// pages/bindingPhone/bindingPhone.js var app = getApp(); Page({ data: { user_phone:'',//绑定的手机号码 code:'',//验证码 oldCode : '',//短信验证码 userName:'',//联系人 userTelephone:'',//手机号码 hiddenmodal: true, //弹窗 modalCont: '',//提示内容 prevPageUrl:'',//上一个页面的地址 codeCont:'获取验证码', time_nun:'',//获取验证码后的样式 wait:60,//倒计时时间 }, onLoad: function (options) { var that = this; var host = getApp().globalData.servsers; var un_id = getApp().globalData.un_id; var pages = getCurrentPages(); var currPage = pages[pages.length - 1]; //当前页面 var prevPage = pages[pages.length - 2]; //上一个页面 var prevPageUrl = ''; if (prevPage != undefined) { that.setData({ prevPageUrl: prevPage.route }) } }, userNameInput: function (e) { this.setData({ userName: e.detail.value }) }, userTelephoneInput: function (e) { this.setData({ userTelephone: e.detail.value }) }, codeInput:function(e){ this.setData({ code: e.detail.value }) }, //获取验证码 checkYanzhengma:function(){ var that = this; var host = getApp().globalData.servsers; var un_id = getApp().globalData.un_id; var userName = that.data.userName; var userTelephone = that.data.userTelephone; var code = that.data.code; var codeCont = that.data.codeCont; if (codeCont != '获取验证码'){ return false; } if (userTelephone == '') { that.setData({ hiddenmodal: false, modalCont: '请填写手机号' }) setTimeout(function () { that.setData({ hiddenmodal: true }) }, 1000) return false; } if (!checkMobile(that)) { that.setData({ hiddenmodal: false, modalCont: '请输入正确的手机号' }) setTimeout(function () { that.setData({ hiddenmodal: true }) }, 1000) return false; } wx.request({ url: host + 'commodityapi/sendCode', data: { user_phone: userTelephone }, method: 'GET', // OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, CONNECT header: { 'Accept': 'application/json' }, success: function (data) { if (data.data == "0") { that.setData({ hiddenmodal: false, modalCont: '该手机号已被使用!' }) setTimeout(function () { that.setData({ hiddenmodal: true }) }, 1000) return false; } else if (data.data == '1') { that.setData({ hiddenmodal: false, modalCont: '验证码发送失败!' }) setTimeout(function () { that.setData({ hiddenmodal: true }) }, 1000) return false; } else { that.setData({ oldCode: data.data }) that.time(that); } } }) }, //绑定手机 bangdingFun:function(){ var that = this; var pages = getCurrentPages(); var currPage = pages[pages.length - 1]; //当前页面 var prevPage = pages[pages.length - 2]; //上一个页面 var host = getApp().globalData.servsers; var un_id = getApp().globalData.un_id; var userName = that.data.userName; var userTelephone = that.data.userTelephone; var code = that.data.code; var oldCode = that.data.oldCode; var prevPageUrl = that.data.prevPageUrl; if (userName == '') { that.setData({ hiddenmodal: false, modalCont: '请填写联系人' }) setTimeout(function () { that.setData({ hiddenmodal: true }) }, 1000) return false; } if (userTelephone == '') { that.setData({ hiddenmodal: false, modalCont: '请填写手机号' }) setTimeout(function () { that.setData({ hiddenmodal: true }) }, 1000) return false; } if (code == '') { that.setData({ hiddenmodal: false, modalCont: '请填写验证码' }) setTimeout(function () { that.setData({ hiddenmodal: true }) }, 1000) return false; } console.log("oldCode:" + oldCode); console.log("code:" + code); if (oldCode != code){ that.setData({ hiddenmodal: false, modalCont: '验证码错误,请重新输入' }) setTimeout(function () { that.setData({ hiddenmodal: true, code : '' }) }, 1000) return false; } if (un_id != undefined && un_id != '' && un_id != null){ wx.request({ url: host + 'commodityapi/bindingPhone', data:{ user_phone: userTelephone, user_id: un_id, user_name: userName }, method: 'GET', // OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, CONNECT header: { 'Accept': 'application/json' }, success: function (data) { console.log(data); if (data == "0") { that.setData({ hiddenmodal: false, modalCont: '操作失败,请重试!' }) setTimeout(function () { that.setData({ hiddenmodal: true }) }, 1000) return false; } else { that.setData({ hiddenmodal: false, modalCont: '绑定成功' }) setTimeout(function () { that.setData({ hiddenmodal: true }) prevPage.setData({ user_phone: userTelephone }) wx.navigateBack({ delta: 1 }) }, 1500) return false; } } }) } }, //倒计时 time:function(){ var that = this; var wait = that.data.wait; if (wait == 0) { that.setData({ codeCont: '获取验证码', oldCode:'', wait : 60 }) }else{ that.setData({ codeCont: wait + '秒' }) wait--; that.setData({ wait: wait }) setTimeout(function () { that.time(that) }, 1000) } }, //跳过 jumpBinding:function(e){ var that = this; var pages = getCurrentPages(); var currPage = pages[pages.length - 1]; //当前页面 var prevPage = pages[pages.length - 2]; //上一个页面 prevPage.setData({ user_phone:1 }) wx.navigateBack({ delta: 1 }) //调用支付页面的支付方法 prevPage.save(); } }) //验证电话 function checkMobile(that) { var userTelephone = that.data.userTelephone;; if (trim(userTelephone) != "") { var regu = /^[1][3-9][0-9]{9}$/; var re = new RegExp(regu); if (re.test(userTelephone)) { return true; } else { return false; } } } function trim(str) { //删除左右两端的空格 return str.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, ""); }