; // url = 2923; // wx.navigateTo({ // url: '/pages/articleInfor/articleInfor?id=' + url // }) } } } else { //滑动左边 ul向左移动 右边的小图放大 滑动右边ul向右移动 右边的小图放大 if (endClientX - startClientX > 0) { let imgindex = that.data.imgindex2 - 1; if (imgindex < 1) { console.log("超出了") return; } animation.left(that.data.swiperLeft2).step({ duration: 1000 }) //移动动画 that.setData({ swiperLeft2: Math.floor(that.data.swiperLeft2 + phoneWidth * 0.66 - prop2), //右边滑动 ul向右移动 imgindex2: that.data.imgindex2 - 1, animationData2: animation.export() }) let styleArr2 = that.data.styleArr2; var arrimages2 = that.data.images2;//获取图片Arr的数组 for (let i = 0; i < arrimages2.length; i++) { styleArr2[i] = { imgwidth: smallImgWidth2, imgheight: smallImgHeight2, top: that.data.smallTop, animationliscal: "" } } var imgindex = that.data.imgindex2; styleArr2[imgindex - 1] = { imgwidth: bigImgWidth2, imgheight: bigImgHeight2, top: 0, animationliscal: "" }; that.setData({ styleArr2: styleArr2 }) console.log("右边滑动2:" + that.data.imgindex2) } if (endClientX - startClientX < 0) { let imgindex = that.data.imgindex2 + 1; if (imgindex > that.data.images.length) { console.log("超出了") return; } this.animation = animation; animation.left(that.data.swiperLeft2).step({ duration: 1000 }) //移动动画 that.setData({ swiperLeft2: Math.floor(that.data.swiperLeft2 - phoneWidth * 0.66 + prop2), //左边滑动 ul向左移动 imgindex2: that.data.imgindex2 + 1, //下标的值 animationData2: animation.export() }) let styleArr2 = that.data.styleArr2; var arrimages2 = that.data.images2;//获取图片Arr的数组 for (let i = 0; i < arrimages2.length; i++) { styleArr2[i] = { imgwidth: smallImgWidth2, imgheight: smallImgHeight2, top: that.data.smallTop } } var imgindex = that.data.imgindex2; styleArr2[imgindex - 1] = { imgwidth: bigImgWidth2, imgheight: bigImgHeight2, top: 0 }; that.setData({ styleArr2: styleArr2 }) console.log("左边滑动2:" + that.data.imgindex2); } } let NewstyleArr2 = that.data.styleArr2; that.setData({ startClientX: 0, endClientX: 0, styleArr2: NewstyleArr2 }) }, //tab切换图片内容 changeTab:function(e){ var that = this; var index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index; var images=0 , imagesTitle=0 , addTop=0 , urlTop=0 , tab=0; if(index == 0){ addTop = 208; urlTop = 182; images = that.data.tabImgList[index].imgList; imagesTitle = that.data.tabImgList[index].imageFooterTitle; } else if (index == 1){ addTop = 80; urlTop = 50; images = that.data.tabImgList[index].imgList; imagesTitle = that.data.tabImgList[index].imageFooterTitle; }else{ images = []; imagesTitle = ''; } that.setData({ images: images, imagesTitle: imagesTitle, addTop: addTop, urlTop : urlTop, tab : index, tabVal: index }); }, onPullDownRefresh: function (e) { wx.stopPullDownRefresh(); } }) var contentList = [] var that; var Util = require('../../utils/util.js');