//index.js //获取应用实例 var app = getApp(); let host = app.globalData.servsers; // 请求的url var coupon = [ { coupon_monry : '1000', coupon_rule : '9999', coupon_name: '新年专属红包', coupon_begin_time: '2018-01-01', coupon_end_time: '2018-02-08' }, { coupon_monry: '300', coupon_rule: '4999', coupon_name: '新年专属红包', coupon_begin_time: '2018-01-01', coupon_end_time: '2018-02-08' }, { coupon_monry: '50', coupon_rule: '999', coupon_name: '新年专属红包', coupon_begin_time: '2018-01-01', coupon_end_time: '2018-02-08' } ]; Page({ data: { urlHttp: '', host : '', scrollLeft: 0,//tab标题的滚动条位置 search:{ placeholder:"输入搜索关键字" }, navArray:[ { src:'/images/news/nav_1.png', bg:'#fafcff', type:0, href:'/' }, { src: '/images/news/nav_2.png', bg: '#fef9f8', type: 1, href: '/pages/kindSecondList/kindSecondList' }, { src: '/images/news/nav_3.png', bg: '#f7f6fb', type: 2, href: '/customized/pages/index/index' }, { src: '/images/news/nav_4.png', bg: '#f1f7fc', type: 3, href: '/pages/patternMenu/patternMenu' } ], navList:["推荐","中秋","改良生活","优化办公","智能科技"], firstActive: "header_nav_active", currentItem : '', flag:true, banners: [], rexiao: [], tuijian: [], tuijiannew: [], forviewFir: [], forviewSec: [], forviewtitele: '', title1: '', title2: '', title3: '', intro1: '', intro2: '', intro3: '', id1: '', id2: '', id3: '', src1: '', src2: '', src3: '', src4: '', src5: '', src6: '', price1: '', price2: '', price3: '', host: '', idTwo: '', find_name: '', find_id: '', find_logo: '', find_yuedu: '', find_shoucang: '', datatime: new Date().getTime(), city_name: '', jingpin: {// 发现精品 id: 1, src: "../../images/jingxuan_banner.jpg", title: "各星座员工生日礼品如何选", liulan: 117, zan: 34 }, page: 1, hasMore: true, hidden : '', winHeight: "",//窗口高度 coupon: coupon, //优惠劵 showCoupon : false, couponSta : 0,//对于用户来说,是否是第一次显示 un_id : '', showMsg : true, //显示切换模式提示 showChangeModel : false, //显示切换模式确认弹窗 bannerFlag : 0, //banner数量 recommendArray:[], // /推荐数组 goodsNewsArray:[], //按照时间排序来 // channelId:null ,//用户登录后的id page:1, //默认第一页 limit:10, //展示的数量 requestState:true, //请求状态,默认是有数据的 loginStatic:false, //登陆状态,默认为false }, //tab切换 tagChoose: function (options) { var that = this var name = options.currentTarget.dataset.name; var des = options.currentTarget.dataset.des; var forid = options.currentTarget.dataset.forid; wx:wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/kindSecondList/kindSecondList?classify_name=' + name + '&classify_des=' + des + '&id=' + forid }) }, // 滚动切换标签样式 switchTab: function (e) { var that = this; var host = getApp().globalData.servsers; var current = e.detail.current; if (e.detail.current == 0){ var forid = 0; }else{ var forid = that.data.navList[e.detail.current - 1].id; var forname = that.data.navList[e.detail.current - 1].classify_name; var classifydes = that.data.navList[e.detail.current - 1].classify_des; } this.setData({ currentItem: e.detail.current }) if (forid > 0) { wx.request({ url: that.data.host + "classifyapi/findAllforviewFir", data: { id: forid }, method: 'GET', // OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, CONNECT flag: true, header: { 'Accept': 'application/json' }, success: function (res) { wx.request({ url: that.data.host + "commodityapi/findOneforxcx", data: { com_id: forid, }, method: 'GET', // OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, CONNECT flag: true, header: { 'Accept': 'application/json' }, success: function (res) { that.setData({ tuijiannew: res.data.rows }); if (res == null || res.data == null) { console.error('网络请求失败'); return; } } }); that.setData({ forviewFir: res.data.rows, forviewtitele: res.data.rows[0].classify_des, 'firstActive': "", flag: false, }); if (res == null || res.data == null) { console.error('网络请求失败'); return; } } }); } else { //设置当前样式 that.setData({ 'firstActive': "", 'currentItem':0, flag: true, }) } that.checkCor(); }, checkCor: function () { if (this.data.currentItem > 2) { this.setData({ scrollLeft: 300 }) } else { this.setData({ scrollLeft: 0 }) } }, onLoad: function () { var that = this; var host = getApp().globalData.servsers; var un_id = getApp().globalData.un_id; that.setData({ urlHttp : host }) //首页banner wx.request({ url: host+"homebannerapi/homebannerall", data: {}, method: 'GET', // OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, CONNECT header: { 'Accept': 'application/json' }, success: function (res) { that.setData({ banners: res.data.rows, host: host }); console.log(res.data.rows); //判断banner位置是否为空 for (var i = 0; i < res.data.rows.length;i++){ var bannerFlag = that.data.bannerFlag; if (bannerFlag > 0){ return false; }else{ if (res.data.rows[i].banner_flag == 0) { bannerFlag++; that.setData({ bannerFlag: bannerFlag }) return false; } } } //console.log(that.data.banners); if (res == null || res.data == null) { console.error('网络请求失败'); return; } } }); //品牌定制 wx.request({ url: host + "brandapi/findforfirst", data: {}, method: 'GET', header: { 'Accept': 'application/json' }, success: function (res) { if (res.data.rows[0] == undefined) { that.setData({ hidden: 'hidden' }) }else{ var img = res.data.rows[0].brand_logo; that.setData({ title1: res.data.rows[0].brand_name, intro1: res.data.rows[0].brand_des, src1: res.data.rows[0].brand_logo, src4: res.data.rows[0].brand_logo1, price1: res.data.rows[0].price, id1: res.data.rows[0].id, }); } if (res.data.rows[1] == undefined) { // that.setData({ // hidden: 'hidden' // }) } else { var img = res.data.rows[0].brand_logo; that.setData({ title2: res.data.rows[1].brand_name, intro2: res.data.rows[1].brand_des, src2: res.data.rows[1].brand_logo, src5: res.data.rows[1].brand_logo1, price2: res.data.rows[1].price, id2: res.data.rows[1].id, }); } if (res.data.rows[2] == undefined) { // that.setData({ // hidden: 'hidden' // }) } else { var img = res.data.rows[0].brand_logo; that.setData({ title3: res.data.rows[2].brand_name, intro3: res.data.rows[2].brand_des, src3: res.data.rows[2].brand_logo, src6: res.data.rows[2].brand_logo1, price3: res.data.rows[2].price, id3: res.data.rows[2].id, }); } if (res == null || res.data == null) { console.error('网络请求失败'); return; } } }) // 高度自适应 wx.getSystemInfo({ success: function (res) { var clientHeight = res.windowHeight, clientWidth = res.windowWidth, rpxR = 750 / clientWidth; var calc = clientHeight * rpxR; that.setData({ winHeight: calc }); } }); }, onReady:function(e){ var that = this; var host = getApp().globalData.servsers; //判断时间,在规定时间内显示优惠劵弹窗 var beiginTime = '2017/12/28'; var endTime = '2018/01/08'; var beginTimestamp = beiginTime.replace(/-/g, '/'); beginTimestamp = Date.parse(beginTimestamp); var endTimestamp = endTime.replace(/-/g, '/'); endTimestamp = Date.parse(endTimestamp); //获取当前日期 var date = new Date(); var Y = date.getFullYear(); var M = (date.getMonth() + 1 < 10 ? '0' + (date.getMonth() + 1) : date.getMonth() + 1); var D = date.getDate() < 10 ? '0' + date.getDate() : date.getDate(); var nowTime = Y + '/' + M + '/' + D; nowTime = nowTime.replace(/-/g, '/'); nowTime = Date.parse(nowTime); wx.login({ success: function (res) { var code = res.code; wx.getUserInfo({ withCredentials: true, success: function (res) { wx.request({ url: host + "userapi/insertadd", data: { user_id: code, name: res.userInfo.nickName, icon: res.userInfo.avatarUrl, iv: res.iv, encryptedData: res.encryptedData, }, method: 'GET', // OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, CONNECT header: { 'Accept': 'application/json' }, success: function (res) { that.setData({ un_id: res.data.unionId }) var un_id = res.data.unionId; if (parseInt(nowTime) >= parseInt(beginTimestamp) && parseInt(nowTime) <= parseInt(endTimestamp)) {//当前日期在优惠劵领取时间内 console.log("un_id:" + un_id); if (un_id != undefined && un_id != '' && un_id != null){ wx.request({//优惠活动-对于用户来说,是否应该显示 url: host + "mycouponapi/getAlertFlag", data: { user_id: un_id, batch_no: 1, alert_num: 1//优惠活动对于每个用户来说,一共显示的次数 }, method: 'GET', // OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, CONNECT header: { 'Accept': 'application/json' }, success: function (res) { if (res.data == 0) { that.setData({ showCoupon: true }) } else { that.setData({ showCoupon: false }) } if (res == null || res.data == null) { console.error('网络请求失败'); return; } } }); } } if (res == null || res.data == null) { console.error('网络请求失败'); return; } } }) } }) } }) }, footerTap: app.footerTap, onShow:function(){ var that = this; that.onLoad(); //商品推荐 that.getGoodsRecommendList(that); // 按照时间排序 that.setData({ goodsNewsArray:[], page:1, }) that.getGoodsNews(that) if (wx.getStorageSync('channelIdObj').channelId) { that.setData({ loginStatic: true, }) } }, //跳转到“发现”tab页 find:function(e){ wx.switchTab({ url : "/pages/find/index" }) }, onReachBottom(){ var that = this; if (that.data.requestState) { that.setData({ page: that.data.page + 1 }) that.getGoodsNews(that) } console.log('到底了') }, //下拉刷新 onPullDownRefresh: function (e) { }, onShareAppMessage: function (res) {//页面分享 var that = this; var host = getApp().globalData.servsers; if (res.from === 'button') { // 来自页面内转发按钮 console.log(res.target) } return { title:'大良造-精良之选,用心造物!', path: '/pages/index/index', success: function (res) { }, fail: function (res) { // 转发失败 } } }, //关闭优惠劵弹窗 closeCoupon:function(e){ var that = this; that.setData({ showCoupon : false }) }, //关闭切换模式提示 closeMsg:function(e){ var that = this; that.setData({ showMsg : false }) }, //打开切换提示 openChangeModel:function(e){ var that = this; that.setData({ showMsg: false, showChangeModel: true }) }, //跳转至一键选礼 goChooseGift:function(e){ var that = this; that.setData({ showChangeModel : false }) wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/patternMenu/patternMenu' }) }, //关闭切换模式确认弹窗 closeChangeModel:function(e){ var that = this; that.setData({ showChangeModel: false }) }, // 商品推荐 getGoodsRecommendList(that){ let data ={ limit: 6, offset: 1, channelId: wx.getStorageSync('channelIdObj').channelId ? wx.getStorageSync('channelIdObj').channelId : "" } wx.request({ url: host + '/commodityapi/queryCommodityGroom', method:"get", data: data, success(res){ res.data.rows.forEach(el => { el.logo = el.commodity_logo.split(",") }) that.setData({ recommendArray:res.data.rows }) } }) }, // 按时间排序来的 getGoodsNews(that){ let data = { limit: that.data.limit, offset: that.data.page, channelId: wx.getStorageSync('channelIdObj').channelId ? wx.getStorageSync('channelIdObj').channelId : "" } wx.request({ url: host + '/commodityapi/findAllforNewproduct', method: "get", data: data, success(res) { let goods = that.data.goodsNewsArray; console.log(goods) if (that.data.page == 1){ goods = []; } goods.push(...res.data.rows); console.log(goods) that.setData({ goodsNewsArray: goods, requestState: res.data.rows.length === that.data.limit }) } }) }, toGoodsDetail(e) { // 进入商品详情页 let that = this, id = e.currentTarget.dataset.id; wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/buy/buy?com_id=' + id, }) }, navTap(e){ // console.log(e); let item = e.currentTarget.dataset.item; if (item.type == 1 && !wx.getStorageSync('channelIdObj')) { // 表示是优质的杯,并且还没有登录过渠道 wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/login/login?url=' + item.href, }) } else { wx.navigateTo({ url: item.href, }) } }, tapMomo(){ if (!wx.getStorageSync('channelIdObj')) { // 还没有登录过渠道 wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/login/login?url=/pages/momo/momo', }) } else { wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/momo/momo', }) } } }) var banners = [] // 热销新品 var rexiao = [] // 热销新品 var pinpai = [] // 人气推荐 var tuijian = [] var that; var Util = require('../../utils/util.js');