// buy.js var app = getApp(); var WxParse = require('../../wxParse/wxParse.js'); //规格 var Style1 = []; var Style2 = []; var Style3 = []; var Style4 = []; var Style5 = []; let animationShowHeight = 1000; Page({ data: { allHidden : '', authorize: 0, urlHttp: '', com_id: "",//商品id shangpin_id: '',//商品id banner: '', bannerSml: '',//商品弹窗的小图 title: '',//商品名称 intro: '',//商品详情 minPrice : 0,//最低价格 maxPrice : 0,//最高价格 newPrice: '',//现价 oldPrice: '',//原价 goodPrice: 0,//商品单独的价格 showPrice: 0,//显示的区间价格【 (商品价格 + 礼盒价格) 】 num: 1, //起订量 cycle: 1,//定制周期 recommend: "", collectState: false,//是否收藏 //品牌信息 brandid: '', brandtitle: '', brandname: '', brandlogo: '', brandBanner: '', bannerShare: '',//分享链接上显示的图片 goodsService: [], //服务 giftboxsize: '', //礼盒长度 gixboxService: [], //礼盒 dingzhiService: [],//定制工艺 Style1: [], //规格 Style2: [], Style3: [], Style4: [], Style5: [], //每一类规格的数量 style1: 0, style2: 0, style3: 0, style4: 0, style5: 0, //规格每个类别的类别名称 style1_name: '', style2_name: '', style3_name: '', style4_name: '', style5_name: '', //立即购买中的规格,当前选中状态 ruleClick1: "-", ruleClick2: "-", ruleClick3: "-", ruleClick4: "-", ruleClick5: "-", dingZhiClick: "-",//定制 boxClick: "-",//礼盒选中状态 //规格回显值 rule1: "", rule2: "", rule3: "", rule4: "", rule5: "", selectBox: "",//选择的礼盒名称 selectDingZhi: '',//选择的定制工艺 //选中的规格组合id sheetid1: '', sheetid2: '', sheetid3: '', sheetid4: '', sheetid5: '', imagewidth: 0,//缩放后的宽 imageheight: 0,//缩放后的高 imageheight1: 0, state: '',//滚动条状态(有 auto/无 hidden) carts: [], hiddenmodal: true, //弹窗 modalCont: '', stateId: 0,//判断是点击的加入购物车 - 0 / 立即购买 - 1 maxHeight: 0, imgList: [],//banner数组 serviceIsShow: false, isShow: false, chooseFlag: 0, chooseResult: 0, animationData: {}, animationDataBuy: {}, animationDataSer: {}, animation: {}, styleLen: 0, soldOutShow: false,//商品下架提示信息 isSpecialGood: false, //特定具有时效性的商品标识 specialGoodMsgShowCount: 0,//特定具有时效性的商品,提示显示次数 cont_hidden: '', showBtn: false, //是否显示右侧返回首页按钮 isSelectNew: 0, //默认 from_flag: 0,//入口来源【 0:分享 商品列表】 neibuFlag: 0, loadingFlag: 0,//所有规格加载完成的标志 groupList: [], //组合信息 sumTotal: 0, //总库存 showNum: 0, //显示的库存数量 keys: {},//总类别集合 keys2: {}, dataList: {},//组合类别集合对象 SKUResult: {},//保存最后的组合结果信息 sizeList: [], //总规格类别 modelStyleNum: 0,//规格总类别数 styleAllNum: 0, //分类规格总数量 clickBoxPrice : 0, //选中的礼盒的价格 saveStyleId : '', //最终选取的组合id clickNum: 0,//规格已选择数量 cartNum: 0,//footer购物车显示的数量 minNumber: 0,//购买数量 }, //重置所有变量 resetVar : function(e){ var that = this; that.setData({ allHidden: '', goodPrice: 0,//商品单独的价格 showPrice: 0,//显示的区间价格【 (商品价格 + 礼盒价格) 】 num: 1, //起订量 cartNum: 0,//footer购物车显示的数量 minNumber: 0,//购买数量 goodsService: [], //服务 giftboxsize: '', //礼盒长度 gixboxService: [], //礼盒 dingzhiService: [],//定制工艺 Style1: [], //规格 Style2: [], Style3: [], Style4: [], Style5: [], //立即购买中的规格,当前选中状态 ruleClick1: "-", ruleClick2: "-", ruleClick3: "-", ruleClick4: "-", ruleClick5: "-", boxClick: "-",//礼盒选中状态 dingZhiClick: "-",//定制 //规格回显值 rule1: "", rule2: "", rule3: "", rule4: "", rule5: "", selectBox: "",//选择的礼盒名称 selectDingZhi: '',//选择的定制工艺 sheetid1: '', sheetid2: '', sheetid3: '', sheetid4: '', sheetid5: '', loadingFlag: 0,//所有规格加载完成的标志 groupList: [], //组合信息 showNum: 0, //显示的库存数量 sumTotal: 0, //总库存 dataList: {}, //组合类别集合对象 SKUResult: {}, //保存最后的组合结果信息 clickNum: 0,//规格已选择数量 clickBoxPrice: 0, //选中的礼盒的价格 saveStyleId: '', //最终选取的组合id hiddenmodal: true, //弹窗 modalCont: '', stateId: 0,//判断是点击的加入购物车 - 0 / 立即购买 - 1 maxHeight: 0, serviceIsShow: false, isShow: false, chooseFlag: 0, chooseResult: 0, animationData: {}, animationDataBuy: {}, animationDataSer: {}, animation: {}, styleLen: 0, isSpecialGood: false, //特定具有时效性的商品标识 specialGoodMsgShowCount: 0,//特定具有时效性的商品,提示显示次数 cont_hidden: '', isSelectNew: 0, //默认 }) }, onLoad: function (options) { var that = this; var host = getApp().globalData.servsers; var un_id = getApp().globalData.un_id; var neibuFlag = options.flag;//来自内部员工,则为0 if (options.flag == undefined) { neibuFlag = 1; } else { wx.hideShareMenu(); } if (options.from_flag == 1) {//从分享链接进入 that.setData({ showBtn: true }) } else { that.setData({ showBtn: false }) } that.setData({ urlHttp: host, com_id: options.com_id, from_flag: options.from_flag, neibuFlag: neibuFlag, }) //检测商品是否下架 wx.request({ url: host + "commodityapi/commoditview", data: { com_id: options.com_id }, method: 'GET', // OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, CONNECT header: { 'Accept': 'application/json' }, success: function (res) { console.log(res); //有此商品 if (res.data.total > 0) { if (res.data.commodity.commodity_flag == '1') {//此商品为下架商品 that.setData({ soldOutShow: true }) } } var article1 = res.data.commodity.commodity_details; WxParse.wxParse('article1', 'html', res.data.commodity.commodity_details, that, 5) var acceptance = res.data.commodity.commodity_acceptance; if (acceptance != null && acceptance != '') { wx.request({//服务保证 url: host + "acceptanceapi/findBuy", data: { id: acceptance }, method: 'GET', // OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, CONNECT header: { 'Accept': 'application/json' }, success: function (res) { if (res.data.total > 0) { that.setData({ goodsService: res.data.rows }) } if (res == null || res.data == null) { console.error('网络请求失败'); return; } } }); } //是否收藏 if (un_id != undefined && un_id != '' && un_id != null) { wx.request({ url: host + "collectionapi/findAllforxcx", data: { user_id: un_id, collection_clas: 2, collection_name: options.com_id, }, method: 'GET', // OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, CONNECT header: { 'Accept': 'application/json' }, success: function (res) { if (res.data.total != 0) { that.setData({ collectState: true }) } if (res == null || res.data == null) { console.error('网络请求失败'); return; } } }) } that.setData({ tuijian: res.data.commodity, banner: res.data.images, bannerShare: res.data.images[0], bannerSml: host + 'images/' + res.data.images[0], title: res.data.commodity.commodity_name, shangpin_id: res.data.commodity.id, intro: res.data.commodity.commodity_des, newPrice: res.data.commodity.commodity_sale, oldPrice: res.data.commodity.commodity_cost, cycle: res.data.commodity.commodity_cyc, minNumber: res.data.commodity.commodity_num, num: res.data.commodity.commodity_num, recommend: res.data.commodity.commodity_recommend, }); var imgList = []; for (var i = 0; i < that.data.banner.length; i++) { imgList[i] = host + 'images/' + that.data.banner[i]; } that.setData({ imgList: imgList }) wx.setNavigationBarTitle({ title: res.data.commodity.commodity_name }) if (res == null || res.data == null) { console.error('网络请求失败'); return; } } }) }, //渲染 loadFun: function (e) { var that = this; var host = getApp().globalData.servsers; var un_id = getApp().globalData.un_id; that.resetVar(); //检测商品是否下架 wx.request({ url: host + "commodityapi/commoditview", data: { com_id: that.data.com_id }, method: 'GET', // OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, CONNECT header: { 'Accept': 'application/json' }, success: function (res) { console.log(res); //有此商品 if (res.data.total > 0) { if (res.data.commodity.commodity_flag == '1') {//此商品为下架商品 that.setData({ soldOutShow: true }) } } var loadingFlag = that.data.loadingFlag;//所有规则加载标识 var giftbox = res.data.commodity.commodity_giftbox; if (giftbox != null && giftbox != '') { wx.request({//礼盒 url: host + "giftboxapi/findBuy", data: { id: giftbox }, method: 'GET', // OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, CONNECT header: { 'Accept': 'application/json' }, success: function (res) { if (res.data.total > 0) { that.setData({ giftboxsize: res.data.total, gixboxService: res.data.rows }) } if (res == null || res.data == null) { console.error('网络请求失败'); return; } } }); } var process = res.data.commodity.commodity_process; if (process != null && process != '') { wx.request({//定制 url: host + "processapi/findBuy", data: { id: process }, method: 'GET', // OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, CONNECT header: { 'Accept': 'application/json' }, success: function (res) { if (res.data.total > 0) { that.setData({ iconNum: res.data.total, dingzhiService: res.data.rows }); } if (res == null || res.data == null) { console.error('网络请求失败'); return; } } }); } var styleLength = 0; var keys = new Array(); var keys2 = ''; var modelStyleNum = 0;//规格总类别数量 //所有规格的数量 var styleAllNum = 0; var loadingFlag = 0; var style1 = res.data.commodity.style1; if (style1 != null && style1 != '' && style1 != undefined) { keys2 = '1_0'; modelStyleNum++; wx.request({ url: host + "datasheetapi/findAllforid", data: { id: style1 }, method: 'GET', // OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, CONNECT header: { 'Accept': 'application/json' }, success: function (res) { console.log("style"); console.log(res); if (res.data.total > 0) { that.setData({ style1_name: res.data.rows[0].datasheet_com_name, style1: res.data.total, Style1: res.data.rows, }); styleAllNum += res.data.total; keys[0] = new Array(); for (var j = 0; j < res.data.total; j++) { //二维长度为5 keys[0][j] = res.data.rows[j].datasheet_id; that.data.sizeList.push(res.data.rows[j]); that.data.Style1[j].clickTrue = true; } that.setData({ Style1: that.data.Style1, keys: keys, }) loadingFlag++; if (loadingFlag == 6) { //组合sku that.initSKU(); } } if (res == null || res.data == null) { console.error('网络请求失败'); return; } } }); } else { loadingFlag++; if (loadingFlag == 6) { //组合sku that.initSKU(); } } var style2 = res.data.commodity.style2; if (style2 != null && style2 != '' && style2 != undefined) { modelStyleNum++; keys2 = keys2 + '-2_0'; wx.request({ url: host + "datasheetapi/findAllforid", data: { id: style2 }, method: 'GET', // OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, CONNECT header: { 'Accept': 'application/json' }, success: function (res) { if (res.data.total > 0) { styleAllNum += res.data.total; that.setData({ style2_name: res.data.rows[0].datasheet_com_name, style2: res.data.total, Style2: res.data.rows, }); keys[1] = new Array(); for (var j = 0; j < res.data.total; j++) { //二维长度为5 keys[1][j] = res.data.rows[j].datasheet_id; that.data.sizeList.push(res.data.rows[j]); that.data.Style2[j].clickTrue = true; } that.setData({ Style2: that.data.Style2, keys: keys }) loadingFlag++; if (loadingFlag == 6) { //组合sku that.initSKU(); } } if (res == null || res.data == null) { console.error('网络请求失败'); return; } } }); } else { loadingFlag++; if (loadingFlag == 6) { //组合sku that.initSKU(); } } var style3 = res.data.commodity.style3; if (style3 != null && style3 != '' && style3 != undefined) { modelStyleNum++; keys2 = keys2 + '-3_0'; wx.request({ url: host + "datasheetapi/findAllforid", data: { id: style3 }, method: 'GET', // OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, CONNECT header: { 'Accept': 'application/json' }, success: function (res) { if (res.data.total > 0) { styleAllNum += res.data.total; that.setData({ style3_name: res.data.rows[0].datasheet_com_name, style3: res.data.total, Style3: res.data.rows, }); keys[2] = new Array(); for (var j = 0; j < res.data.total; j++) { //二维长度为5 keys[2][j] = res.data.rows[j].datasheet_id; that.data.sizeList.push(res.data.rows[j]); that.data.Style3[j].clickTrue = true; } that.setData({ Style3: that.data.Style3, keys: keys }); loadingFlag++; if (loadingFlag == 6) { //组合sku that.initSKU(); } } if (res == null || res.data == null) { console.error('网络请求失败'); return; } } }); } else { loadingFlag++; if (loadingFlag == 6) { //组合sku that.initSKU(); } } var style4 = res.data.commodity.style4; if (style4 != null && style4 != '' && style4 != undefined) { modelStyleNum++; keys2 = keys2 + '-4_0'; wx.request({ url: host + "datasheetapi/findAllforid", data: { id:style4 }, method: 'GET', // OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, CONNECT header: { 'Accept': 'application/json' }, success: function (res) { if (res.data.total > 0) { styleAllNum += res.data.total; that.setData({ style4_name: res.data.rows[0].datasheet_com_name, style4: res.data.total, Style4: res.data.rows, }); keys[3] = new Array(); for (var j = 0; j < res.data.total; j++) { //二维长度为5 keys[3][j] = res.data.rows[j].datasheet_id; that.data.sizeList.push(res.data.rows[j]); that.data.Style4[j].clickTrue = true; } that.setData({ Style4: that.data.Style4, keys: keys }) loadingFlag++; if (loadingFlag == 6) { //组合sku that.initSKU(); } } if (res == null || res.data == null) { console.error('网络请求失败'); return; } } }); } else { loadingFlag++; if (loadingFlag == 6) { //组合sku that.initSKU(); } } var style5 = res.data.commodity.style5; if (style5 != null && style5 != '' && style5 != undefined) { modelStyleNum++; keys2 = keys2 + '-5_0'; wx.request({ url: host + "datasheetapi/findAllforid", data: { id: style5 }, method: 'GET', // OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, CONNECT header: { 'Accept': 'application/json' }, success: function (res) { if (res.data.total > 0) { styleAllNum += res.data.total; that.setData({ style5_name: res.data.rows[0].datasheet_com_name, style5: res.data.total, Style5: res.data.rows, }); keys[4] = new Array(); for (var j = 0; j < res.data.total; j++) { keys[4][j] = res.data.rows[j].datasheet_id; that.data.sizeList.push(res.data.rows[j]); that.data.Style5[j].clickTrue = true; } that.setData({ Style5: that.data.Style5, keys: keys }) loadingFlag++; if (loadingFlag == 6) { //组合sku that.initSKU(); } } if (res == null || res.data == null) { console.error('网络请求失败'); return; } } }); } else { loadingFlag++; if (loadingFlag == 6) { //组合sku that.initSKU(); } } var dataList = new Object(); //获取商品规则的组合【价格和库存】 wx.request({ url: host + 'api/commodityGroup/getAllGroupByCommodityId', data: { commodityId: that.data.com_id }, method: 'GET', // OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, CONNECT header: { 'Accept': 'application/json' }, success: function (res) { console.log("CommodityId:"); console.log(res); if (res.data.code == '200') { if (res.data.data.length > 0){ var groupList = res.data.data; var sumTotal = 0; var dataLen = groupList.length; for (var i = 0; i < dataLen; i++) { sumTotal += groupList[i].product_repertory; var dataTit = groupList[i].datasheet_id; var dataContList = { id: groupList[i].id, product_price: groupList[i].product_price, product_repertory: groupList[i].product_repertory }; dataList[dataTit] = dataContList; } that.setData({ sumTotal: sumTotal, groupList: groupList, dataList: dataList, showNum: sumTotal }) loadingFlag++; if (loadingFlag == 6) { //组合sku that.initSKU(); } }else{ that.setData({ sumTotal: 0, showNum: 0 }) //每一个规则类别下的详细种类数量 var style1 = that.data.style1; var style2 = that.data.style2; var style3 = that.data.style3; var style4 = that.data.style4; var style5 = that.data.style5; if (style1 > 0) { for (var j = 0; j < style1; j++) { that.data.Style1[j].clickTrue = false; that.setData({ Style1: that.data.Style1, }) } } if (style2 > 0) { for (var j = 0; j < style2; j++) { that.data.Style2[j].clickTrue = false; that.setData({ Style2: that.data.Style2, }) } } if (style3 > 0) { for (var j = 0; j < style3; j++) { var datasheetId = that.data.Style3[j].datasheet_id; that.data.Style3[j].clickTrue = false; that.setData({ Style3: that.data.Style3, }) } } if (style4 > 0) { for (var j = 0; j < style4; j++) { that.data.Style4[j].clickTrue = false; that.setData({ Style4: that.data.Style4, }) } } if (style5 > 0) { for (var j = 0; j < style5; j++) { that.data.Style5[j].clickTrue = false; that.setData({ Style5: that.data.Style5, }) } } that.setData({ allHidden: 'allHidden' }) wx.hideLoading(); } } } }) that.setData({ showPrice: (res.data.maxAndMin.min == res.data.maxAndMin.max) ? res.data.maxAndMin.min :(res.data.maxAndMin.min + '-' + res.data.maxAndMin.max), minPrice: res.data.maxAndMin.min,//最低价格 maxPrice: res.data.maxAndMin.max,//最高价格 minNumber: res.data.commodity.commodity_num, num: res.data.commodity.commodity_num, keys2: [keys2], modelStyleNum: modelStyleNum, sizeList: that.data.sizeList, styleAllNum: styleAllNum, loadingFlag: that.data.loadingFlag }); if (res == null || res.data == null) { console.error('网络请求失败'); return; } } }); wx.getSystemInfo({ success: function (res) { animationShowHeight = res.windowHeight; } }) // 显示遮罩层 var animation = wx.createAnimation({ duration: 200, timingFunction: 'linear', }) this.animation = animation animation.bottom(-animationShowHeight).step() this.setData({ animationDataBuy: animation.export() }) setTimeout(function () { animation.bottom(-animationShowHeight).step() this.setData({ animationDataBuy: animation.export() }) }.bind(this), 200) }, onShow:function(e){ var that = this; wx.showLoading({ title: '', icon: 'loading', mask: true, success: function () { } }) that.loadFun(); }, //获得对象的key getObjKeys: function (obj) { var that = this; if (obj !== Object(obj)) throw new TypeError('Invalid object'); var keys = []; for (var key in obj) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { keys[keys.length] = key; } } return keys; }, //初始化得到结果集 initSKU: function () { var that = this; var dataList = that.data.dataList;//已有的规则组合信息 //数据已有组合类 var i, j, skuKeys = that.getObjKeys(dataList); //每一个规则类别下的详细种类数量 var style1 = that.data.style1; var style2 = that.data.style2; var style3 = that.data.style3; var style4 = that.data.style4; var style5 = that.data.style5; for (i = 0; i < skuKeys.length; i++) { var skuKey = skuKeys[i];//一条SKU信息key var sku = dataList[skuKey]; //一条SKU信息value var skuKeyAttrs = skuKey.split("-"); //SKU信息key属性值数组 skuKeyAttrs.sort(function (value1, value2) { return parseInt(value1) - parseInt(value2); }); //对每个SKU信息key属性值进行拆分组合 var combArr = that.combInArray(skuKeyAttrs); for (j = 0; j < combArr.length; j++) { that.addSKUResult(combArr[j], sku); } //结果集接放入SKUResult var SKUResult = that.data.SKUResult; SKUResult[skuKeyAttrs.join("-")] = { product_repertory: sku.product_repertory, product_price: [sku.product_price] }; } var SKUResultLength = Object.keys(SKUResult).length; var forNum1 = 0, forNum2 = 0, forNum3 = 0, forNum4 = 0, forNum5 = 0; //初始化,现有单独规格是否有库存 if (style1 > 0) { for (var j = 0; j < style1; j++) { var datasheetId = that.data.Style1[j].datasheet_id; if (!SKUResult[datasheetId]) { forNum1++; that.data.Style1[j].clickTrue = false; } else { that.data.Style1[j].clickTrue = true; } that.setData({ Style1: that.data.Style1, }) } } if (style2 > 0) { for (var j = 0; j < style2; j++) { var datasheetId = that.data.Style2[j].datasheet_id; if (!SKUResult[datasheetId]) { forNum2++; that.data.Style2[j].clickTrue = false; } else { that.data.Style2[j].clickTrue = true; } that.setData({ Style2: that.data.Style2, }) } } if (style3 > 0) { for (var j = 0; j < style3; j++) { var datasheetId = that.data.Style3[j].datasheet_id; if (!SKUResult[datasheetId]) { forNum3++; that.data.Style3[j].clickTrue = false; } else { that.data.Style3[j].clickTrue = true; } that.setData({ Style3: that.data.Style3, }) } } if (style4 > 0) { for (var j = 0; j < style4; j++) { var datasheetId = that.data.Style4[j].datasheet_id; if (!SKUResult[datasheetId]) { forNum4++; that.data.Style4[j].clickTrue = false; } else { that.data.Style4[j].clickTrue = true; } that.setData({ Style4: that.data.Style4, }) } } if (style5 > 0) { for (var j = 0; j < style5; j++) { var datasheetId = that.data.Style5[j].datasheet_id; if (!SKUResult[datasheetId]) { forNum5++; that.data.Style5[j].clickTrue = false; } else { that.data.Style5[j].clickTrue = true; } that.setData({ Style5: that.data.Style5, }) } } that.setData({ SKUResult: SKUResult, allHidden: 'allHidden' }) wx.hideLoading(); }, //把组合的key放入结果集SKUResult addSKUResult: function ( combArrItem, sku) { var that = this; var key = combArrItem.join("-"); var SKUResult = that.data.SKUResult; if (SKUResult[key]) {//SKU信息key属性· SKUResult[key].product_repertory += sku.product_repertory; SKUResult[key].product_price.push(sku.product_price); } else { SKUResult[key] = { product_repertory: sku.product_repertory, product_price: [sku.product_price] }; } that.setData({ SKUResult: SKUResult }) }, /** * 从数组中生成指定长度的组合 * 方法: 先生成[0,1...]形式的数组, 然后根据0,1从原数组取元素,得到组合数组 */ combInArray: function (aData) { var that = this; if (!aData || !aData.length) { return []; } var len = aData.length; var aResult = []; for (var n = 1; n < len; n++) { var aaFlags = that.getCombFlags(len, n); while (aaFlags.length) { var aFlag = aaFlags.shift(); var aComb = []; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { aFlag[i] && aComb.push(aData[i]); } aResult.push(aComb); } } return aResult; }, /** * 得到从 m 元素中取 n 元素的所有组合 * 结果为[0,1...]形式的数组, 1表示选中,0表示不选 */ getCombFlags: function (m, n) { var that = this; if (!n || n < 1) { return []; } var aResult = []; var aFlag = []; var bNext = true; var i, j, iCnt1; for (i = 0; i < m; i++) { aFlag[i] = i < n ? 1 : 0; } aResult.push(aFlag.concat()); while (bNext) { iCnt1 = 0; for (i = 0; i < m - 1; i++) { if (aFlag[i] == 1 && aFlag[i + 1] == 0) { for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { aFlag[j] = j < iCnt1 ? 1 : 0; } aFlag[i] = 0; aFlag[i + 1] = 1; var aTmp = aFlag.concat(); aResult.push(aTmp); if (aTmp.slice(-n).join("").indexOf('0') == -1) { bNext = false; } break; } aFlag[i] == 1 && iCnt1++; } } return aResult; }, //选择规格时的判断 - 判断价格和库存 chooseStyleSetData: function (datasheetId, clickNum) { var that = this; var styleAllNum = that.data.styleAllNum; var modelStyleNum = that.data.modelStyleNum; var clickBoxPrice = that.data.clickBoxPrice;//已选礼盒价格 var SKUResult = that.data.SKUResult; //每个大规格下选择的小规格id var ruleClick1 = that.data.ruleClick1; var ruleClick2 = that.data.ruleClick2; var ruleClick3 = that.data.ruleClick3; var ruleClick4 = that.data.ruleClick4; var ruleClick5 = that.data.ruleClick5; //每一个规则类别下的详细种类数量 var style1 = that.data.style1; var style2 = that.data.style2; var style3 = that.data.style3; var style4 = that.data.style4; var style5 = that.data.style5; if (clickNum > 0) { //获得组合key价格 var selectedIds = []; (that.data.sheetid1 == '') ? '' : selectedIds.push(that.data.sheetid1); (that.data.sheetid2 == '') ? '' : selectedIds.push(that.data.sheetid2); (that.data.sheetid3 == '') ? '' : selectedIds.push(that.data.sheetid3); (that.data.sheetid4 == '') ? '' : selectedIds.push(that.data.sheetid4); (that.data.sheetid5 == '') ? '' : selectedIds.push(that.data.sheetid5); console.log("selectedIds:"); console.log(selectedIds); selectedIds.sort(function (value1, value2) { return parseInt(value1) - parseInt(value2); }); var len = selectedIds.length; console.log("selectedIds.join('-'):"+selectedIds.join('-')); var prices = SKUResult[selectedIds.join('-')].product_price; var maxPrice = parseFloat(Math.max.apply(Math, prices)) + + parseFloat(clickBoxPrice); var minPrice = parseFloat(Math.min.apply(Math, prices)) + + parseFloat(clickBoxPrice); var showNum = SKUResult[selectedIds.join('-')].product_repertory;//当前规格下的库存 var showPrice = maxPrice > minPrice ? minPrice + "-" + maxPrice : maxPrice; //当前规格下的价格 var num = this.data.minNumber;//当前数量 if (num >= showNum){ that.setData({ minNumber: showNum }) } that.setData({ showPrice: showPrice, showNum: showNum }) var siblingsSelectedObj = [];//已点选 var siblingsSelectedObjId = [];//已点选的id的集合 var noClickList = [];//未点选的id的集合 var oldNoClickList = []; if (style1 > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < style1; i++) { var datasheet_id = that.data.Style1[i].datasheet_id; if (i == ruleClick1) { siblingsSelectedObjId.push(datasheet_id); } else { noClickList.push(datasheet_id); oldNoClickList.push(datasheet_id); } } } if (style2 > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < style2; i++) { var datasheet_id = that.data.Style2[i].datasheet_id; if (i == ruleClick2) { siblingsSelectedObjId.push(datasheet_id); } else { noClickList.push(datasheet_id); oldNoClickList.push(datasheet_id); } } } if (style3 > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < style3; i++) { var datasheet_id = that.data.Style3[i].datasheet_id; console.log("3-datasheetId: " + datasheet_id); console.log("3-1: " + i); console.log("3-ruleClick3: " + ruleClick3); if (i == ruleClick3) { siblingsSelectedObjId.push(datasheet_id); } else { noClickList.push(datasheet_id); oldNoClickList.push(datasheet_id); } } } if (style4 > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < style4; i++) { var datasheet_id = that.data.Style4[i].datasheet_id; if (i == ruleClick4) { siblingsSelectedObjId.push(datasheet_id); } else { noClickList.push(datasheet_id); oldNoClickList.push(datasheet_id); } } } if (style5 > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < style5; i++) { var datasheet_id = that.data.Style5[i].datasheet_id; if (i == ruleClick5) { siblingsSelectedObjId.push(datasheet_id); } else { noClickList.push(datasheet_id); oldNoClickList.push(datasheet_id); } } } var selectedLength = 0; for (var i = 0; i < noClickList.length; i++) { var selectedLength = 0; var siblingsSelectedObjId = '';//选中规格的id var testAttrIds = [];//从选中节点中去掉选中的兄弟节点 if (style1 > 0 && ruleClick1 != '-') { for (var m = 0; m < style1; m++){ if (that.data.Style1[m].datasheet_id == noClickList[i]){ if (that.data.Style1[ruleClick1].datasheet_id != noClickList[i]) { selectedLength = 1; siblingsSelectedObjId = that.data.Style1[ruleClick1].datasheet_id; break; } } } } if (style2 > 0 && ruleClick2 != '-') { for (var m = 0; m < style2; m++) { if (that.data.Style2[m].datasheet_id == noClickList[i]) { if (that.data.Style2[ruleClick2].datasheet_id != noClickList[i]) { selectedLength = 1; siblingsSelectedObjId = that.data.Style2[ruleClick2].datasheet_id; break; } } } } if (style3 > 0 && ruleClick3 != '-') { for (var m = 0; m < style3; m++) { if (that.data.Style3[m].datasheet_id == noClickList[i]) { if (that.data.Style3[ruleClick3].datasheet_id != noClickList[i]) { selectedLength = 1; siblingsSelectedObjId = that.data.Style3[ruleClick3].datasheet_id; break; } } } } if (style4 > 0 && ruleClick4 != '-') { for (var m = 0; m < style4; m++) { if (that.data.Style4[m].datasheet_id == noClickList[i]) { if (that.data.Style4[ruleClick4].datasheet_id != noClickList[i]) { selectedLength = 1; siblingsSelectedObjId = that.data.Style4[ruleClick4].datasheet_id; break; } } } } if (style5 > 0 && ruleClick5 != '-') { for (var m = 0; m < style5; m++) { if (that.data.Style5[m].datasheet_id == noClickList[i]) { if (that.data.Style5[ruleClick5].datasheet_id != noClickList[i]) { selectedLength = 1; siblingsSelectedObjId = that.data.Style5[ruleClick5].datasheet_id; break; } } } } if (selectedLength ) { for (var j = 0; j < len; j++) { (selectedIds[j] != siblingsSelectedObjId) && testAttrIds.push(selectedIds[j]); } } else { testAttrIds = selectedIds.concat(); } testAttrIds = testAttrIds.concat(noClickList[i]); testAttrIds.sort(function (value1, value2) { return parseInt(value1) - parseInt(value2); }); if (style1 > 0) { for (var k = 0; k < style1; k++) { if (that.data.Style1[k].datasheet_id == noClickList[i]) { if (!SKUResult[testAttrIds.join('-')]) { that.data.Style1[k].clickTrue = false; if (that.data.ruleClick1 == k) { that.data.ruleClick1 = '-'; } } else { that.data.Style1[k].clickTrue = true; } } } } if (style2 > 0) { for (var k = 0; k < style2; k++) { if (that.data.Style2[k].datasheet_id == noClickList[i]) { if (!SKUResult[testAttrIds.join('-')]) { that.data.Style2[k].clickTrue = false; if (that.data.ruleClick2 == k){ that.data.ruleClick2 = '-'; } } else { that.data.Style2[k].clickTrue = true; } } } } if (style3 > 0) { for (var k = 0; k < style3; k++) { if (that.data.Style3[k].datasheet_id == noClickList[i]) { if (!SKUResult[testAttrIds.join('-')]) { that.data.Style3[k].clickTrue = false; if (that.data.ruleClick3 == k) { that.data.ruleClick3 = '-'; } } else { that.data.Style3[k].clickTrue = true; } } } } if (style4 > 0) { for (var k = 0; k < style4; k++) { if (that.data.Style4[k].datasheet_id == noClickList[i]) { if (!SKUResult[testAttrIds.join('-')]) { that.data.Style4[k].clickTrue = false; if (that.data.ruleClick4 == k) { that.data.ruleClick4 = '-'; } } else { that.data.Style4[k].clickTrue = true; } } } } if (style5 > 0) { for (var k = 0; k < style5; k++) { if (that.data.Style5[k].datasheet_id == noClickList[i]) { if (!SKUResult[testAttrIds.join('-')]) { that.data.Style5[k].clickTrue = false; if (that.data.ruleClick5 == k) { that.data.ruleClick5 = '-'; } } else { that.data.Style5[k].clickTrue = true; } } } } } } else { var showPrice = that.data.showPrice; var showPrice = that.data.newPrice; var showNum = that.data.showNum; that.setData({ showPrice: showPrice, showNum: showNum }) } that.setData({ Style1: that.data.Style1, Style2: that.data.Style2, Style3: that.data.Style3, Style4: that.data.Style4, Style5: that.data.Style5, ruleClick1: that.data.ruleClick1, ruleClick2: that.data.ruleClick2, ruleClick3: that.data.ruleClick3, ruleClick4: that.data.ruleClick4, ruleClick5: that.data.ruleClick5 }) }, //立即购买下的规格选择 ruleSelect: function (e) { var that = this var id = e.currentTarget.dataset.id; var datasheetId = e.currentTarget.dataset.sheetid;//规格id var ruleNum = e.currentTarget.dataset.rule;//当前规格1-5 var styleLen = that.data.styleLen; var clickNum = that.data.clickNum; var clickBoxPrice = that.data.clickBoxPrice; if (ruleNum == 1) { if (that.data.ruleClick1 == id) {//当前为选中状态,变为取消状态 clickNum = clickNum - 1; that.setData({ ruleClick1: '-', rule1: '', styleLen: styleLen--, clickNum: clickNum, sheetid1: '' }) } else { if (that.data.ruleClick1 == '-') { clickNum = clickNum + 1; that.setData({ clickNum: clickNum, }) } that.setData({ ruleClick1: id, rule1: that.data.Style1[id].datasheet_name, styleLen: styleLen++, sheetid1: datasheetId }) } } else if (ruleNum == 2) { if (that.data.ruleClick2 == id) { clickNum = clickNum - 1; that.setData({ ruleClick2: '-', rule2: '', styleLen: styleLen--, clickNum: clickNum, sheetid2: '' }) } else { if (that.data.ruleClick2 == '-') { clickNum = clickNum + 1; that.setData({ clickNum: clickNum, }) } that.setData({ ruleClick2: id, rule2: that.data.Style2[id].datasheet_name, styleLen: styleLen++, sheetid2: datasheetId }) } } else if (ruleNum == 3) { if (that.data.ruleClick3 == id) { clickNum = clickNum - 1; that.setData({ ruleClick3: '-', rule3: '', styleLen: styleLen--, clickNum: clickNum, sheetid3: '' }) } else { if (that.data.ruleClick3 == '-') { clickNum = clickNum + 1; that.setData({ clickNum: clickNum, }) } that.setData({ ruleClick3: id, rule3: that.data.Style3[id].datasheet_name, styleLen: styleLen++, sheetid3: datasheetId, }) } } else if (ruleNum == 4) { if (that.data.ruleClick4 == id) { clickNum = clickNum - 1; that.setData({ ruleClick4: '-', rule4: '', styleLen: styleLen--, clickNum: clickNum, sheetid4: '' }) } else { if (that.data.ruleClick4 == '-') { clickNum = clickNum + 1; that.setData({ clickNum: clickNum, }) } that.setData({ ruleClick4: id, rule4: that.data.Style4[id].datasheet_name, styleLen: styleLen++, sheetid4: datasheetId }) } } else { if (that.data.ruleClick5 == id) { clickNum = clickNum - 1; that.setData({ ruleClick5: '-', rule5: '', styleLen: styleLen--, clickNum: clickNum, sheetid5: '' }) } else { if (that.data.ruleClick5 == '-') { clickNum = clickNum + 1; that.setData({ clickNum: clickNum, }) } that.setData({ ruleClick5: id, rule5: that.data.Style5[id].datasheet_name, styleLen: styleLen++, sheetid5: datasheetId }) } } //分别与已点规格组合,判断是否有库存可选 that.chooseStyleSetData(datasheetId, clickNum); if (that.data.styleLen == 0) { that.setData({ chooseResult: 0 }) } else { that.setData({ chooseResult: 1 }) } }, //立即购买下的选择礼盒 boxSelect: function (options) { var that = this var id = options.currentTarget.dataset.id; var boxPrice = that.data.gixboxService[id].box_price; var modelStyleNum = that.data.modelStyleNum;//规格类别数 var clickNum = that.data.clickNum; if (boxPrice == '' || boxPrice == null || boxPrice == undefined) { that.setData({ clickBoxPrice: 0 }) } if (that.data.boxClick == id) {//变为取消状态 if (modelStyleNum == clickNum) { that.setData({ showPrice: parseFloat(that.data.showPrice) - parseFloat(boxPrice) }) } that.setData({ boxClick: '-', selectBox: '', clickBoxPrice : 0 }) if (that.data.styleLen == 0) { that.setData({ chooseResult: 0 }) } } else { if (modelStyleNum == clickNum) { that.setData({ showPrice: parseFloat(that.data.showPrice) - parseFloat(that.data.clickBoxPrice) + parseFloat(boxPrice) }) } that.setData({ chooseResult: 1, boxClick: id, selectBox: that.data.gixboxService[id].giftbox_name, clickBoxPrice: boxPrice }) } }, //立即购买下的定制 dingZhiSelect: function (options) { var that = this var id = options.currentTarget.dataset.id; if (that.data.dingZhiClick == id) {//变为取消状态 that.setData({ dingZhiClick: '-', selectDingZhi: '' }) } else { that.setData({ chooseResult: 1, dingZhiClick: id, selectDingZhi: that.data.dingzhiService[id].process_name }) } //判断当前是否有选择的规格 if (that.data.styleLen == 0) { that.setData({ chooseResult: 0 }) } else { that.setData({ chooseResult: 1 }) } }, //绑定加数量事件 addCount(e) { var that = this; var showNum = that.data.showNum; let num = this.data.minNumber; if (num >= showNum){ that.setData({ hiddenmodal: false, modalCont: '超出库存', minNumber: showNum }) setTimeout(function () { that.setData({ hiddenmodal: true, }) }, 1000) return false; }else{ num++; if (num == showNum){ this.setData({ "minNumber": num, }) }else{ this.setData({ "minNumber": num, }) } } }, //绑定减数量事件 minusCount(e) { let num = this.data.minNumber; let minnum = this.data.num; if (num <= minnum) { that.setData({ hiddenmodal: false, modalCont: '起订量为' + minnum + '件', minNumber: showNum }) setTimeout(function () { that.setData({ hiddenmodal: true, }) }, 1000) return false; } num--; this.setData({ "minNumber": num }) }, //手动填写数量 writeNum: function (e) { var that = this; var val = e.detail.value; var minnum = that.data.num;//起订量 var showNum = that.data.showNum;//获取库存 if (parseInt(val) >= parseInt(showNum)) {//大于库存 that.setData({ minNumber: showNum }) } else if (parseInt(val) < parseInt(minnum)) {//小于起订量 that.setData({ minNumber: minnum }) } else { that.setData({ minNumber: val }) } }, //加入购物车 - 打开选择弹窗 addCart: function (e) { var that = this; var scrollTop = that.data.scrollTop; var com_id = that.data.com_id;//商品id var specialGoodMsgShowCount = that.data.specialGoodMsgShowCount;//有时效性的商品,提示显示的次数 //判断商品是否已下架,若下架则不可点击 var soldOutShow = that.data.soldOutShow; if (soldOutShow == true) { return false; } that.setData({ chooseFlag: 0,//判断进入购买的入口【底部footer】 stateId: 0, cont_hidden: 'cont_hidden' }); wx.getSystemInfo({ success: function (res) { animationShowHeight = res.windowHeight; } }) // 显示遮罩层 var animation = wx.createAnimation({ duration: 400, timingFunction: 'linear', }) this.animation = animation animation.opacity(0).step() this.setData({ isShow: true, windBgShow: animation.export() }) setTimeout(function () { animation.opacity(1).step() this.setData({ windBgShow: animation.export() }) }.bind(this), 200) //内容 animation.bottom(-animationShowHeight).step() this.setData({ animationDataBuy: animation.export() }) setTimeout(function () { animation.bottom(0).step() this.setData({ animationDataBuy: animation.export() }) }.bind(this), 200); //判断是否是特定的时效商品 if (com_id == '3419') { if (specialGoodMsgShowCount == 0) { that.setData({ isSpecialGood: true, specialGoodMsgShowCount: specialGoodMsgShowCount + 1 }) } } }, //立即购买 - 打开选择弹窗 buyCart: function (e) { var that = this; var scrollTop = that.data.scrollTop; var com_id = that.data.com_id;//商品id var specialGoodMsgShowCount = that.data.specialGoodMsgShowCount;//有时效性的商品,提示显示的次数 //判断商品是否已下架,若下架则不可点击 var soldOutShow = that.data.soldOutShow; if (soldOutShow == true) { return false; } this.setData({ chooseFlag: 0,//判断进入购买的入口【底部footer】 stateId: 1, cont_hidden: 'cont_hidden' }) wx.getSystemInfo({ success: function (res) { animationShowHeight = res.windowHeight; } }) var animation = wx.createAnimation({ duration: 400, timingFunction: 'linear', }) this.animation = animation animation.opacity(0).step() this.setData({ isShow: true, windBgShow: animation.export() }) setTimeout(function () { animation.opacity(1).step() this.setData({ windBgShow: animation.export() }) }.bind(this), 200) // 显示遮罩层 animation.bottom(-animationShowHeight).step() this.setData({ animationDataBuy: animation.export() }) setTimeout(function () { animation.bottom(0).step() this.setData({ animationDataBuy: animation.export() }) }.bind(this), 200); //判断是否是特定的时效商品 if (com_id == '3419') { if (specialGoodMsgShowCount == 0) { that.setData({ isSpecialGood: true, specialGoodMsgShowCount: specialGoodMsgShowCount + 1 }) } } }, //跳转到购物车 linkCart: function (e) { wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/carInsert/carInsert' }) }, //收藏 collect: function (e) { var dataState = e.currentTarget.dataset.state; var host = getApp().globalData.servsers; var un_id = getApp().globalData.un_id; var openid = getApp().globalData.openid; var that = this; if ((un_id == undefined || un_id == '' || un_id == null) || (openid == undefined || openid == '' || openid == null)) { wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/authorize/authorize?link=buy', }) } else { if (!dataState) { //后台增加收藏用户收藏数据 wx.request({ url: host + "collectionapi/insertcollection", data: { user_id: un_id, collection_clas: 2, collection_name: that.data.com_id, }, method: 'GET', // OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, CONNECT header: { 'Accept': 'application/json' }, success: function (res) { if (res == null || res.data == null) { console.error('网络请求失败'); return; } } }) this.setData({ collectState: true }) } else { wx.request({ url: host + "collectionapi / deleteforxcx", data: { user_id: un_id, collection_clas: 2, collection_name: that.data.com_id, }, method: 'GET', // OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, CONNECT header: { 'Accept': 'application/json' }, success: function (res) { if (res == null || res.data == null) { console.error('网络请求失败'); return; } } }) this.setData({ collectState: false }) } } }, //立即购买-去付款 tz: function (e) { var that = this; var host = getApp().globalData.servsers; var un_id = getApp().globalData.un_id; var openid = getApp().globalData.openid; var id = e.currentTarget.dataset.id; let carts = this.data.carts; var shangpin_id = this.data.shangpin_id; var name = this.data.title; var logo = this.data.bannerSml; var cost = this.data.newPrice; var cyc = this.data.cycle; var number = this.data.minNumber; var limitNum = this.data.num;//起订量 var acceptance = this.data.title; var region = this.data.title; var specifications = this.data.title; var comGroupId = []; var styleName1 = '', styleName2 = '', styleName3 = '', styleName4 = '', styleName5 = ''; var styleId1 = '', styleId2 = '', styleId3 = '', styleId4 = '', styleId5 = ''; //规格 : 名称 当前选中的index 当前选中的对应数据Id var style1 = that.data.Style1; var style1 = that.data.Style1; if (style1 == undefined || style1 == '' || style1 == null) { styleName1 = ''; styleId1 = ''; } else { var styleIndex1 = that.data.ruleClick1; if (styleIndex1 == '-') { that.setData({ hiddenmodal: false, modalCont: '请选择' + that.data.style1_name }) setTimeout(function () { that.setData({ hiddenmodal: true }) }, 1000) return false; } else { styleId1 = that.data.Style1[styleIndex1].id; styleName1 = that.data.Style1[styleIndex1].datasheet_name; comGroupId.push(that.data.Style1[styleIndex1].datasheet_id); } } var style2 = that.data.Style2; if (style2 == undefined || style2 == '' || style2 == null) { styleName2 = ''; styleId2 = ''; } else { var styleIndex2 = that.data.ruleClick2; if (styleIndex2 == '-') { that.setData({ hiddenmodal: false, modalCont: '请选择' + that.data.style2_name }) setTimeout(function () { that.setData({ hiddenmodal: true }) }, 1000) return false; } else { styleId2 = that.data.Style2[styleIndex2].id; styleName2 = that.data.Style2[styleIndex2].datasheet_name; comGroupId.push(that.data.Style2[styleIndex2].datasheet_id); } } var style3 = that.data.Style3; if (style3 == undefined || style3 == '' || style3 == null) { styleName3 = ''; styleId3 = ''; } else { var styleIndex3 = that.data.ruleClick3; if (styleIndex3 == '-') { that.setData({ hiddenmodal: false, modalCont: '请选择' + that.data.style3_name }) setTimeout(function () { that.setData({ hiddenmodal: true }) }, 1000) return false; } else { styleId3 = that.data.Style3[styleIndex3].id; styleName3 = that.data.Style3[styleIndex3].datasheet_name; comGroupId.push(that.data.Style3[styleIndex3].datasheet_id); } } var style4 = that.data.Style4; if (style4 == undefined || style4 == '' || style4 == null) { styleName4 = ''; styleId4 = ''; } else { var styleIndex4 = that.data.ruleClick4; if (styleIndex4 == '-') { that.setData({ hiddenmodal: false, modalCont: '请选择' + that.data.style4_name }) setTimeout(function () { that.setData({ hiddenmodal: true }) }, 1000) return false; } else { styleId4 = that.data.Style4[styleIndex4].id; styleName4 = that.data.Style1[styleIndex4].datasheet_name; comGroupId.push(that.data.Style4[styleIndex4].datasheet_id); } } var style5 = that.data.Style5; if (style5 == undefined || style5 == '' || style5 == null) { styleName5 = ''; styleId5 = ''; } else { var styleIndex5 = that.data.ruleClick5; if (styleIndex5 == '-') { that.setData({ hiddenmodal: false, modalCont: '请选择' + that.data.style5_name }) setTimeout(function () { that.setData({ hiddenmodal: true }) }, 1000) return false; } else { styleId5 = that.data.Style5[styleIndex5].id; styleName5 = that.data.Style5[styleIndex5].datasheet_name; comGroupId.push(that.data.Style5[styleIndex5].datasheet_id); } } var comGroupIdVal = comGroupId.join('-'); var saveStyleId = ''; for (var i = 0; i < that.data.groupList.length;i++){ if (that.data.groupList[i].datasheet_id == comGroupIdVal){ saveStyleId = that.data.groupList[i].id; } } //礼盒 名称 当前选中的index 当前选中的对应数据Id var selectBox = this.data.gixboxService; if (selectBox == undefined || selectBox == '') { var selectBoxName = ''; var selectBoxId = -1; var selectBoxPrice = 0; } else { var gixboxIndex = this.data.boxClick; if (gixboxIndex == '-') { that.setData({ hiddenmodal: false, modalCont: '请选择礼盒' }) setTimeout(function () { that.setData({ hiddenmodal: true }) }, 1000) return false; } else { var selectBoxId = this.data.gixboxService[gixboxIndex].id; var selectBoxName = this.data.gixboxService[gixboxIndex].giftbox_name; var selectBoxPrice = this.data.gixboxService[gixboxIndex].box_price; } } //定制 名称 当前选中的index 当前选中的对应数据Id var selectDingZhi = this.data.dingzhiService; if (selectDingZhi == undefined || selectDingZhi == '') { var selectDingZhiName = ''; var selectDingZhiId = -1; } else { var selectDingZhiIndex = this.data.dingZhiClick; if (selectDingZhiIndex == '-') { that.setData({ hiddenmodal: false, modalCont: '请选择定制' }) setTimeout(function () { that.setData({ hiddenmodal: true }) }, 1000) return false; } else { var selectDingZhiId = this.data.dingzhiService[selectDingZhiIndex].id; var selectDingZhiName = this.data.dingzhiService[selectDingZhiIndex].process_name; } } if ((un_id == undefined || un_id == '' || un_id == null) || (openid == undefined || openid == '' || openid == null)) { wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/authorize/authorize?link=buy', }) } else { var name = that.data.title; var com_id = that.data.com_id; var logo = that.data.bannerSml; var cost = that.data.newPrice; var acceptance = that.data.acceptance; var cyc = that.data.cycle; var minNumber = that.data.minNumber; var limitNum = that.data.num;//起订量 var allPrice = parseFloat(that.data.showPrice);//商品总价格【价格 + 礼盒价格】 var goodPrice = parseFloat(that.data.showPrice) - parseFloat(that.data.clickBoxPrice);//商品单独的价格 if (id == 0) {//加入购物车 let num = parseInt(that.data.minNumber); let oldNum = parseInt(that.data.cartNum); let newNum = oldNum + num; if (newNum > 99) { that.setData({ 'cartNum': '99+' }) } else { that.setData({ 'cartNum': newNum }) } //加入购物车 wx.request({ url: host + "shoppingcartapi/insertshoppingcart", data: { user_id: un_id, com_id: com_id, name: name, logo: logo, cost: goodPrice, cyc: cyc, num: minNumber, minNumber: limitNum, acceptance: acceptance, flag: 1, giftbox: selectBoxId, giftbox_name: selectBoxName, box_price: that.data.clickBoxPrice, process: selectDingZhiId, process_name: selectDingZhiName, style1_name: styleName1, style1: styleId1, style2_name: styleName2, style2: styleId2, style3_name: styleName3, style3: styleId3, style4_name: styleName4, style4: styleId4, style5_name: styleName5, style5: styleId5, comGroupId: saveStyleId,//商品组合规格id }, method: 'GET', // OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, CONNECT header: { 'Accept': 'application/json' }, success: function (res) { if (res == null || res.data == null) { console.error('网络请求失败'); return; } } }) } else { carts = [{ id: shangpin_id, com_id: shangpin_id, name: name, logo: logo, cost: goodPrice,//商品单独的价格 cyc: cyc, num: minNumber, acceptance: acceptance, region: region, specifications: specifications, flag: 1, giftbox: selectBoxId, giftbox_name: selectBoxName, box_price: that.data.clickBoxPrice, style1: styleId1, style1_name: styleName1, style2: styleId2, style2_name: styleName2, style3: styleId3, style3_name: styleName3, style4: styleId4, style4_name: styleName4, style5: styleId5, style5_name: styleName5, process: selectDingZhiId, process_name: selectDingZhiName, new_price: that.data.showPrice, com_group_id: saveStyleId,//商品组合规格id }]; this.setData({ carts: carts }) var newCarts = JSON.stringify(that.data.carts); newCarts = newCarts.replace(/&/g, "zss"); wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/confirmOrder/confirmOrder?carts=' + newCarts, }) } wx.getSystemInfo({ success: function (res) { animationShowHeight = res.windowHeight; } }) // 关闭遮罩层 var animation = wx.createAnimation({ duration: 400, timingFunction: 'linear' }) this.animation = animation; animation.bottom(0).step() this.setData({ isShow: false, cont_hidden: '', animationDataBuy: animation.export() }) setTimeout(function () { animation.bottom(-animationShowHeight).step() this.setData({ animationDataBuy: animation.export() }) }.bind(this), 200) animation.opacity(1).step() this.setData({ windBgShow: animation.export() }) setTimeout(function () { animation.opacity(0).step() this.setData({ isShow: false, windBgShow: animation.export() }) }.bind(this), 200) } }, imageLoad: function (e) { var that = this; var imageSize = {}; var originalWidth = e.detail.width;//图片原始宽 var originalHeight = e.detail.height;//图片原始高 var originalScale = originalHeight / originalWidth;//图片高宽比 wx.getSystemInfo({ success: function (res) { var windowWidth = res.windowWidth; var windowHeight = res.windowHeight; var windowscale = windowHeight / windowWidth;//屏幕高宽比 imageSize.imageHeight = (windowWidth * originalHeight) / originalWidth; } }) that.setData({ imageheight: imageSize.imageHeight, }) }, windOpen: function () { console.log("延时调用"); }, windClose: function () { this.setData({ hidden: true }); }, previewImg: function (e) {//banner图预览 var that = this; var currentUrl = e.currentTarget.dataset.src; wx.previewImage({ current: currentUrl, urls: that.data.imgList }) }, //显示选择商品&定制详情 showGoodsInfor: function () { var that = this; var scrollTop = that.data.scrollTop; that.setData({ chooseFlag: 1, cont_hidden: 'cont_hidden' }) wx.getSystemInfo({ success: function (res) { animationShowHeight = res.windowHeight; } }) // 显示遮罩层 var animation = wx.createAnimation({ duration: 400, timingFunction: 'linear', }) this.animation = animation animation.opacity(0).step() this.setData({ isShow: true, windBgShow: animation.export() }) setTimeout(function () { animation.opacity(1).step() this.setData({ windBgShow: animation.export() }) }.bind(this), 200) //内容 animation.bottom(-animationShowHeight).step() this.setData({ animationDataBuy: animation.export() }) setTimeout(function () { animation.bottom(0).step() this.setData({ animationDataBuy: animation.export() }) }.bind(this), 200) }, showServiceInfor: function () {//显示服务 var that = this; var scrollTop = that.data.scrollTop; that.setData({ stateId: 0, cont_hidden: 'cont_hidden' }); wx.getSystemInfo({ success: function (res) { animationShowHeight = res.windowHeight; } }) var animation = wx.createAnimation({ duration: 400, timingFunction: 'linear', }) this.animation = animation animation.opacity(0).step() this.setData({ isShow: true, windBgShow: animation.export() }) setTimeout(function () { animation.opacity(1).step() this.setData({ windBgShow: animation.export() }) }.bind(this), 200) animation.bottom(-animationShowHeight).step() this.setData({ animationDataSer: animation.export() }) setTimeout(function () { animation.bottom(0).step() this.setData({ animationDataSer: animation.export() }) }.bind(this), 200) }, closeBuy: function () {//关闭购买弹窗 var that = this; wx.getSystemInfo({ success: function (res) { animationShowHeight = res.windowHeight; } }) var animation = wx.createAnimation({ duration: 400, timingFunction: 'linear', }) this.animation = animation animation.opacity(1).step() this.setData({ windBgShow: animation.export() }) setTimeout(function () { animation.opacity(0).step() this.setData({ isShow: false, windBgShow: animation.export(), cont_hidden: '' }) }.bind(this), 200) // 显示遮罩层 animation.bottom(0).step() this.setData({ animationDataBuy: animation.export() }) setTimeout(function () { animation.bottom(-animationShowHeight).step() this.setData({ animationDataBuy: animation.export() }) }.bind(this), 200) }, closeService: function () {//关闭服务弹窗 var that = this; that.setData({ chooseFlag: 0, cont_hidden: '' }) wx.getSystemInfo({ success: function (res) { animationShowHeight = res.windowHeight; } }) var animation = wx.createAnimation({ duration: 400, timingFunction: 'linear', }) this.animation = animation animation.opacity(1).step() this.setData({ windBgShow: animation.export() }) setTimeout(function () { animation.opacity(0).step() this.setData({ isShow: false, windBgShow: animation.export() }) }.bind(this), 200) // 内容 animation.bottom(0).step() this.setData({ animationDataSer: animation.export() }) setTimeout(function () { animation.bottom(-animationShowHeight).step() this.setData({ animationDataSer: animation.export() }) }.bind(this), 200) }, onShareAppMessage: function (res) {//页面分享 var that = this; var host = getApp().globalData.servsers; if (res.from === 'button') { // 来自页面内转发按钮 } return { title: that.data.title, path: '/pages/buy/buy?com_id=' + that.data.com_id + '&from_flag=' + 1, imageUrl: host + 'images/' + that.data.bannerShare, success: function (res) { // 转发成功 that.setData({ hiddenmodal: false, modalCont: '分享成功' }) setTimeout(function () { that.setData({ hiddenmodal: true }) }, 1000) }, fail: function (res) { // 取消分享、转发失败 } } }, //关闭具有时效性商品的购买提示 closeMsg: function () { var that = this; that.setData({ isSpecialGood: false }) }, //返回首页 backIndex: function (e) { wx.switchTab({ url: '/pages/index/index', }) } }) var that; var imageUtil = require('../../utils/util.js');