// pages/share/share.js var app = getApp(); var cardList = [ { id: 1, src: 'images/sendCards/send_cards_1.jpg', intro:'生日快乐'}, { id: 2, src: 'images/sendCards/send_cards_2.jpg', intro: '很高兴遇见你' }, { id: 3, src: 'images/sendCards/send_cards_3.jpg', intro: '多谢关照' }, { id: 4, src: 'images/sendCards/send_cards_4.jpg', intro: '感谢有你' }, { id: 5, src: 'images/sendCards/send_cards_5.jpg', intro: '欢度国庆' }, { id: 6, src: 'images/sendCards/send_cards_6.jpg', intro: '清凉一夏' }, { id: 7, src: 'images/sendCards/send_cards_7.jpg', intro: '新春快乐' }, { id: 8, src: 'images/sendCards/send_cards_8.jpg', intro: '有空长聚' }, { id: 9, src: 'images/sendCards/send_cards_9.jpg', intro: '有你真好' } ]; Page({ onShareAppMessage: function (res) { var that = this; var host = getApp().globalData.servsers; var un_id = getApp().globalData.un_id; var userRole = that.data.userRole; console.log("share:" + userRole); if (this.data.msg == '' || this.data.msg == undefined){ this.setData({ msg: '小小心意' }) } if (res.from === 'button') { // 来自页面内转发按钮 console.log("11:"+res.target) } var dataTime = new Date() var time = Util.formatTime(dataTime); //获赠时间 var shareTime = Date.parse(dataTime);//分享时间 shareTime = shareTime / 1000; var timestamp = Date.parse(new Date()); timestamp =timestamp / 1000; that.setData({ time: time, shareTime: shareTime, timestamp: timestamp, }) var cardSrc = that.data.cardSrc; var src = that.data.src; if (cardSrc){ this.setData({ src: cardSrc }) } var newCarts = JSON.stringify(that.data.goodsList); newCarts = newCarts.replace(/&/g, "zss"); return { title: that.data.msg, path: '/pages/awaitState/awaitState?src=' + that.data.src + '&msg=' + that.data.msg + '&url=' + that.data.userInfo.avatarUrl + '&name=' + that.data.userInfo.nickName + '&order_number=N' + timestamp + '&order_userid=' + that.data.order_userid + "&time=" + time + "&uploadImg=" + that.data.uploadImgList + "&goodsName=" + that.data.goodsNme + "&goodsNum=" + that.data.goodsNum + "&goodsList=" + newCarts + "&shareTime=" + shareTime + '&order_number_send=6' + timestamp + '&userRole=' + userRole, imageUrl: this.data.src, success: function (res) { console.log('成功' + res); that.setData({ shareNum : 1 }) //消息模版:存储模板消息使用的form_id wx.request({ url: host + "userapi/insertadduserwxsend", data: { user_id: un_id, form_id_dz: that.data.formId, order_number: '6' + timestamp,//6开头的单号 }, method: 'GET', // OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, CONNECT header: { 'Accept': 'application/json' }, success: function (res) { if (res == null || res.data == null) { console.error('网络请求失败'); return; } } }) //插入到分享礼物表【仅有 分享订单号 分享时间(字符串) 分享标志位 三个字段】 wx.request({ url: host + "orderapi/insertorderlink", data: { order_number: "N" + timestamp,//拆分后的订单号 order_timeno: shareTime, order_linkFlag: 0 //是否收下的标志位 0:未被收下 1:已被收下 }, method: 'GET', // OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, CONNECT header: { 'Accept': 'application/json' }, success: function (res) { if (res == null || res.data == null) { console.error('网络请求失败'); return; } } }); if (un_id != undefined && un_id != '' && un_id != null) { wx.request({ url: host + "orderapi/insertorder_n", data: { order_userid: un_id, order_sta: '3',//待发货 order_number_o: that.data.order_number,//原始单号 order_number: "N" + timestamp,//新单号 order_type: '3',//赠送 - 送朋友 - 流转 order_Price: that.data.goodsList.list_order_aff_data[0].order_Price, order_Consignee: '', order_phone: '', order_address: '', order_commodityid: that.data.goodsList.list_order_aff_data[0].id, order_Specifications: '', order_gixbox: '', order_Price: that.data.goodsList.list_order_aff_data[0].newTotal, invoice_send_flag: 3, invoice_flag: 3, //发票标志位,如果为3,则为无需发票 }, method: 'GET', // OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, CONNECT header: { 'Accept': 'application/json' }, success: function (res) { console.log(res); if (res.data.result == 1){ //插入订单 var len = that.data.goodsList.list_order_aff_data.length; that.insertOrder(len, that.data.order_number, timestamp, un_id); }else{//请求超时 } if (res == null || res.data == null) { console.error('网络请求失败'); return; } } }); } }, fail: function (res) { console.log('shibai' + res); // 转发失败 } } }, //插入订单 insertOrder: function (i,order_number_old, timestamp, un_id) { var that = this; var host = getApp().globalData.servsers; var un_id = getApp().globalData.un_id; var stateNum = that.data.stateNum;//记录带有定制的商品数量 console.log("i:" + i); if (i == 0) { //对应插入"送出礼物表" wx.request({ url: host + "giftapi/insertUserGiftSend", data: { userId: un_id, giftImg: that.data.src, giftMsg: that.data.msg, fromUserHead: that.data.userInfo.avatarUrl, fromUserName: that.data.userInfo.nickName, orderNumber: "N" + that.data.timestamp, orderNumberGift: "6" + that.data.timestamp, cTime: that.data.time, giftOtherImg: that.data.uploadImgList }, method: 'GET', // OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, CONNECT header: { 'Accept': 'application/json' }, success: function (res) { //返回订单页 wx.redirectTo({ url: '/pages/orderList/orderList?isSelect=0', }) if (res == null || res.data == null) { console.error('网络请求失败'); return; } } }); } else { i -= 1; var break_num = that.data.goodsList.list_order_aff_data[i].break_num; var giftbox_name = that.data.goodsList.list_order_aff_data[i].com_dz; var process_name = that.data.goodsList.list_order_aff_data[i].com_lh; var process_id = 20; var giftbox_id = 20; if (process_name == '无需定制' || process_name == ''){ process_id = -1; } if (giftbox_name == '无需定制' || giftbox_name == '') { giftbox_id = -1; } console.log(that.data.goodsList); if (break_num >0){ wx.request({ url: host + "orderaffapi/insertOrderAff_n", data: { order_number_o: order_number_old,//原始单号 order_number: "N" + timestamp, cost: that.data.goodsList.list_order_aff_data[i].com_price, com_id: that.data.goodsList.list_order_aff_data[i].com_id, logo: that.data.goodsList.list_order_aff_data[i].logo, name: that.data.goodsList.list_order_aff_data[i].com_name, num: that.data.goodsList.list_order_aff_data[i].break_num, process: process_id, giftbox_name: that.data.goodsList.list_order_aff_data[i].com_dz, giftbox_id: giftbox_id, box_price: that.data.goodsList.list_order_aff_data[i].box_price, process_name: that.data.goodsList.list_order_aff_data[i].com_lh, process_id: process_id, logo: that.data.goodsList.list_order_aff_data[i].logo, style1_name: that.data.goodsList.list_order_aff_data[i].com_style1, style2_name: that.data.goodsList.list_order_aff_data[i].com_style2, style3_name: that.data.goodsList.list_order_aff_data[i].com_style3, style4_name: that.data.goodsList.list_order_aff_data[i].com_style4, style5_name: that.data.goodsList.list_order_aff_data[i].com_style5, affId: that.data.goodsList.list_order_aff_data[i].id, }, method: 'GET', // OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, CONNECT header: { 'Accept': 'application/json' }, success: function (res) { if ((that.data.goodsList.list_order_aff_data[i].process_name != '') && (that.data.goodsList.list_order_aff_data[i].process != -1)) { that.setData({ stateNum: stateNum + 1 }) } that.insertOrder(i, order_number_old, timestamp, un_id); if (res == null || res.data == null) { console.error('网络请求失败'); return; } } }) } else{ that.insertOrder(i, order_number_old, timestamp, un_id); } } }, data: { urlHttp: '',//图片访问线上路径 cardList: cardList, userInfo: {}, src : '', id : '', msg : '', msgCopy : '', order_number : '', order_userid : '', uploadImgList :[], uploadImgListLength : 0, shortTimeList : [], selectFlag : false, //场景是否选中,默认为选中 selectId : -1 , //默认勾选为不勾选 flagId : -1, //记录当前点击的卡片id cardSrc : '', //选中的卡片的图片地址 cardIntro : '', //选中的卡片的描述 goodsList : [], flag : '0', //来源标志【0:来自订单或者订单详情 1:来自礼物详情页】 shareNum :0,//点击分享的次数 formId: '', //用于消息模版的formId time : '', shareTime: '', timestamp: '', flag : '', formId : '', userRole : '', //分享者-用户角色【0:普通 1:商务】 }, onLoad: function (options) { var that = this; var host = getApp().globalData.servsers; var goodsList = options.goodsList; goodsList = goodsList.replace(/zss/g, "&"); goodsList = JSON.parse(goodsList); var total = 0; for (var i = 0; i < goodsList.list_order_aff_data.length; i++) { var boxPrice = goodsList.list_order_aff_data[i].box_price; var goodsPrice = goodsList.list_order_aff_data[i].cost; if (boxPrice == '' && boxPrice == null) { boxPrice = 0; } total += (parseFloat(goodsPrice) + parseFloat(boxPrice)) * (goodsList.list_order_aff_data[i].num); } for (var i = 0; i < goodsList.list_order_aff_data.length; i++) { goodsList.list_order_aff_data[i].order_Price = total; } console.log(goodsList); console.log("formId:" + options.formId); console.log("share-onlload:" + options.userRole); that.setData({ urlHttp: host, src: options.src, id: options.id, order_number: options.order_number, order_userid: options.order_userid, goodsNme: options.goodsNme, goodsNum: options.goodsNum, goodsList: goodsList, flag: options.flag, formId: options.formId, userRole: options.userRole, userInfo: getApp().globalData.userInfo }) }, textFocus:function(e){ var that = this; that.setData({ msg: e.detail.value, msgCopy: e.detail.value }) }, //选择场景 cardSelect:function(e){ var that = this; var id = e.currentTarget.dataset.id; var selectId = id; var cardSrc = e.currentTarget.dataset.src; var cardIntro = e.currentTarget.dataset.intro; var selectFlag = that.data.selectFlag; var flagId = that.data.flagId; var msg = that.data.msg;//留言区内容 var msgCopy = that.data.msgCopy; console.log(msgCopy) if (flagId == id){//相同卡片的点击 if (selectFlag) { selectFlag = false; cardSrc = ''; msg = msgCopy; }else{ selectFlag = true; if (msgCopy == '' || msgCopy == undefined || msgCopy == null) { msg = cardIntro; } } }else{ selectId = selectId; flagId = id; selectFlag = true; if (msgCopy == '' || msgCopy == undefined || msgCopy == null) { msg = cardIntro; } } that.setData({ selectId: selectId, flagId: flagId, selectFlag: selectFlag, cardSrc: cardSrc, msg: msg }) }, uploadImg:function(e){//上传图片 var that = this; var host = getApp().globalData.servsers; var un_id = getApp().globalData.un_id; wx.chooseImage({ count: 9, // 默认9 sizeType: ['original', 'compressed'], // 可以指定是原图还是压缩图,默认二者都有 sourceType: ['album', 'camera'], // 可以指定来源是相册还是相机,默认二者都有 success: function (res) { for (var i = 0; i < res.tempFilePaths.length;i++){ var filePath = res.tempFilePaths[i]; wx.uploadFile({ url: host + "UploadFileOneforxcx", filePath: filePath, name: 'file', header: { "Content-Type": "multipart/form-data" }, formData: { //和服务器约定的token, 一般也可以放在header中 //'session_token': wx.getStorageSync('session_token') userId: un_id, orderNumber: that.data.orderNumber }, success: function (res) { var newList = that.data.uploadImgList.push(res.data); that.setData({ uploadImgList: that.data.uploadImgList }) if (res.statusCode != 200) { wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '上传失败', showCancel: false }) return; } }, fail: function (e) { console.log(e); wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '上传失败', showCancel: false }) }, complete: function () { wx.hideToast(); //隐藏Toast } }) } } }) }, deleteUploadImg:function(e){//删除上传图片 var that = this; var id = e.currentTarget.dataset.id; var uploadImgList = that.data.uploadImgList; uploadImgList.splice(id, 1); that.setData({ uploadImgList: uploadImgList }); } }) var that; var Util = require('../../utils/util.js');