// customized/pages/made/car/car.js let app = getApp(); let host = app.globalData.servsers; // 请求的url Page({ /** * 页面的初始数据 */ data: { carList:[],// 购物车列表数组 host: app.globalData.servsers, amount:0, //总价 checkAll:false, // 全选 checkStatic:false, //默认一个都没有选择 }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ onLoad: function (options) { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成 */ onShow: function () { let that = this; that.getCarlist(that) }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示 */ subtraction(e){ // 减少 let that = this; console.log(e) let index = e.target.dataset.index,carList = that.data.carList; if (carList[index].customGoodsNum > 1){ // 表示最小数量,不可减少 carList[index].customGoodsNum--; that.setData({ carList: carList }) } that.totalPrice(that) }, add(e) { // 减少 let that = this; console.log(e) let index = e.target.dataset.index, carList = that.data.carList; carList[index].customGoodsNum++; that.setData({ carList: carList }) that.totalPrice(that) }, checkboxChange(e){ let index = e.target.dataset.index, that = this, carList = that.data.carList; if (e.detail.value[0]){ // 表示价格增加 that.data.carList[index].checked = true; // 表示选中 } else { that.data.carList[index].checked = false; // 表示选中 } that.setData({ carList: carList }) that.totalPrice(that) }, checkboxChangeAll(e){ // 全选 console.log(e) let that = this, checkAll= that.data.checkAll , carList=that.data.carList; if (e.detail.value[0]) { checkAll = true; // 表示选中 } else { checkAll = false; } carList.forEach(res => { res.checked = checkAll; }) that.setData({ carList:carList }) that.totalPrice(that) }, getCarlist(that){ wx.showLoading({ title: '加载中...', }) wx.request({ url: host +'/queryShopCar', method:'post', header: { 'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, data:{ userId: app.globalData.user_id //app.globalData.user_id //'oovpNwjlsY6xx8ceCebFa1dOLd9E' //app.globalData.user_id, }, success:function(res){ console.log('购物车列表数据',res) let carList = [],imgArray=[]; res.data.forEach((el,index)=>{ imgArray =el.customGoodsImg.split(','); carList.push(el); carList[index]['imgArray'] = imgArray; carList[index]['checked'] = false; }) that.setData({ carList: carList }) console.log(that.data.carList,"carListcarList") }, complete(){ wx.hideLoading() } }) }, carSubmit(){ // 提交订单 let that = this, carList=[]; if (that.data.checkStatic){ that.data.carList.forEach(el=>{ if(el.checked){ carList.push(el) } }) wx.setStorageSync('goodsList', carList); wx.setStorageSync('amount', that.data.amount); wx.navigateTo({ url: '/customized/pages/accounts/accounts', }) } else { wx.showToast({ title: '您还没有选择商品', icon:'none' }) } }, totalPrice(that){ let amount = 0, checkAll = true, checkStatic= false; that.data.carList.forEach(res=>{ if(res.checked){ amount += res.customgoodsPriceNow * res.customGoodsNum; checkStatic = true } if (!res.checked) { checkAll = false } }) that.setData({ amount:amount.toFixed(2), checkAll: checkAll, checkStatic: checkStatic }) }, previewImage(e){ // 点击图片放大 let urls = [],that = this; console.log(e) e.target.dataset.srcarray.forEach(el=>{ urls.push(that.data.host + el) }) wx.previewImage({ urls: urls, current:e.target.dataset.src, success(res){ console.log(res,"放大成功") } }) } })